So it turns out that animator-turned-Nazi-activist Emily Youcis was never dating Patrick Little, just crushing on and stalking him. She continues to not animate anything anymore, and continues to have no interests outside of generic /pol/ shit. She's burned all of her bridges with everyone.

1  2018-12-05 by LopsidedPossibility


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This chick was the animator of the Alfred Alfer series on Newgrounds, which was a surreal, sexual abuse-themed cartoon series with tons of blood/gore/edge. She dated some other edgelord animator named Jimmy Screamerclauz until early 2016, when they broke up badly. She had some kind of mental breakdown, became a Nazi, and got fired from her job as a peanut vendor for the Phillies after her Twitter made national news:


She got banned from Twitter, stopped animating for the most part, and just shitposts on Gab now. She hasn't dated anyone since Jimmy, but she pretended to date Patrick Little for a while and got pumped and dumped by Weev. She's burned all of her bridges with Newgrounds animators, MAGfest, and Troma and she's basically a giant trainwreck.

This is the type of obscure gossip I love.

Great rack on that braphog though.

She have big tits, tho

So this is the infamous pistachio girl?

Yeah it’s her. I talked to her once at a game, and she definitely seemed a little off, though she was still very nice.

Let's hope she starts posting nudes now

Shes probably got roast beef curtains and herpes


roast beef curtains and herpes


I can only get so erect

Did she always pretend to be trad or did that come with her post breakup Nazi stage?

literal who?


Title explains who, you illiterate

Oh shit I remember her at a magfest video with other new ground people like oney and such. There was this autistic guy who got screamed at to leave and she was clapping.

how many of these nerd conventions for degenerates are there?

Too many

And incels think femcels don't exist.

Lolis are for headpats and feed them healthy food, not for lewd.


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