r/TwoX become literal canine bitches.

1  2018-12-04 by zappapostrophe


Have you posted bussy yet?


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Dog gussy

So this happened on the weekend and I feel like sharing to this wonderful sub

Went out for drinks with a few friends on the weekend. Got a little more dressed up than usual for once because F it, why not? I hardly ever do and it was fun to get ready to bounce on my boy's D.

The night is over and I decide to walk home as where we ended up is very close to my home. I live in a big city, but the area wasn’t bad, it was busy, I wasn’t worried.

I start walking and maybe 5 minutes in, as I’m crossing the street, some SRDine intercepts me as soon as I hit the sidewalk and wraps her arms around my bussy, yanking me into her, and motor-boating my butt. Even with the ultra-purple hairdo, I didn’t even see her coming. I yelled out WTF and pushed her back. This legbeard is clearly drunk, grabs my arms and yanks me back in. Again, I push back and start backing up, telling her to not touch me again. She said something along the lines of “cmon, you can’t be out here lookin this privileged and expect me to not to unpack this, honey” (Since when is grabbing strangers saying hi btw).

She starts walking after me and I see her reaching for me again, so I just faced her and started barking, as loudly and aggressively as I can. Literally like a furry would. I don’t even know why I chose to, I just wanted to do something outrageous to make her back off and think I’m crazy or something.

It worked. The look on her face was priceless. She just turned around and walked away, yelling "Yikes!" the whole time. It was awesome.

It was funny and creative at least.


I've told many friends to screech like a velociraptor, not half assed either, put your heart and soul into sounding like a giant prehistoric anger chicken of death, and screech as loud as your lungs will let you, not a single person on this planet is prepared for someone to strike a post and screech like a dinosaur, they won't ever know how to respond, they can't.

Literal “REEEEE”.

Actually this is probably good advice for two xers. Keep others far away from you.

I've told many friends to screech like a velociraptor

u/Cdace looks like we found the girls for you

Just cause they’re as big as a dinosaur 🦖 doesn’t make them a dinosaur 🦖

Dude velociraptors were like the size of turkeys.

Isn't this supposed to be kind of your wheelhouse?

I said as big as a dinosaur 🦖 not specifically a velociraptor. I was thinking more along the lines of a giganotosaurus 🦖 or a brontosaurus 🦕


Weaponized autism

anger chicken of death

This is some 2012 The Oatmeal type humour

That's my fetish

ORDER # 111-1969399-2132243

something's in the water.

specifically in California

How did I know this would end up on here.

Fat lonely cows barking at random people kinda works for us though

I was walking down a dark lane, and I heard a strange hissing sound off to the side, away under the bush. I struck a power pose and yelled "whom goes there, I am a vagina and therefore very powerful, name thyself!". To my shock, a ghostly penis arouse out of the undergrowth and begin its rape incantation. "You will not harm this powerful gender god, BEHOLD MY POWER!" my summoning spell contained no less than 30 sexless white knights, and 2 arch cat lady witches, each with Instagram featuring their LGBQT+-= knitting patterns. The haunted penis shrieked in horror "no, no the awesome power of feminisizia has ruined me, I can no longer rape women. And minorities, or majorities if they are a black nation, or anyone who used the #metoo hashtag, I am DOOMEEEEDD".

Afterwards, my army gathered and held a celebration in my honor. My exalted works are to be housed in the Kingdom of Etsy, near the Church of Fetlife.

(how I see every shitty post on that shitty fucking sub)

I've told many friends to screech like a velociraptor, not half assed either, put your heart and soul into sounding like a giant prehistoric anger chicken of death, and screech as loud as your lungs will let you, not a single person on this planet is prepared for someone to strike a post and screech like a dinosaur, they won't ever know how to respond, they can't.

This can't be real.

Jesus Christ, woman, just carry a gun. Men like that deserve to be shot, and no jury would convict you, unless it was composed of Trump voters.

Jesus Christ, woman, just commit murder and go to prison until you are old and gray so the state can fully take on being responsible for you.

Translation from magacel cuck-talk: "Go ahead, lay your hands all over the women who matter to me, I'm too afraid of consequences to do anything about it."

Ok, tough guy, how many kills have you tallied so far?

Luckily, none, so far. My brother-in-law turned out to be an alright guy. As far as I know, he's never hit my sister. But I'm still planning on buying that gun, because I have the drinking under control, so I think I'll be safe with it.

>be a white woman in the US

>receive serious prison sentences never ever

There was a link here of a woman getting 18-36 for third degree.

Because she used her monstrous mass to literally crush a man to death after stabbing him.

Well yeah I don't mean that it was unjust. It was well earned.

Well earned, and let's be real: no jury in the world would sympathize with her. Weighed 300 lbs, used those 300 lbs to kill her boyfriend, and literally did it because he wouldn't let her buy fucking crack.

Jesus Christ, woman, just carry a gun so your attacker can take it away, pistol-whip you, and shoot you once he's done with you

Barking is an objectively better plan

😍😍 hot


a dog is fine too

I wish he started barking back. What a spectacle.

Foids going on a school chewing spree when

Is there a magical-fantasy-land subreddit for men where I can make up stories in which I am a hero and get patted on the back for it? It honestly looks so damn fun.

literally r/theredpill

Nothing says stability like barking in public.

My woman-hating credentials are pretty impeccable and the linked story is as fake and gay as everything on reddit but I'm not gonna fault a woman for what she does to get away from an aggressive harasser.


Current state of mayo gussy.