ChristCucks have a totally logical discussion about whether birth control is abortion.

1  2018-12-03 by reallyrunningnow


You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


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That is a fuckin goldmine, that dude is fucked in the head and I feel bad for his wife.

He thinks god gives a shit where he blows his load, when god kills thousands of innocent children every year with cancer.

Jesus fuckin Christ.

Goddamn, what an unlucky woman :(

It is three in the god damned morning, go to bed Ed.

Fucking east coast niggers. It's 12:44am here OKAY???

I thought you were Indian

You can tell hw ain't a currycel from the motherland cause he doesn't drop his articles.


😱😱😱 Bhai! 🇮🇳 Superpower 🇮🇳

Because it’s fake, it’s someone be trying to get a rise out of the Catholics. Think about it, this super devout dude is somehow still married to a non catholic person? Also real Catholics this devout go to confession

Yeah there is no way that someone with this bug of a stick up their ass would marry a non-catholic.

He converted after they were married apparently.

Catholics can’t divorce though can they?

Those kids deserved to die

I'm of the view that God will always provide.

Abandon them on top of a mountain and see how fast God provides, lmao. It's amazing how christcucks view God as their personal servant.

Some of them have tried to get me to go to church by talking like it’s an investment opportunity. “You know when, when I started giving more to the church I began to make more money!”

If you're a small business owner it's actually not a bad way to make connections. Might be cynical if you don't believe though.

Yeah, joining a religious community essentially gives you an in-group. You can make more and better connections with people, who in turn give you better opportunities, and then you can return the favor to someone else, etc.

Quick story, I'm from the "godless" northeast and the most jarring thing about going south of the Mason Dixon is that the default question to feel you out is what congregation you belong to.

It's just their shorthand for what your group is like. Needless to say we didn't wanna answer though.

The only downside is that then you know a bunch of religious people and have to go to church.

Yeah, that's why you join the Jews and go all "I'm more of a secular Jew"

I don't want my wife to use it, yet she is adamant in its use. We have 4 children and she at 40 doesn't want anymore. I'm of the view God will always provide and attempt to follow the Commandments as best I can with faith working in love. I am open to as many children as God will bless us with.

She's tired of packing around a bowling ball for 9 months and firing it out of a tiny hole like a slow-motion cannon of agony but I don't mind if she does man God just provides bro 😎

I hate sounding like an edgy atheist but fucking he'll religious people are the worst. I would rather hang out with that cold blooded lizard fuck Roger stone than one of those bible thumpers

I don’t understand why he acts like the priest’s beliefs are 100% correct. Most Catholics I’ve met have their own beliefs that differ from other Catholics because they don’t treat it like a cult

Chad Cardnials: "We have revised Catechism to further reflect the text of Aquinas in the modern era!"

Virgin laity: "Can we see it?"

Chad Cardnials: "Sure, it's in Latin and you have to fight a lion to see it. Gottem."

The Catholic subreddit is filled with extremists that make opus dei look normal

Who 40 y/o man still says “Thanks Bro”? Fucking disgusting

"Bro" is short for "Brother in Christ" you unwashed heathen

Every sperm is sacred

Every sperm is great. If a sperm is wasted, God gets quite irate.

Of fucking curse this has to be /r/Catholicism

I was banned from there because once I pointed out that the thread was full of homophobic hate. Don't go on that sub, it is full of traditionalists and 14th century people

And legit absolute monarchists. Like a shocking number.

Returning the world to its papist shackles to own the libs 😎

The Anglican Church will return to the fold by Hellfire or the Sword.

Guy Fawkes had the right idea.

/r/monarchism is where the real nutjobs hang out. Unironic Jacobites still whining about the Glorious Revolution 4 centuries after the fact, it's adorable

Holy shit I fucking love this.

I would say more of theoretical monarchist but yeah, these people are completely out of element

Holy shit he’s a born again nutter! No wonder him and his wife and differing beliefs, she is getting more than she bargained for

If God didn't want us to have sex for pleasure, why make it pleasurable?

Do these Christ fags not understand the finances of having another kid? Is God going to pay for college, doctor visits, clothing, etc? No he's a deadbeat dad that let his son die. Have fun going broke.

Believe god is the all knowing creator of the universe that watches and controls everything

Believe humans out can outsmart god with logical loopholes to get around sin.

Pick one