Daily reminder: Politics is a cucked cope

1  2018-12-04 by Atheistsomalipirate


Promoting anarchofascism for 9 years and counting.


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This image was made by a footfag I guarantee it

braphog enthusiasts


degeneracy of this level is why Allah s.w.t won't talk to us anymore 😔

Sultanate when?

not soon enough!! 😭😭😭

Mustafa Kemal Ätaturk made a huge mistake tbh

He was too kind, too merciful to the Armenians, yes

Personally, I feel that, after ww1, the Turks, Russians, and Germans should have all been exterminated with chemical weapons, but, no, they said I was "inhumane" and "trespassing" and "not welcome in Buckingham palace at 3:00 in the morning". Its 9 o'clock somewhere, dammit!

I find it hard to believe you'd be welcome at any hour

Ackshyually Ataturk didn’t have much to do with the dudukicide, it was the Three Pashas that mostly did all that shit

That’s why the Turks now like to pretend they didn’t do it, cuz it was technically the Ottomans


Many of them also had food fetishes.

soon, brother

It's over for footcels.

It never even began


I wish I didn't like womens' feet. It's a disgusting fetish and I hate myself for it. But it's an involuntary reaction, I will try to get rid of it if I can. I wish I had a normal sexuality but despite how often I rage about degenerates, I'm one myself.

Only one way out

It is a wondrous thing, the human foot—like the human hand; even more so, perhaps; but, unlike the hand, with which we are so familiar, it is seldom a thing of beauty in civilized adults who go about in leather boots or shoes. So that it is hidden away in disgrace, a thing to be thrust out of sight and forgotten. It can sometimes be very ugly indeed—the ugliest thing there is, even in the fairest and highest and most gifted of her sex; and then it is of an ugliness to chill and kill romance, and scatter love’s young dream, and almost break the heart. And all for the sake of a high heel and a ridiculously pointed toe—mean things, at the best! Conversely, when Mother Nature has taken extra pains in the building of it, and proper care or happy chance has kept it free of lamentable deformations, indurations, and discolorations—all those gruesome boot-begotten abominations which have made it so generally unpopular—the sudden sight of it, uncovered, comes as a very rare and singularly pleasing surprise to the eye that has learned how to see! Nothing else that Mother Nature has to show, not even the human face divine, has more subtle power to suggest high physical distinction, happy evolution, and supreme development; the lordship of man over beast, the lordship of man over man, the lordship of woman over all!

I've seen enough spitroast porn to know where this is going.

every character in this image has a dick

except the Drumpf supporter

That's based Anita


/ u / Whaddaulookinat on the left.

no, i'm not the guy on the right cuz I don't project non-existent feelings of shame for my non-existent inceldom onto others.


tfw they realize shittalking on the internet doesn't amount to shit

That one in the middlw better have a bussy...

1387 lmao