Pedophilia->Hebephilia->Ephebophilia. Somebody stop this madlad!

1  2018-12-05 by BlacJeesus


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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I downvoted the first four, but this one is a keeper.

Reddit mobile had a seizure for a sec.

Somebody want to explain the difference between hebes and ephes?

Women are mostly Ephebophiles. Men are mostly hebephiles and Pedophiles are split evenly between both.

Something about their lack of male attention during that age period puts them in an arrested sexual development where they lust after 14~19 year old boys and never men their own age. The same thing can be said for Hebes, sexually, they never matured past the preteen age and that's what they find more attractive.

Since women mature faster, it's rare to see a male Ephebophile as visually, some women reach the point they're not getting any bigger very early.

The real difference tho? Female - >Male Ephebophilia has been normalized since the 80s, nobody cares until someone stops to actually draw the line in the sand and say "This is unacceptable" , but then you get a bunch of 40 something old maids wanting to jump Justin Beiber or the boys from Twilight. While Male -> Female Ephebophilia has been a grey area since the 90s. "Teen" porn has always been a catagory and the age of consent wars help make the fetish even more taboo and in fetish terms, the more taboo the better.

Women are mostly Ephebophiles. Men are mostly hebephiles

Don't you mean "Ephebophiles are mostly women, hebephiles are mostly men."? The meaning is quite a bit different, I don't think the majority of men are hebephiles.

Oops. I didn't notice that. Thank you for the correction.

That made me wonder, are there estimates how common pedo-, hebe-, and ephebophilia are? Wikipedia says hebephilia is probably more common than pedophilia for instance but they don't name any estimations or anything.

Hebephilia- wanting to diddle 11-14yos

Ephebophilia-wanting to diddle 15-19yos.

You know, if you really wanted to - You could twist this into a victory for people who pay sex workers. Excuse me, let me put on my devil horns.

Shit. I only have pink bunny ears I attach to my dog near by, guess they'll have to do.

"Epstien today launched an excellent victory for Sex Worker payers. The young women that claim he assaulted them, could have walked away at any time. By accepting the money and preforming the acts, bringing their friends to accept money and preform their acts are just a sign that capitalism works. He paid for his services and got them. Isn't that we all wish for when it comes to being a positive sex worker? Why let a thing like age get in the way? Of course these girls have terrible homelives, but that's why they're doing this. To get money to improve their lives. You can't have customer remorse in this line of business."

Let's see.. Victim blaming, pedo apologies, making him look like a hero, praising sex workers.. I think I could make this more flammable, any suggestions?

Oh no, no sir! More Nitpicking needed. *Hebe apologist instead of pedo apologist given the context.

And there's that tradition of calling everybody who disagrees an incel sweaty.

"I got bills to pay, you incel. Daddy gives me the money that Dad doesn't. " is probably the slogan for it all.

Do you think I was somehow defending the guy? Not at all, he's a disgusting person who apparently gets off on the idea of these girls being underaged (I mean if soliciting a 17 yo is illegal why not just wait until she's 18, physically that's not much of a change), I mean his plane is even called "Lolita Express" ffs.