It's over for tumblrcells

1  2018-12-03 by ltedt


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On December 17th, 1903 man took to the air for the first time in human history in a heavier than air flying machine and Tumblr will now attempt to upend this monumental achievement by doing something unheard of before, purposefully destroying 99.99% of the sites own content in order to get back into the iOS store. God Speed Tumblr in this brave endeavor.




No no, 🌳

(In case you can’t tel that’s supposed to be a Bush)

Thanks, Ben Garrison

no problem, libtard

/r/trees did this?

That explains why stoners are the ones always spreading bullshit 9/11 conspiracies.

On december 17th, tumblr will commit suicide.

And here's why that's a good thing.

So will all of their emo cutter bulimic user base.

So instead of actually banning porn bots like every other site, they'll just kill the only reason people even go to Tumblr anymore. Fucking monkey's paw man.

Ahahaha, they’re imploding their user base.

I would have to watch really awful videos in order to witness this kind of undignified self-ownage, like Bumfights.

Without adult content, the majority of postings on tumblr are like ravings from an insane asylum. Or middle school.

Damn all the hentai that idiots only host on tumblr will be gone.
December 17th will be the early Christmas.


If it's on tumblr, it's on sadpanda, too

if it's good hentai it's on pixiv and such anyway.

Gentlemen, it has been a privilege browsing for fucked up porn on Tumblr with you tonight.


The Furry rapefugee are coming and nothing can stop them.

Pretty sad, tumblr has lots of great porn, since they are a lot less snobby about it than reddit. But it does tend to be mroe artsy.
I would love to understand why they would believe this would be good idea since people don't rally go to tumblr to have a quality discussion

But it does tend to be mroe artsy.

you mean illegally young?

the things you get from tumblr are the things you search for, bigtiddyanimewaifu

You mean Tumblr investors?

female-presenting nipples

What about female-presenting penis?