You’ve Heard of Gaslighting, Now Get Ready for Cloutlighting

1  2018-12-05 by thrillhouze-


That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.


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They gotta get out in front of the videos that reveal the abuser is actually the one making abuse accusations.


It's over for anthracitingcels.

all this mayo gussy type shit makes me want 2 relapse n start methpipelighting again 😩😩😩

It really is a fucking vile and degrading thing to do to someone you apparently love and respect. Spend all day pushing someone’s buttons in the hope of finding a trigger button or taking them to the point of mental exhaustion in order to achieve a reaction which you manipulated so you can video it as proof.

As for the pranks for likes part. If your partner isn’t ok with it being uploaded and you go ahead anyway you should be charged.

Fucking calm down with the serious posting, men are trying to shitpost in here ✋

This causes more drama, pleb. Shitposting? Oh, you mean saying DUDE BUSSY LMAO for the millionth time? Wow, i gotta have front row seats for that to happen 🍿😁👍

P.S: The comment you replied to but unironically

So removing posts that you disagree with politically is okay? Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean it’s propaganda ? You are becoming the very thing people swore to destroy. You want transparency when it’s convenient to you and none when it’s inconvenient.

Normandy wasn’t invaded by a bunch of fucking social justice warriors.

The history of the free world wasn’t fought for to be silenced.

Fascist here. We talk to incels while you do not. Whether you are willing to admit it or not, incels are an inevitable product of our modern liberal society, and your distaste and even hatred for them has forced them to the only people who are willing to listen to them, which is the far right. Even the far left, which claims to be so open to the disenfranchised and oppressed, will sneer at them (even though many are themselves incels in denial, which fosters a bitterness within them).

You can whine all you want, but until you adjust your attitude, they'll always end up reinforcing us. And given how hysterical and smug modern liberals are, I don't see that changing any time soon. You better get used to losing.

Fucking calm down with the serious posting, men are trying to shitpost in here ✋



this but un-incel-ally

No woman in history has ever fucking calmed down upon hearing the words “calm down”!!!!!!! 😡 Fuck me, don’t video this freak out. 😂

yeah, imagine how you must treat someone that eating their last piece of pork rib literally makes them cry, that's pretty fucked up. Then they claim it's okay because it's just a prank but that doesn't make it okay at all and they're still gross for doing something like that.

Am I in the right sub? :)

Of course 😂


If your partner isn’t ok with it being uploaded and you go ahead anyway you should be charged.

Sorry, this isn't Stalinist Russia or current UK/Germany. I don't need your consent to record you in my own home.

Really? You’ll probably need a new phone afterwards, new identity and a safe house.

Can't tell if that's a threat or you're offering me a really good time.

Spoilsport :(

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

Notice, frens, all their examples were white.


Even if you’ve not heard the term, you’re likely to have seen the videos - it's been happening for a while. In them, one half of a pair - usually a couple - does something to intentionally upset their partner. This is often a prank, or a deliberate attempt to pick an argument. The cloutlighter then starts filming on their phone as the inevitable fight ensues.

Remember all those times when a black person gets into an argument with a mayo then posts it online as an example of racism?

Well mayos should stop being racist

Why does "being an asshole to your partner and then posting a video of it on the internet" have to get a retarded name like "cloutlighting"? I swear bored journalists come up with all these crazy dating words in order to get clicks from people in insecure relationships.

I don't think they're bored. They are uncreative and have deadlines and minimum word counts to meet.

And click-quotas to fill!

Strap in for this wild ride of made up terms by insecure authors.

Just to read this article I had to read an article about what "Preating" is, but to understand what that is I needed to read an article about what "Micro-Cheating" is (By the way, apparently liking the photos of another woman is micro-cheating, but if you like their pictures in the evening it's full on infidelity...)

Then I had to go back and find out what "Orbiting" means. To find out what orbiting means, you need to learn "Deep Liking" is (Deep Liking is when you like photos that weren't posted recently"). Turns out orbiting is when ghost someone, but don't reply to their texts.

Now, you're ready to learn what Preating means, which actually means "pre-cheating" and, according to the author includes such actions as liking a photo of your ex on social media because they're wearing a sweater you bought them.

This brought me to Preating, which it turns out means "Pre-cheating", but the author thinks that liking an ex's photo because she's wearing a sweater you bought her counts are "Preating"

All this to find out that Cloutlighting (terrible name because it's actually nothing like gas lighting except that if you're actually doing it, it's abusive). Is basically when you annoy your partner until they get pissed off and then you film it and put it on YouTube. This happens all the time, and those Facebook prank videos in your feed are totally not pre-meditated.

Electrical current was a mistake

No, the mistake is not applying it to the craniums of people who come up with shit like "preating," "cloutlighting," and "manspreading/mansplaining."

Thank you, I like your serious post way more than the other one, at least I learned some new things from your comment

Just to read this article I had to read an article about what "Preating" is, but to understand what that is I needed to read an article about what "Micro-Cheating" is (By the way, apparently liking the photos of another woman is micro-cheating, but if you like their pictures in the evening it's full on infidelity...)

Tbf, that's a very bad sign for a relationship.

Don't be retarded. Liking someone else's photos on social media means nothing

Buddy that's the digital equivalent of street harassement.

Any one else notice the usages of 'man' versus the usage of 'partner'? Me think the BBC is hiding that not everyone doing the bad thing is male but wouldnt doesnt want your brain to think that so says man when its a man and partner when its a woman so your brain continues to read the article as if the antagonists were all male.

britbongs are forced to pay for this shit

Do these idiots think that WWE is real too?

TL;DR: Gussy is too delicate for internet/social media pranks.



what fucking retard came up with these names

I may be a 🎅 white 🏳nationalist 👏 but If 😏 I see 😘 a fine 👯 asian 🍜 ass 👌 my bloodline 💦💦 bout to 💆become 🍘 a 🍙 riceline 🍱


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