Happy Holidays /r/Drama!

1  2018-12-01 by justcool393

Hey, it's this time of the year and shit. Subreddit is 18+ until the end of the holiday season because of the sidebar.

Have fun and happy hannuakah, merry christmas, happy kwanzaa, and happy bodhi day.


Happy Holidays

Christcucks on suicide


/r/drama is a soldier in the War on Christmas

I won't rest until the last jingle bell has been rocked

Snally and Jewsidon sitting in a tree


What do yous do for Christmas? Serious question btw

Eat Chinese food. Serious answer btw.

Ugh, I hate Chinese food.

You’re broken then.

The bastardization of Cantonese cuisine that passes for """Chinese""'" food here in Burgerland is the true abomination.


Today, join /r/drama for the war on Christmas

HH brothers

This shit sucks. Your gay ass picture on the right isn't worth the extra click to get here.

NO dude you don’t get it

It’s fucking epic


Based and basedpilled

Let's rank the holidays.

Christmas > Hannuakah > whatever Bodhi is >>>> Kwanzaa

Halloween uber alles sweaty

No feast, No thankyou.

Ah shit u right

Who’s stopping you feasting on Halloween? Or is that when you mustards fast?

All the same things that are stopping you - an actual feast

What is gorging yourself on a garbage bag full of individually wrapped candies if not a feast?

Fuck no. Huge amounts of food and gifts > playing dress up

The only good thing about Halloween is sluts in costumes. The rest is Meh.

Hanukkah is a ripoff of Christmas and Kwanzaa is just people getting (((tricked))) into celebrating Hanukkah

Saturnalia is obviously the best, you Abrahamic cuck.

Imagine denying the common the feast because you want to hold on to old customs

you filthy pagans need to go back to whatever hole in the ground spit you out

NSFW motherfuckers

Well, we'd worship mother Christmas, but you stoned her to death.

Happy ramadan! Wait is ramadan the same time as christmas this year?

This is what the CSS looks like with dark mode on.

You monsters. You finally did it. You finally made me uncheck "use subreddit style."

This was like the one sub I left it on for too 😢

that was unintentional. I fixed it.

it's working for me, but I've tried to make another fix. I believe there is 2 night mode versions of RES and that may be what's causing it, but hopefully this works.

Hey look it's beautiful 😍😍😍

Ebin and based CSSmaster

Can you fix the ridiculous CPU load the CSS auses?

I've had it off for months. How much gayness would I be subjecting myself to, on a scale of Tay to Platy?

It's actually beautiful. Not obtrusive and full of good old /r/drama charm.

Happy non-denominational winter solstice festival!

fuck this gay shit

Oh. Hey. Welcome back bud

where the fuck did you find this CSS.

it was in the revision history for the stylesheet. I had to make some tweaks and re-find some of the images.

Damn that's impressive.

Sweet, love ya JC 😘😘

The Grinch did nothing wrong.

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The Grinch hacking Honda's twitter was unforgivable




Anyone else with a Honda getting "recall" text msgs?

We aren't 18+ until the mdefugees get purged

Subreddit is 18+ until the end of the holiday season because of the sidebar.

This is unironically stupid


no u

The admins are cockmunchers, it is known.

where did you get this picture??

I've no idea, but probably through reddit somehow. I've had it on my PC since 2012, apparently.

Wasn't expecting to see 3 elves running a train on each other today, but here we are.


I just wanted to tip m’fedora to you

These changes are fucking EPIC bro hahahahaha


bro I’m just picturing how epic this BTFO is

Fucking awesome hahahaha


Yay. You're back.

Who's picking the sidebar images? Fantastic taste A++

HH (Happy Hanukkah)

Can the miracle of [Generic Holiday] bring back our beloved Hodor?

Greatest holiday is Labor Day. Start of football season and get those damn kids back in school.

Wait, which image makes it 18+

Who's the faggot that decided to put his wank collection in the side bar?