DDFCel makes up story to prove that he isn't an incel

1  2018-12-04 by POST_BUSSY


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


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I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

lol k

Dude, you are raking in 32.8725 tangs a year, why are you going to dignify him with a response?


is this your alt?

Lmao imagine thinking froibo is my alt

Yes. The real me lives in an alternate dimension where you have been laid as many times as you are trying to lead on.

hey, it was just a question cuz you were here so fast. if you said no it's not like I wouldn't believe you.

and I'm afraid I have been laid that many times, but I fail to see why it's such a big deal for everybody.

I lurk new at night to start fights because it's the only way I can go to sleep.

i 100% believe you

lmao, imagine refreshing the page multiple times just to see if I downvoted you. I haven't btw. But I will now.

no see I clicked on my name and went to my profile and saw the zero there already


Lmao imagine thinking I believe you

it's just so crazy right lmao

Why do you remember the exact date of when you fucked for the first time some 9 years ago?

I literally already posted the exact story in this comment thread you linked. you made this post just after reading the first one? nigga u gotta like and subscribe to my shit!


nah I just remember when I finally got with the girl who lived in the other college dorms with my high school platonic female friend.

i'm a leaf so Thanksgiving is in october, like the second week, and I fell for her hard and fast before that. after coming back to school from everyone going home, I changed my approach and within two weeks I had gone from hopeless virgin, to well, not.

and then we started dating so it happened quite a bit more.

Now, because this was a big part of my life I remember the general timeframe (after thanksgiving, before halloween), but I had forgotten the date until recently, when the last person called me an incel (lol).

I had to think about it for a bit but I remembered it was the birthday of one of my other high school friends who also went to that college. I remember because he was the first person I told face to face, after coming into class and wishing him a happy birthday. so all I had to do was check facebook for his birthday, and voila!

but oh noes, you called me an incel rapist! whatever will i do?

hey longpostbot, sup

Again, the fact that you had to write that story to defend yourself on an anonymous forum is why I don't believe you

this is just what I do.

ask goys.

why do your fuckin pings work, i tried two like a half hour ago and they were banished to the shadow realm

I have (((friends)))

I can confirm this our favorite little Canadian gimp & wannabe DDFugee, eva_unit

wtf, he's Eva???

Dammit, I didn't think my opinion of Eva could go even lower

u jelly

Oh shit eva. I didn't know it was you.

Now I'm going to have the Canadian Association of Special Need Adults breathing down my neck again.

Haha that's Eva? I'm impressed he's somehow become an even bigger retard

Dude, yikes, leave the badly written fanfics back in the sissy captions thread on 4chan gif.

types multiple paragraphs justifying sperg posting and waving his non virgin status

lol k

The lolcow milk is fresh from tit.


...he typed, in between sobs of: "i-it was HER TURN!"

Just because you’re wrapped up in a personality cult doesn’t mean the rest of us are. You’re sperging about your virginity and still living an election that’s like 2 years ago. You should re-evaluate your entire self.

...he typed, in blatant projection.

It’s always funny to see magadorks learn a new word and all start repeating it together like it’s supposed to be some clever use-their-own-weapons-against-them verbal deathstroke.

Or am I just an NPC triggered by your projection identity politics narrative? I bet you’ll tell me if I am.

Literally no one likes or liked hillary except for some retarded far-lefters. People only voted for her to vote against trump. So stop coping with yourself being a member of a personality cult by saying the other side is the same. It's not. You're the only retard in these special olympics.

Also I like how you're still focused on the election. What, you've got nothing else to be proud of?

Not even the far left wanted her lmfao they all voted Stein

I think the more accurate descriptor for Hillary's fanbase is center-left middle aged white women as opposed to "far-lefters".

Basically genX and millennial church ladies, but without the church.

Jesus Christ thats the comeback youre going with?

lol imagine supporting a candidate whose terminal combination of dementia, ischemia, subhuman genetics, and boomerism has made the executive office of this nation a fucking global laughing stock, and then writing out paragraphs of cope about how you fucked some blacked out fat chicks for a year during college before the "dry spell"

Congratulations, you are the lamest person on Drama and that's quite a feat considering competition like lawz and Darqwolf

What’s good eva, show everyone your hog 😍😍

don't pretend you don't have it saved already

Post childhood calendars.

You are like that kid who doesn't understand everyone makes fun of him for how hard he tries, so you keep trying harder when people laugh at you.

Homegrown lolcows? Effortposts? Is this r/drama 's silver age?

For new users: Remember to always upvote the lolcow and reply with subtle, leading questions for full milking.

I guess by having had sex for the first time 9 years ago, and the modest hundreds of times I'll have after that, are the only things that can save me from this cruel fate!

guess I'm off to Oct 26 2009 to go get laid for the first time and cure my inceldom

oh, WAIT

already taken care of thanks lol



I haven't had the urge to call someone a faggot this badly since the 4th grade

What a painfully embarrassing person. We need more low tech ground wars so these useless dipshits can be killed off.