"I regularly stat-rape my little brother, and need validation from like minded individuals"

1  2018-12-02 by shanewater


"Internalized misogynist" and "prude" are the new slurs for women with standards and boundaries. Don't let newspeak fool you. ;)


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"Incest fantasies" more like.

God, I hope so.

There's no way any of the guys into this incest shit actually have sisters. The thought of letting my sister jerk me off is about as arousing as the thought of eating my mother's b-hole, which is to say barely at all.

Mate, there are whole conventions full of "people" looking to fuck others while dressed up as animals. And you think people wanting to fuck their own sister (who's probably a solid 8 or 9) isn't possible?

Wanting to, yes. Actually doing it, no. Hence the fantasies.

I am willing to bet all of my shekels that these degenerates either:

  1. Don’t exist


  1. Live in West Virginia.

John Denver would be proud.

You can bet your shekels that the brother has written this story.

That would fall under the umbrella of “Not Existing”, in my opinion. But yeah, you’re right.

They claim to live in Florida which is pretty similar to WV in certain areas

Ah, Florida. West Virginia with Cuban sandwiches.

Live in West Virginia

This but unironically

West Virginia doesn't actually exist, it's a code name for the US fentanyl plants.

The US government uses this fentanyl to murder less well off conservatives (the ones they can get away with murdering because the liberal Democrats and mainstream media will cheer their deaths) to turn the tide of elections to the liberal Democrats.

They also dump fentanyl in the well water of rural areas to slowly kill them off. This is a plot by George Soros and Hillary Clinton, and I have proof.

This is why I use Male Vitality and Flouride Shield, available right now at infowarsstore.com. Protect yourself and your loved ones from evil liberal Democrats plots, only from InfoWars.

The state of Virginia exists, and it has a western region. Check and mate.


Blocked and reported

Tell me fine sir, do you have any information on literal vampire pot-bellied goblins, and if so, are they or are not hobbling around coming after us?

The GLOBALISTS are creating goblins in Codename West Virginia to take over the earth after the nuclear war caused by Chinese ultranationalists

Thank you humble water filter merchant.


I'm too square want that sub in my history with this login, did someone troll them with a fantasy football story?

The whole sub is incest fantasies in the guise of relationship advice/support.

Why are people replying to this as if it's even 0.0000000001% real? Is this some sort of roleplaying forum or are people just this stupid


You got baited op

Is that really how this kind of shit goes?

It sounds like something youd read off of literotica.

that whole subreddit needs to be burned with lots of gasoline

"My 15 year old daughter gave me a kiss on the cheek today, how do I advance things naturally with her?"

Teach her math?


"I regularly stat-rape my little brother, and need validation from like minded individuals"


Definitely thought this was going to be /r/incels blackpill "stat-raping" their brother with undeniable FACTS and LOGIC.

What is this, Grisaia no Meikyuu?

shit-tier taste my dude

why i masturbate my profoundly disabled brother dot com

The fuck is stat rape.

To some of us you aren't doing anything out of line, and certainly not weird or sick, etc. Wrong is because of the restrictions set by an uneducated and controlling society. I seriously doubt you are damaging your brother. He is going to do what he is going to do and I'm sure is truly happy to have a female hand(s) assisting. Have fun! Hugs hugs!!!! Kat.

Is this BigTiddyAnimeWaifu's alt?

Look, all I'm saying is we make all pedos wear a little star or something to identify them to children. Why is that so wrong?