Boomer memes in the Boomer Tube. We need an “Unironically posted” flair.

1  2018-12-02 by zappapostrophe


I did a research paper this summer on this subreddit and there was a published study that found that 74% of attacks on Reddit came from 1% of source subreddits. I assume that subs like r/Drama are the 1%.


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Bukkake is a form of white supremacy, just not a racial kind.


So who's that orange guy beside him

Notorilnmous bond villain and fashion designer Hugo Avay

He wandered away from this event too. Good thing he has all those security people around him or he'd be one of those sad "missing person" notifications of an old person who just wandered away one day and was never heard from until found frozen somewhere.

Do you think he makes all his staff wear name tags and what they do?

He literally calls every one of his staff by the same name and they all just have to guess who he's talking to.

Are you my son?

No Mr President, I'm Mike Pence, your Vice President.

Oh, OK.... When is my son taking me to Cracker Barrel?

You know, I actually miss the days when T_D's userbase was mainly that of /pol/, and not dementia-ridden boomers. At least the had some amount of self-awareness then.

Yeah it really says something when even the /pol/tards pull a fuck-this-shit-im-out

Very dependent on the thread I think; boomer-tier shit brings out the boomers

i literally cannot imagine being a human being, with a brain of normal development, and thinking that that maymay is real

how does it happen? there cant literally be thousands of people who are actually (like actual diagnosis) senile enough browsing reddit to upvote it

You can do a lot more like this than the one that thing with that is the same thing but it’s a pretty solid thing that you would like and I would have never been there for a few more.

it took me 3 comment chains worth of scrolling to realize i was in r/the_donald and not just r/drama making fun of boomers. holy shit, whats happened to that place

Looks like I've got to break the bad news to you.

Believe it or not, MAGAcels are genuinely retarded.

Two years of Boomers flooding the subreddit post-election has driven away or utterly overwhelmed the edgy /pol/ types that were there beforehand.

He cries for setting up a Christmas tree, the second gayest holiday activity imaginable. But he won't go a memorial of real men who died for their countries' freedoms. Is Daddy secretly a homosexual? Is he the bottom bitch for Vlad Putin?

Look, that Easter blowjob was just a standard de-escalation blowie, nothing gay about it.

Is he the bottom bitch for Vlad Putin?

No, he watches while Vlad fucks Mohammed bin Salman. And then Daddy busts in his hair, which is his daily hair care and styling routine.

This is my President. What a relief after eight years of Christmas hate.

Dementia is a hell of a drug but holy shit these ""people"" are fucking stupid

He also tweeted about Hanukkah right after they posted this lol

Bush never cried.

Religious people are so gullible. When I was younger I thought about being a pastor just so I could tell other people what to do and get their sweet 10%+ every Sunday . All I would have to do is say things already written in a covert way that benefits me . Anything else I can say it's the devil's fault.

I would have lived like a king. But I realized I'm not a psychopath and would end up forced to wake up early Sunday morning

Nothing but respect for MY president! Crying in public to OWN the libtards and WINNING the war on Christmas!


Yeah, he was wiping something out of his eye. Fucking tears don't come out of that part of your eye.