/u/Ultrashitposter went to a wedding

1  2018-12-02 by AgentGotse


You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in.


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Since the mods in that sub don’t have the BALLS to let the TRUTH be spoken, let me say it here: that guy’s a Muslim lol

That's how i lost my first wife/cousin :(

I knew you were a closet Paki!

Arabs don't need paki's to tell us how to marry cousins ;)

How often do Arabs just shoot shit up into the air? Even us lards don't don't do that.

It's usually done after wedding ceremonies and whenever there's a special reason to celebrate. Like shortly after 9/11.

I can't find it but a similar one I saw is when the groom starts firing at the ground and continues to fire upward in an arch. He kills the man standing directly in front of him (obviously)

There's always the terrible one when they give a little girl a modified automatic weapon and squeezes the trigger and it spins around from recoil and brains her.

Guns are dangerous, kiddos

Guns are dangerous, kiddos

In the hands of the untrained and neglectful idiots, and children.

Guns don't shoot themselves off.

Not yet. Once the robots figure out how to bypass that pesky " need human authorization before firing" safety protocol ,it will be over for Humancels.

Imagine being this pedantic

So you agree guns are dangerous.

If you don't load it with bullets and point it at shit it isn't dangerous.

I have a safe full of guns and ammo all stored properly, should I be scared it's gonna rape me at night?

Piss poor reply. Guns are dangerous to use.

See my original comment.

So, in the case of Emantic Fitzgerald Bradford, would you say that the cops who shot him were untrained and neglectful idiots?

What about Jemel Roberson? Botham Jean?

All killed by professionals who were well trained in how to use firearms and how to deal with stressful situations.

cars go fast

pfft only if you put wheels on it retard

Taurus says hi

If it makes you feel better, it brains the idiot who gave her the gun, not the girl herself.

Fully automatic weapon nearly killing another in celebration

America is slipping.

How quickly that dude went from almost accidentally shooting that dude, to acting like nothing happened and returning to firing, is really commendable.

The comments are the best

What did it say? Who removed it and why?

Thank you! I wish we didn't have to do that. Why did they take those down !? I am very disturbed by the implications of this censorship and the trend is increasing

wtf? most of those comments aren't even offensive, they're just dumb reddit jokes.

It's the "NEW Reddit™"!

Gotta sanitize and censor even mundane ass shit so sponsors won't leave.

Here are the comments

Why was the thread nuked?

mods couldn't handle the bantz