Oh Racist Tree, Oh Racist Teee, how ghetto be yous branches

1  2018-12-03 by ArlenBilldozer


This reads like something a wasted sorority chick would write in a yearbook. We can observe the complete absence of any moral framework or intellectual ability in this one sample of writing.


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I like to think that everyone shitty on the Left is just a troll account created and maintained by Barron Trump, attempting to use his mammoth brain to make centrists vote Daddy 2020. Because if these people actually exist, and have these strange opinions that so many people supposedly might have, then I'll have to actually vote for Daddy, given he's the option most likely to put these fucking people in camps.

But I'm wise to you, Barron: you'll never actually make me vote.


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Wonder if I can get payed vacation for putting up a ghetto tree at work?

a single strip of yellow crime-scene tape.

Some lines should not be crossed.

Some lines should not be crossed.

  • Obama, April 15, 2013

LOL a Popeye's mashed potato cup.

>not getting red beans and rice

Now that's the kind of offense I expect to see cops shoot to kill for

How is putting trash in a Christmas tree racist? Do burgers associate trash with black people? Do the accusers or the accused make this association? Both? Then why go along with the racism? Bizarre.

Yeah, what do malt liquor and fried chicken have to do with race? The connection is a total mystery!

Who dosen't like fried chicken?

Malt liquor is more of a white trash thing than a black thing.

Fried chicken is the shit no matter what your skin colour is.




Found the brit. Grab him and drag him to the basement. We shall sacrifice him on Saint Patrick's day.

are any of those foods they used stereotyped as black food like kfc?

What do you think Popeyes is

no idea tbh

im not american

You know who Popeye is you complete cultural degenerate at least?


Andy Cap sells fries in America too

no i dont

i dont care for mayo culture


okay thats clearly targeted for blacks

You have to go back

malt liquor and fried chicken

i didnt know they used fried chicken and i have no idea what malt liquor is

Probably if you had read the words in the post you responded to you would have known about the fried chicken.

i assumed you were making a different point

i didnt know popeye was fried chicken

if the article had just said fried chicken i wouldve known

When you see a Popeye's chicken place in the US, you know you need to get out of that area if you're white.

I don't want to defend police or whte people generally, but 211 Steel Reserve is definitely a whte trash drink.

Sounds like a good black neighborhood. They leveled up to white-level of complaining.

“Make sure those retards stay out of trouble. Have em decorate the Christmas tree or some dumb shit, I don’t care. The mayor is up ass and I just wanna make it to the new year and retire”

“...oh fuck me”

a police force already struggling to rebuild community trust after a 2015 shooting of an unarmed black man sparked more than two weeks of protests

I thought they atoned for that by having that Somali cop shoot an unarmed white lady last summer?

She was Australian, wrong type of white

Whatever happened with that? Did they have to put him down?

In 2015, police shot 24-year-old Jamar Clark after a call for an alleged domestic dispute between Clark and his girlfriend. According to police, Clark began “disrupting [the paramedics’] ability to render aid” to Clark’s girlfriend. After a struggle with the police, an officer fired his gun, hitting Clark in his head, just above his left eye. According to police, Clark had managed to grab the officer’s gun. Many witnesses at the scene said Clark had been handcuffed and therefore posed no real threat, but experts later said that none of Clark’s DNA was on the handcuffs, and an autopsy found no cuff marks on his wrists. Neither of the two officers involved was indicted, and community organizers held 18 days of protest outside the 4th Precinct station.

...I mean shooting a guy who's attacking you while you're trying to give medical aid to the gf he just beat to shit seems pretty justified. Cops are involved in a lot of bullshit shootings and all but this ain't sound like one of em.

He a good boy he went to church

Dindu nuffin. Finna turn his life around. Goin back to school and sheet.

They should be more upset about the Somalian cop covering up rapes.

I like how they decorated with popeyes chicken and funyuns and everyone knew they meant black people.

They're not even subtle about being racist anymore

LOL when has sensitivity training ever helped anything?

Exactly. It isnt like this training is hard:

"You are representing the entire community. Don't be a sack of shit."

"LOL Nah."

Wahhhh!! Poor victims

was ornamented by a crumpled can of Steel Reserve malt liquor, empty bags of Takis and Funyuns, a cup from Popeyes, a pack of Newport cigarettes, and a single strip of yellow crime-scene tape.

I get that it's supposed to be a list of racist stereotypes, but that just sounds like a fun night out to me.

shoot unarmed black men

no problemo

make ghetto christmas tree