Reddit powermods sperg out about the possibility of losing their power.

1  2018-12-01 by lol_reddit_powermods


You didn't even read it, did you? You just disregarded it because it doesn't fit your world view. You are pathetic, scum of the earth. People present you with scientifically backed evidence showing how the world really is and you disregard it because it is brought to your attention by a group of people you find inferior to you.


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On the one hand powermods are subhuman garbage, on the other hand admins are the rancid shit you find clogging a run-down gas station bathroom the one time you REALLY have to go.

I feel like the only safe bet here is that this will be good for Dramacoin.

I agree this is really retarded idea, but if this goes live it will cause lot's of issues fun.

Unfortunately the failure in /r/libertarian was so dismal that even the admins ahev understood it's an awful idea.

And redditiors are the maggots eating shit.

Sounds like small subreddits would have no chance against hostile takeovers from organized bigger groups than the regular subscribers.

Great for drama coin, though.

Can’t wait for ten thousand new Chapo and t_d subs

Our shitposts shall blot out the sun.

If it kills reddit then I'm game.

Sounds like small subreddits would have no chance against hostile takeovers from organized bigger groups.

r/libertarian solutions seemed t Be ban "brigaders" until a vote to repeal the polls passed (it has)

the experiment lasted all of a day and was a complete shitshow


tow the line

nice rotsky faggot

/> tfw when you don't realize how dumb you are


So from the sounds of things, digg-style powerusers are coming back then?

That writing has been on the wall for a long ass time now. They've pretty clearly just been waiting for digg4 to pass out of memory.

Not to mention the karma system.

I member.

I hope so. If only to fuck with powermods.

Didn't reddit only get popular because digg alienated everyone?

If reddit got too annoying, to what semi-obscure up-and-coming site would the redditfugees flee? Is there even one out there?

(And don't say voat.kkk or whatever.)

(And don't say voat.kkk or whatever.)


Digg was never as dominant as reddit is though

Oh no, losers who waste their time accumulating internet "power" will try to steal "power" from losers who waste their time accumulating internet "power"


The admins killing off powermods would single-handedly improve Reddit, and what's better is no one would come to their defense because everyone hates them.

The only thing worse than power mods running the show would be your typical commenter.

It wouldn’t, it would be “ExecutionBreast” running everything

I can't wait to see the power user whining when they are preemptively banned from every sub.

N8thegr8 and other retards will whine when they're finally digitally lynched like they deserve

Long drop short stop

Vote for me please

Moderators RISE UP!

No. Tayposters should have power removed, not gained

Reported for bullying.

It's over for taycels.

I am a one policy voter and that policy is gas tayposters

Wow it's like the Illuminati from the Deus ex games but way gayer

"it's afraid."

Nothing would make me happier than to see users like phedre get autobanned by every sub above 10k subscribers, while simultaneously other powermods get cucked by their own users.

But then authority would simply flow from douchebag powermods to douchebag powerusers (Mallowfloob for instance).

Gee, if only there was some predecessor to reddit that the the admins could look at and go "Huh. This was a really retarded idea. Let's not do this."

This is a terrible idea. How are reddit admins so dumb. If they really cared about making mods less shitty they'd put a fairly low limit to the number of subs you can mod on a single account and then actually caring about complaints about mods.

How are reddit admins so dumb.

Have you seen the redesign?

no i turn it off like a normal person

But powermods often have multiple accounts.

It makes it less convenient though

It's libertarians, it's not like any of them have any idea about what will actually happen or how it will work

I hate power mods.

I hate reddit.

I'm in favor of this polling nosense as it will kill reddit even quicker.

This was merely experimental autism, alas.

Agree. I hope this kind of shit takes over so reddit dies quicker and power mods have the only meaningful thing in their life get taken away from them.

It won't last, but it's hilarious.

Aww, this shit is finally happening, son!

if they limit what the voting is about, say just reversing mod decisions, i'm ok with this:

it's the democratic check, while mods still have the only power to act.

this could get interesting


If this takes place here we will become either MDE 2.0 or Chapo 2.0.



They should just prohibit IP's from modding more than 10 subs.

This is better then the 1848 German revolution Monarchist reeeing when democrats took over. History repeats itself.