r/FragileWhiteRedditor and r/FuckTheAltRight mod who had CPS called on her now wants to sue for defamation.

1  2018-12-01 by belle_welfare

Dear ol' belleariel had CPS called on her when she admitted to a 5-day drug bender. r/Loungers got banned, so they made their own site and post their ramblings there. Belle is feeling out of control when there are no admins to contact, so she's pretty mad. She is now determined to use her welfare money to sue for defamation.

Link to her rant: https://old.reddit.com/r/britposting/comments/a25o00/off_topic_to_the_person_on_a_former_site_claiming/

archive in case she's already deleted it (she usually deletes soon after posting so just in case): http://archive.is/HMp6g


Another post from you. I'm sure this one will be great. I'm sure I won't be disappointed in the least.


  1. http://archive.is/HMp6g - Outline

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The only point you'll ever have is that you represent the sad, fedora-wearing, bloated face of capitalism in the 21st century.

Unfairly made famous and rich through copied ideas and appealing to kids. And yet is driven by some bizarre need for attention to spout insane, teenage edge lord style views. You are clearly not all that up on politics (or anything, maybe you can code?) yet your wealth has given you an oversized platform of confused 12 to 16 year olds to yell "sjwjjwjwj" at over and over again.

Honestly, I don't give a shit if you've been driven mad by fame or some bullshit. When I see amazing creative people dying depressed in poverty every day and you get to sit on twitter and make half assed 'now yur the nazi' comments, it's fucking sickening.


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is

  2. r/Loungers - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is*

  3. https://old.reddit.com/r/britpostin... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is

  4. http://archive.is/HMp6g - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is

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They should chill out and smoke a joint or some crack

They prefer opiates

Mayos smh

Lol. So will she be begging a lawyer to accept her case pro bono or try to pay in drugs/benefits?

Maybe she gets a free Orange Julius.

All three.

sounds like she needs to go back to doing drugs

She never stopped bro

What the fuck is wrong with fuckthealtright. They have mods that have CPS called and convicted sex offenders on the moderation team.

Eh, it's the same thing with all people who hold extremely strong political opinions that involve hating the "other side."

"That guys in my political tribe, therefore all that other stuff he does couldnt be all that bad!!!! Its those other guys in that tribe over there who are terrible people! All of em!" - Every political hack ever

Most left wing subs get their mod talent from people who are pretty fucked up.

They treat leftism like goths or punks treat a subculture

They treat leftism like goths or punks treat a subculture

what does this even mean

Far leftism has become a sub culture for the hippies while far right has become a sub culture for the neckbeards. What's ironic is that that the hippies who come from generally well to do families should be rooting for capitalism while the tendie loving neckbeards should be rooting for communism.

I think a better way of putting it is that politics has become like sports. You support your team no matter who owns them, who plays.for.them and who manages them. Doesn't matter who they raped assaulted or how many dogs died in their name.

That's because sports manages to tap into fundamental human tribalism.

Far leftism has become a sub culture for the hippies while far right has become a sub culture for the neckbeards.

I agree that they're both lame, but when I picture hippies, I'm not picturing people whining about cultural appropriation and 50 genders, I'm just picturing people in tie dye shirts smoking weed and dropping acid. And when I think of neckbeards, I'm picturing more of /r/MensLib posters.

Tbf we have a serial killer and several serial autists

Mueller needs to drop the Russia investigation immediately and turn his attention to the more urgent problem of Brits with mental health issues manipulating American social media.

Wait belleAriel istat tthe chick who gets ban from everywhere for being insane and telling recovering adicts how great drugs are?

Imagine being so British you can’t even use the internet correctly

I believe they call it the "winter pet".

I came across this lunatic BelleAriel once, a few months ago and she is crazy. She made a loaded post on /r/AskReddit asking for opinions on capitalism. When she had comments pointing out the pros of capitalism she kind of went crazy making really malicious responses with absolutely no relevance, just personal attacks, one of them to me.

When she got downvoted by 5 (literally 5 downvotes) she threatened to contact the admins for brigading and then deleted the post.

She's so stupid that she sees every downvote as a personal vendetta and not a downvote for a ridiculous and extreme political stance (/r/FragileWhiteRedditor for example). and her complete inability to debate a point.

/r/Britposting is gold - so fun to see her making posts and answering herself and banning everyone even those who agree. A little echo chamber all of her own. It's actually really sad in view of the fact that she has a child and such an extreme drug and alcohol abuse problem - I've learned this from all the posts evidencing her doxxing people and terrible rants.

Most entertaining.

lol she is comedy gold and batshit crazy. That's why I took a snapshot of my own, because she deletes quickly before losing precious karma.

I did make a screenshot of my run in with her but I'm reluctant to post it as I've given her a derogatory tag so that I'm sure not to respond to her in future. There seem to be so many people who've had an 'experience' with her. And, yes, she just deletes everything. I'm really amused to note that whenever someone uses a new word (to her) when trying to debate her she immediately adopts it as her own. Bless.

How did they find her doxx?

If you mean how did they find out who she is IRL she made a habit of telling everyone all over the internet...in great detail. Most of it is still out there if you search her old and well used username (Evelievibe)...you might need an hour or 2