🗑️ user tells trashy joke on r/trashy gets trashed in downvotes and trashed in responses

1  2018-12-05 by friend1y


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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That's trashy but r/trashy also thinks any woman with breasts are trashy.

I'd need to see this "woman with breasts" and judge for myself.

"She's in a bathing suit top at the beach and has beasts so trashy ", "she's drinking beer from a bottos wearing a dress with her breasts showing, so trashy", there is lot of genuine trashy posts there but sometimes they stretch it an act like Evangelical Christians from the 1960s.

All of what you described sounds like people that I'd like to know better; the Evangelicals- not so much.

"Sounds like you know a lot of dog fuckers."

ROFLMAO (Rolling on the Floor Lapping My Airedale, Ohmy!)

same tbqhwyf

It started harmless enough. Our late night D&D club had a game scheduled on Halloween.

"Let's all dress up as our characters!" Becky said. Everyone was excited but you.

Your character had recently caught lycanthropy. "Bitten by a werewolf" your DM giggled. Everyone at the table made jokes about it. You vowed revenge.

Your costume store options were quite limited and Mrs. Chin really didn't speak English that well. But she was here to help.

You explained the concept of the werewolf to her. You told her about D&D. She nodded confidently.

"I have perfect costume. Very scary langren. Must see. You buy?"

Indeed, the costume was perfect; a fierce snout, bloody fangs and a weather-worn fur suit with midevil clothes. There was just one problem.

"It's too small."

"No, we fix for you. You come back and have ready." Mrs. Chin's confidence convinced you.

You paid her and waited for the big day. It just so happened that the costume would be ready precisely on Halloween. The big day approached.

You get out of work late. You couldn't help it. The boss was on your case about something or another. You knew that the costumer closed at 6 and you raced your Kia to get there.

You pulled up just as Mr Chin was closing the store. He was stout with bad breath and spoke less English than Mrs Chin.

You asked for your costume and he just nodded, grabbed a sealed box from the back and escorted you to the door. He locked it behind you and turned out the lights.

At least you had the costume. You drove home.

The open box revealed a different costume altogether. Mr Chin fucked up. They gave you a furry costume.

It was like a cross between a high school mascot dog and "the Gimp" from Pulp Fiction. There was an uncanny look to the dog face. It was too happy to be scary but gazing at it was unsettling.

You look at yourself in the mirror. When you gaze into the face of the furry mask, the furry mask also gazes into you.

Your D&D session starts in half an hour. You have no choice but to wear it.

"Here goes nothing." But it fit incredibly well.

As you walk down the street, the trick or treaters avoid you. Parents hold their children close police cars slow down to check you out.

You come to the door. Becky opens it and screams. Then you realize how much you love this costume. There's no arguing with your erection.

“Something like 24% of female dog owners fuck their dogs. You can see them in the park with the unneutered golden retriever. The way he jumps on her so playfully makes you wish that you were that dog.”