This but unironically

1  2018-12-03 by Ed_ButteredToast


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


  1. This Post -,,

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Haters gonna hater ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ‘€

Itโ€™s over for magacels







'daddy please release thousands of criminal niggers and spics so Jared's Jewish father can sneak out of prison with them' - sure thing sweetheart

favorite one, tbh ๐Ÿคฃ

is -cel just added to everything?

It's over for "is -cel just added to everything now?"cels

It's over for celcels

i feel personally attacked

Bustymushroomcel: its over.

You were?

It was almost over for you. What kind of dumbass posts a np link to drama?

Don't be a dramaletcel.


or is it?



No bigger cucks than magacels

it never started

Inb4 "imagine thinking a billionaire Manhattanite living in a golden tower cares about anyone but himself"

MAGAcels truly are the most gullible group on Earth

He might live in Manhattan now, but DJT is from low-rent Queens.

Classic Bridge and Tunnel Trash

That bought his way into wharton

Jamaica Estates is anything but low-rent.

Imagine looking at this absolute drooling retard, someone who looks like the winner of a contest among the gods to design the ugliest human being imaginable, and thinking "he's our last hope."

Imagine listening to what he says, but I mean actually listening to the words he is saying and the words around them, and coming to any other conclusion that he is a senile old fuck that couldn't complete a single thought

But he triggered the libs, did you even see the 167th sjw owned compilation? Now that was epic ahahaha

Is that the one where Ben Shapiro totally destroys a stage 4 brain cancer patient for being in a hospital instead of working?

Man it was funny but McCain deserved it. The funniest part was when Ben literally shat on illegal mexican toddlers using pure cartesian logic and common sense hahaha

BEN SHAPIRO totally GASSES 6 million libtards and logically BURNS their bodies in FACT ovens

Made me laugh, have an upvote.

YOU are SO generous!!!!! ๐ŸŽ€๐ŸŽ€๐ŸŽ€๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ I am in absolute awe at the kindness you have shown.
This will not be forgotten.
You did something so beautiful just because someone made you laugh.๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ I applaud you, ๐Ÿง๐Ÿงgood sir๐Ÿง๐Ÿง and I hope others take after you so the world becomes a better place. ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—

are u having a stroke?

Are you retarded?



Lmao, this guy? Not you faggots from SRD and Politics that are alllll over this thread?

!remindme 4 weeks

I'm not sure if convincing the libs you suffered a head injury countes as owning them.

lol are you fucking kidding me with this obvious b8 post by some kike shill?

these are ignored every single time on /pol/, and they're made about once every 2 minutes.

whoever gave this the "Juicy" tag is an extremely desperate mod who probably sang along to the SNL Mueller song this weekend.

Daddy shits on your head and you thank him for the new hat.


lol 6 more years faggot

Daddy daddy, gimme cummies

I want to eat them, they are yummies

lol 6 more years faggot

>A elderly sundowning obese fast food addict who doesn't excersice that is getting a shit load of stress from numerous crimes including violations of federal election law, obstruction of justice, and very likely FCPA and looking closer to violations of even the Espionage Act.

Imagining liking this fucker... Da left early, I'm guessing? I would've too.

lol go ahead and


about him being president.

is this where you guys try and tell me you totally didn't think it was her turn, and you're just too cool to give a shit about the presidency?

because at least that's still better than being an unironic mommy-lover.

but daddy-lovers are still on top, sorry!

"It's extremely obvious that you voted for a literal retard who wouldn't jizz on you if you were on fire"

"Huehuehue we won tho libtard, u mad?"

America unironically deserves this.

Oh please, please tell me where you're from.

Nice try mr FBI, I'm behind 100 proxies and using incognito mode

nice try, i'm embarrassed



Le prime reddit joke my good sir. Even if you found me I wouldn't fuck that sloppy bussy.

ftfy is older than reddit lol

Of course it is, this is where memes come to be beaten to death by unoriginal retards like you.

Am American. Heโ€™s not wrong. You got played like a chump by a personality cult.

you're one of the biggest mommy faggots here, mcfluff.

I haven't seen anyone here cry about Daddy more than you.

quite honestly, you're pathetic.

How did you feel when Trump said, โ€œTake the guns first, go through due process secondโ€.

I bet you jizzed so hard and screamed OWN THOSE LIBRULS, DADDY.

Dude this guy is fucking you in the ass dry and youโ€™re dumb enough to take it, cuz THIS WILL SHOW โ€˜DEM LIBCUCKS.

How taking it in the ass dry from trump owns the liberals and benefits this country, I donโ€™t know๐Ÿค” . But you would figure a way to twist it in your mind that it is beneficial to you.

i can smell the hurt in yo butt

I knew you would twist it some way to justify it. You never answered my question about how you feel about trump saying

'Take the guns first, go through due process second'

he's talking about cases like the kike goblino at parkland who was known to be a mentally-fucked up basket case with weapons by police. (Broward county, worst police force in america)

I guess you are happy that they died though!

Damn you fucking owned me! ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž

How about daddy banning Bump Stocks, which were legal under Obama?


You do realise that he was shooting in a 40% jewish school? He was shooting at jews, not specifically targetting them of course. So what being jewish (if he actually is, I don't know) has to do with anything?


Wow. Imagine being so lost in your shitty little echochamber and daddy's personality cult that you demonize half of the country. Say, how many of your relatives and pre-2016 friends still speak to you after you kept dropping q-turds on them on every family holiday and meeting?

I guess you are happy that those kids got shot though!

I feel like you definitely are. Or at least you don't care about the victims of the shooting otherwise you wouldn't use them in your agendaposting like that. I don't think I have seen anyone more pathetic than you in a long time tbh.

srsly nigga u wanna try and fuckin b8 me u better be ready to play

You didn't make a good point. You actually showed how retarded magacells are. Do you not see a problem with the fact that you have to interpret his every phrase before it makes sense?

No no... The man said we'll have that Band that'll put this town on the map...

Lol are you joking? If you aren't seek fucking help.

Why is it when someone brings up the subject of his dumbass you instinctively bring up Hillary? It's honestly fucking pathetic. I voted for her but if it was just about anyone on the ticket other than him and Cruz it would've been a tougher choice.

Face it, he just fucking sucks. He's not as rich as he says, he needs to buy love, he can't complete a single sentence with his syphalitic mind, and oh yeah he hates fucking America and Americans with an utter disdain that could fuel a thousand suns. He's an idiot blowhard coward... Which says lots about those that revere him.

ahahahahahha nigger, you are a stupid hilarious butthurt mess who doesn't know his bussy from his brapper.

stay salty!

You got me. But I'll never have what you have: the naive, life long, wistful, impossible hope of feeling a vagina for once. I bet it's just pure magic in your mind... ๐Ÿ˜‰

At least you not getting that is truly medal worthy as a service to humanity.

lol u are teh incel

wow 10/10 how do I come back from that

I guess by having had sex for the first time 9 years ago, and the modest hundreds of times I'll have after that, are the only things that can save me from this cruel fate!

guess I'm off to Oct 26 2009 to go get laid for the first time and cure my inceldom

oh, WAIT

already taken care of thanks lol

Oh shit I should've included the word "consensual and cognizant in their participation."

My mistake! I probably won't make that egregious ommission again I assure you.

nah I just remember when I finally got with the girl who lived in the other college dorms with my high school platonic female friend.

i'm a leaf so Thanksgiving is in october, like the second week, and I fell for her hard and fast before that. after coming back to school from everyone going home, I changed my approach and within two weeks I had gone from hopeless virgin, to well, not.

and then we started dating so it happened quite a bit more.

Now, because this was a big part of my life I remember the general timeframe (after thanksgiving, before halloween), but I had forgotten the date until recently, when the last person called me an incel (lol).

I had to think about it for a bit but I remembered it was the birthday of one of my other high school friends who also went to that college. I remember because he was the first person I told face to face, after coming into class and wishing him a happy birthday.

but oh noes, you called me an incel rapist! whatever will i do?

hey longpostbot, sup

Have you owned the libs yet?

lol i'm flattered

do you have this in a scrap book? who the fuck remembers the date of their first time?

check my next post down!

this is genuine effort posting to prove non virginity with non-verifiable information to strangers on the innanet

don't even doubt you got your cherry popped at this point.

is there a term for incels that somehow broke the spell once?


and then we started dating so it happened quite a bit more.

also, I had quite a few one night stands when I was 22. Way more than i had any right having, and I think my entire lifetime worth of hookups might be condensed into that year. Well has run dry a bit, but I devote so much less time to the effort of getting laid that I'm happier and more productive for it.

I'm not gonna lie, I was reckless and I even lost track of the total kill count. more than a couple I regret outright based on the girl, and even more based on how worthwhile the encounter was.

also, I had quite a few one night stands when I was 22. Way more than i had any right having, and I think my entire lifetime worth of hookups might be condensed into that year.

two, got it.

you sound like a boomer telling war stories.

welcome to the life of a normal college-aged person in a western society what the fuck are you even saying

Well has run dry a bit

sounds like it's over for burnitdownsyndrome


two, got it

so am I an incel or am I a

normal colleged aged-person in a western society


eh? which is it?


Lol you fucking try hard goof. Has your father killed himself out of embaressment yet?

Lol, you post in /r/OnePiece /r/MonsterHunter AND /r/SquaredCircle not only that, you are a Trumptard; then when I thought things could not get any better, you put a nice cherry on top about busting yours in some fantasy effort post.

This day has graced me with a peak specimen INCEL, constantly trying to prove he has gotten his little dick wet. Thank you, AMEN.

nigga u jelly

I don't speak dumbass, can you translate that?

lol best comeback ever dude

Seriously, I don't understand your complete txt speak. The lack of all punctuation and your butchering of words imitate a tween text hurts my head. You are like some little kid trying to convince people that you had sex. This isn't Twitter or Texiting, there is no word limit, you can type like you at least passed fifth grade English.

imagine thinking I care about conforming to your reddit standards lol

Imagine being a tween who writes bad fantasy in text-speak on reddit.

nah because that sounds like a terrible fate you have befallen

Wait. Doesn't everyone?

April 2, 1994.

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Lay of the fentanyl

Lay of the fentanyl

you on the other hand, should NOT lay off the fentanyl.

you need more.

no it's a medieval poem about a peasant who eats the shit of the local duke

"lay of the fentanyl"

I wanted to come up with something that clever but I couldn't so I went in another direction.


THREE investigations

TWO genders

ONE term

โฐTick Tockโฐ

starship I know you want to go full MAGA, i see you inch closer with every day you post here

just do it already, we keep better company.

ONE term

Yeah I saw that, you're just in denial.

implying I would give up sexual attraction to women

I'm a volcel, not a faggot Proud Boy

I don't think anybody said giving up women or even becoming a proud boy

i figure you for a norman rockwell/jared taylor aesthetic classy type fash

FBI informant fash is more my speed

You didn't have to vote for Mommy to realize Trump is a retard.

Prime COPE from someone who will always make an hourly wage

Here's how the wall can still be built!

Match me!

Daddy is so good the wall was built before he was elected.

You got some of those yeti pubes stuck in your teeth

You tell the fellow MAGAcel!


I'm starting to think your username has about as many extra words as you have chromosomes.

Almost as gullible as redditors who upvote 4chan screenshots.

Link to the thread Ed for the real drama.

but I thought he was a God-fearing Christian man

Trump only fears Daddy Ruski and strong winds

ed made this post in 4chan, then screenshotted it and posted it here.

either that or he just browses /pol/ all day looking for shit like this

oh so reddit, nevermind then.

unironically worse than /pol/

t. /b/tard

i dont use 4chan at all but /b/ is shit too

/tv/ is better than r/television, even though /tv/ is like 50% capeshitters and their usual man child circlejerk. That says a lot about r/television

it probably is

its still shit




atta boy!

Any amount of capeshitters is bad

very true

Well that thread proves that your regular 4channer remains as dumb as ever

implying there ever was any doubt

Brain damage due to hypoxia and 4channers... Can you babe a better power couple?

Can you name a better power couple?

โ€dudeโ€ and โ€bussyโ€. lmao

Color me truly shocked. I thought the rise in anti-vaxers would kill that site off.

Tfw daddy shits on your head, and you thank him for your new hat

>implying im a daddycel

lmao at ur life

"I'm not a daddycel, I'll just defend him to the death"

Please point out where I defended trump.

how is calling ed retarded defending trump?

if thinking ed is retarded makes me a magacel then fucking send me a red hat.

I understand that being a MAGAcel is supremely embarrassing, but you gotta stop playing now. We all know

being a magacel is only embarassing for people who aren't magacels.

magacels are proud of their staunch defense of daddy on the internet.


No being a MAGAcel is objectively embarrassing. Be a better you, be the you Mr. Rogers wants you to be. Stop being a MANGOcel

its objectively embarrassing but how do you not realize that they delude themselves into seeing it as a point of pride? have you never seen a drama post that links td?

Lmao. Your post history. All of it.

there's multiple comments of me calling trump/magacels retarded in the first 2 pages and literally none defending trump.


Nothing madder than a supposedly reformed Trumptard ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚

i don't get what you get out of calling me a trump tard, do you want to engage with them on the internet and cant find one here so you single out me? just pm TD users. its really confusijg.

lol stop hiding from the truth

what truth?

The one you are hiding from

Trump had some good ideas.

I don't think he has, because he hasn't finished a complete thought yet

I think he's talking about banging Ivanka.

Yeah I'd be on board with that law being passed.

How much do you think Donnie would whore his daughter out for?

How much do you think Donnie would whore his daughter out for?

What's Jared Kushner's net worth? By which I mean his contacts in Israel.

What's Jared Kushner's net worth?

Isn't that the high school freshman intern Trump has? I don't know, what's his weekly allowance?

screeching @ anti daddy posts

oh no guys! You got it all wrong! I was merely pretending to be retarded

Top zozzle

More like screeching at your autism.

no u autist


have you noticed that i dont sperg out in the 20 other trump posts per day and just yours? its almost as if your posts are low quality, even for this shithole.

no u autist intensifies

YIKES!! ๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฎ

racist against shitehole

Terlet master race ammirite

You're a retard, Ed. You don't need to be a redhat for that.


idk which one is sadder, tbh

probably the latter.

Implying magacels have a problem with 38 million dollars going to Israel. They'd personally suck Netanyahu's cock.

That's amazing ty


No, thatโ€™s /u/Starship_Litterbox_C


Well he's about to go to prison so that could probably be arranged.

I'm talking about bibi.

He's clearly talking about Netanyahu, you fucking mong.

Excuse me I'm reporting you and also blocking :-)

MFW you didn't even report me.

Blue balls, man.



user reports:
1: this comment made me cry

That really rises my up

!remindme 3 weeks

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They'd personally suck Netanyahu's cock if he demanded it.

jesus, this is a kink shame free zone you fuckin faggot

nothin wrong with a lil rape fantasy jewish cock sucking


That's a good list but what's wrong with "more drone strikes and killings than Obama"?

Libertarians hate this!

Plus. not enough pro pedo legislation and recreational nukes for the lolbertarians

Na it's k he made sure they violated the NAP first

Theyโ€™re expensive

Drone campaigns and military intervention consistently cause massive spikes in global terrorist attacks, including the west.

Citation needed if you're going to spout seriousposting nonsense

These all say our military intervention had failed, but not our drone warfare.

Why are you separating drone warfare from military intervention in this context?

Original comment separated them.

Drone campaigns and military intervention

There's no logical reason to assume a drone campaign would have a different, distinct effect on global terror trends than any other form of military intervention (air strikes, funding insurgencies, boots on the ground, etc.). I really don't know why you're having trouble with this.

Military intervention is an umbrella term and drone campaigns are one tactic. You can say mammals don't lay eggs, but glorious platypus are an exception.

Drones are an exception:

Drones do cause a flashpoint of enmity by those supporting terrorism against the West. But they prevent more terrorism than they cause.

Paying for fat neckbeards to blow an overpriced military drone on rock throwers. That'll sure show them!



6/10 on the triggered Daddycel scale


Ed unironically daddy posting again.

this isn't daddyposting. Think baneposting but with daddy



cute ๐Ÿ˜


dead meme

implying i don't hate baneposting even when it was a LE EBIN MEME among capeshitters

/u/assy-mcgee BAN THIS MAN

I also banned edwardo for a day :D

Based and redpilled


I gotchu /u/DuckSosu

>mfw ed was being a hothead near me

Nice Bane by the way

Imagine posting an end of drunpf?leftypol screen shot to drama unironically. We have reached politicalhumor levels of mayo here

end of drumpf


Anyone else feel goy'ed? I really taught he was our last hope


Can you post this to r/politicalhumor for me? Iโ€™m banned. Probably get you more karma points than you would know what to do with๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคฎ


implying the normies at r/politicalhumor would allow a post that says "goy'ed"

Crop that out and Post it to politicalhumor and watch it claim itโ€™s rightful spot at the top. Get a few karmas for ur troubles

implying they will allow a post with words like "niggers/spics" or (((antisemitism))) against Jared

you're trying too hard, sweaty

Ed would you say u make a orange man bad post every day or every other day?


trying too hard


trying too hard

downvote all posts


Orange man is fat and has dementia.


Except the only people that support Trump are mayos.

Fentanyl, I choose you!

Choosing fentanyl over oxy is amateur hour, big league!

Pajeet is just mad he can't chain migration is 36 cousins over anymore

he thinks i'm a pajeet

M O R E C ๐Ÿ˜‚ P E

can't chain migration his 36 cousins over anymore

implying that's a bad thing

M O R E C ๐Ÿ˜‚ P E

he said as he downvoted with tears in his eyes


cares about losing imaginary internet points on leddit

i'm sorry that your dream to be the next gallowboooob got shattered


Unironically thinks that I care about the downvote instead of realizing the joy I get through knowing Pajeet got bussy blasted enough to actually downvote the post

๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ he constantly downvotes my posts

not even a whiff of drama, just a shameless agendapost


All ed does is agendapost


230+ comments

If it wasn't drama to begin with, it's sure to start it.

Imagine looking at this absolute drooling retard and thinking "he's our last hope."

> Ed level agenda post


any post with a crying wojak is a falseflag. you have to be retarded to fall for this low effort bait.

You care?

Holy shit

Larping for a screenshot on pol is the lowest a sub can go

Magacels will consistently gaslight themselves into liking le orang man. It's surreal.

tfw you make a bunch of memes about how a tard president will be epic because its funny but then you get convinced by your own memes and seriously trust him. justpolfeels

trade deficit with china increased after tariffs.

Well no shit. Isn't this is how trade war is supposed to go down? As long as they are hurting more than us, I don't care.

I care

Hopefully it'll be over soon, with the CCP capitulating.

Didn't lock her up.

DDF is getting more and more unhinged and desperate by the day. I've had a bunch just start screaming COMMIE COMMIE COMMIE just for making fun of their retardation and inability to understand economics 101

Scientists baffled by how one lad could contain so much unirony.

94 points (77% upvoted)

Dat ratio: you're doing the lords work /u/Ed_ButteredToast

stock market collapsing

Only one of these that really doesn't have a basis in anything. Rest are peak goy'ed.

Hey bro, just because it triggers the nazis on 4chan doesn't mean it can't trigger the nazis on r/drama too. You should be ashamed

Daddy Donny is a mental midget, but most of these are demonstrably wrong.

Screenshotting your own 4chan post

Only Redditors are stupid enough to fall for this.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

 If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

is SF even considered BOG?

largest midterms loss in history

stopped reading here. If ur gonna just make shit up, you can make any president look bad.

triggered by an ed shitpost

triggered by a response to an ed shitpost

no u


Rand Paul was the last hope

user reports:
1: 404: drama not found
1: Ed with his nonsense agendaposting again..
1: Ed shitposts are boring
1: surplus autism
1: mod abuse

Not mad at all...


I feel like giving Ed a platform to speak on while also celebrating his posts is great for Dramacoin.

Ohh look, eds being "unironic" again. ๐Ÿ˜ด๐Ÿ˜ด๐Ÿ˜ด