
1  2018-12-06 by Wraith_GraveSpell


This is your daily reminder that porn is evil! Please don't watch it.

It's evil to not watch it

Literally talking money out of a woman's mouth

  • moneyshots off a woman's face

You're not my mommy. You cant tell me what to do.

just busted a fat nut to BLACKED just for you hon :*

I jerk off to Varg Vikernes, his videos telling me not to watch porn is my porn

What can a manlet like yourself do to seek pleasure, if not watch porn?

I'm not a manlet

5'11" is still manlet

The king of men is still a man himself

Under 6"1' (my height. Ladies???? 😏): ur a manlet


Hey manlet king.

Nice try, take a look at this scientific diagram

lmao what is this pro manlet propaganda.

The OBJECTIVE truth 😎

I'm sorry nobody like to want to Tay deep fakes

Thank u

Seriously. If pornhub is suggesting cuck porn for you, it's because their algorithm has determined, scientifically, that you're a cuck. That's all.


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mods can I see the machine learning algos that yall have for snappy?

No, no, they would give away the fact a mod is clearly behind this!

There you go again with your "lizard people cabal" shenanigans


Don't tell me those mod creeps got to you too, TheAltRightIsAlright?!

It probably a half assed algorithm.

Uh, skynet? You gotta turn it down a notch.

r/SubredditSimulator/ freakishness worthy

Can a bot recognize the content with the pics or it depends on comments? :-/

Compare the post times, bot was here first.

Let's put it this way: there are 3 or 4 responses that are relevant in this case. It is just that it got lucky rather than it knew what to say. This electric golem is very good at getting lucky because all the response are based on things that we post here anyway.

ye sure.... just another (((coincidence))).

Nothing to see here folks, move along


(((They))) aren’t even trying to hide it at this point!

Holy shit, so perfect **and** I've never seen this quote before.

I watched ONE ebony video 8 years ago of a black girl shaking her tits and the algorithm recommends nothing but the nastiest black on black porn for me. Every day.

Is dragon actually snappy?

Came here to post this

oy vey! here come the (((porn))) conspiratards 🤔🤔🤔

lol its not a conspiracy that jews run porn its just what they do with it thats the subject of controversy

They give people what they want then people get mad coz they hate themselves for the things they’re into 🤡🤡🤡

Bespoke. Unironically


nah people just get suspicious when all the porn stuff neatly lines up with decades old conspiracy theories about race mixing and degeneracy

its fun to discuss because it makes people so uncomfortable

Imagine being so inbred that the thought of genetic diversity triggers you

lol yeah theres a pretty big difference between not inbreeding and dragging your gene pool down by putting african dna in it

mixed people are gross

mixed people are gross

Remember, white people have Neanderthal DNA mixed in. Sub Saharan Africans are the purest form of humans. Putting African DNA in yours doesn't drag it down, it purifies it.

lol is that why africans are so smart and attractive on average

also its the jews that are neanderthals look at ron perlman and gal gadot

fucking caveman style and like 35% angle on the forehead

It must suck knowing that you'll be a minority in 50 years

lol we wont be though, everyone else thrives at our grace

white people could starve out 80% of the third world if they wanted without even doing anything militarily

And you say I take shit too seriously

people give me shitty "omg white genocide" bait, i respond with better bait

we can keep doing it if you like

mixed people are gross

post a selfie

lol no because im not a woman

mixed people are weird looking, i dare you to post one that isnt

by that logic we shouldn’t prosecute drug dealers. Even hit men who are simply s tool of bad people. We should not prosecute hired killers because if no one hired them there would be no issue 🤡

by that logic we shouldn’t prosecute drug dealers


did you read the next sentence, chromie?

i mean you have to admit watching stacy get plowed by some buff gay dude is doing wonders for today's children isnt it

Won't somebody think about the poor children?!

I’ve heard certain weebs and furries do when they watch porn

Incels too

Children are already not allowed from watching porn on the internet. Parent your child better if you are that adamant against them seeing it. As an adult, if I want to watch Stacy get plowed (and Stacy and the buff gay dude are choosing to get plowed and plow, respectively, through their own consent) then what's the problem?

Children are already not allowed from watching porn on the internet.

Imagine thinking this

Imagine thinking it's the government's job to parent your child.

Imagine thinking I said that.

If your child has a mobile phone with internet connection, he will watch porn. 99% of the apps/methods to block porn are easily circumvented if your child isn't dumb as rocks, and when the app somehow manages to block websites properly, all it takes is a niche site that's not on the blacklist yet.

Even if you found the perfect method of porn-blocking (which doesn't exist due to abundance of all the malware-infested websites that act as proxy-tunnels), all it would take for your child to see porn is some naughty kid with a phone that isn't porn-blocked. Kids showing each other "shocker videos" is hardly anything new.

if your idea of parenting better starts and ends with blocking your child from seeing naughty content then you're not doing it right. Tech illiterate boomers are very much in the "Please, government! Block my child from seeing naughty things!" camp, the same people who consistently try and vote in anti-internet-pornography legislation over the years (CDA, COPA, CIPA, etc). At the end of the day these people don't care about preventing children from accessing porn, it's about them controlling what consenting adults should be able to do.

parenting better starts and ends with blocking your child from seeing naughty content then you're not doing it right

If you think children learn porn from their parents, not their peers, you are a boomer.

And I'm not advocating for banning porn, fyi.

Good parents teach their children how to navigate the world, including the naughty bits. Children have lived through war, poverty, death, disease, and famine (well, the ones that lives obviously). They'll survive seeing Stacy and Buff Gay Guy fucking, with a little bit of parental guidance.

lmao this turned from "dont make ur kids watch porn" to "kids can watch porn and be okay with it"

im done

it was never "don't make ur kids watch porn" but "parent your kids and leave me the fuck alone with my porn"

>dad i saw this video on pornhub where the guy poops into the girls mouth while another guy is fucking her in the butt, the fuck is that supposed to be

>fuck i should have talked to you about this last year when you were nine shit I'm a bad parent fuck

I'm not aware of this video so you'd have to send me a link so I could examine it and formulate a good parental response

Fun Fact: Ruben Sturman, a Jewish Jew from Jewishland, was the main proliferator of VHS porn in the 1980's and became a bigger smut tycoon than Hugh Hefner and Larry Flynt combined. Turns out he was Jewish the whole time.


Not just a Jew, but a Russian too!

Jews are effective capitalists? Say it ain't so!!!

Pornuhb, subsidiary of Mindgeek.

Owned by:

(((Matt Keezer)))

(((Stephane Manos)))

(((Ouissam Youssef)))

(((Fabian Thylmann)))

wellllll putting it that way

When I go to a porn site, I get my job done in 15 min or less. If you think porn is a problem, you might be a potential porn addict with ejaculation issues

When I go to the toiley I eat my shit in 15 min or less. If you think eating your shit is a problem, you might be a potential scat addict with shit eating issues

Sorry, but I don't do it. You do you though😂


No u

No shit. Who the fuck hangs out after the fact? JO and GO, my friends.

When I go to Starbucks, I shoot up in the bathroom in 15 min or less. If you think heroin is a problem, you might be a potential heroin addict with addiction issues.

I'm pretty sure people's opposition to porn isn't over the time it takes to pop off.

Make more white babies. Get a black trap if you want procreationless sex.

This is radical centrism at it's finest, I applaud you.

You realize 3/4 of the people on that list are goys, right?

Shh, funny sounding surnames are always Jewish, apparently

Are black trannies part of the Jewish plot too? Or are they BASED?

No that's what whites did with black girls (male) 200 years before there were any jews in US or any or other garbage and everyone was happy. Zoophilia =/= Homosexuality. It's called #PlantationRetreats now. Of course black women (female) are an options as well, just don't make the same mistake I did and pull out.

Sorry, I don't speak schizophrenia. Do you know fentanyl-American perhaps?

Stop harrassing me and go donate your welfare bucks and spam F to commie streamers on twitch like other soymanbabies.

I said that I don't speak Schizophrenia. Would you mind to ask your parents to type for you?


You need to go back.

Mukum, what the fuck is r/destiny? Is it one of your totally heterosexual hangouts?


Come on, you never actually do it.

Some lame Twitch streamer

Only come inside women like God and nature intended. Make more white babies. Get a black trap if you want

You are one of the best shitposter on this sub.


Wooh, rood.

> not realizing that Mumu actually believes all of this and just thinks acting like an especially schizophrenic boomertard is some weird double-reverse version of owning the libs

Thanks! Ill take ur advice and am gonna try to impregnate as many white women as I can! Im brown btw.

I said more white babies, not more twitters, did you even pass the first grade english exam, smh? A white daddy banging your great great grandmother at the cotton plantation does not make you white, any more than my black son is white, learn the one drop rule. We don't want those aids dumpsters in our ethno state, and we'll do just fine without the bottom feeding spoiled goods in our gene pool. Your kids will turn out like this anyways, which means more traps for my harem.

Ok imma kum in ur mum

Why don't you come ahead and try, bud? Bring your homeboys with you too. I'll make enough food for all of us. You into exotic foods? We could have some monkey brains as appetisers, I know this cool chinese restaurant that serves them.

We could have some monkey brains as appetisers

Geez no need to sacrifice yourself just to get some new cool dads.

I just jizzed in /u/mukumukum12's asshole AMA

This but ironically

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Do you like fentanly

I mean they do their absolute best to normalize male genital mutilation hence why it's pretty much all you ever see in porn.

When the Israeli's took over a Palestinian town, they hijacked three television stations and broadcasted only pornography


It’s called banter.

Just a le pattern

It's true. Pornhub removed all porn with uncircumcised penises :(.

If you have sex too much the foreskin will slowly peel off just like a the screen protector on your new phone.

You know it would be better to just buy a screen protector, but the chinglish at the phone shop is too incomprehensible for you to let them replace your foreskin.

Don't buy a cheap Chinese foreskin replacement for your dick.

Let it grow back naturally.

Chinesah mehn roose your (((brissness)))!!!!!!!

Thank goodness I don't have sex then 😎

I'm so sad to hear that you can't have sex.

If you can get but not maintain a boner, just feed your semi-flaccid member to an octopus.


Kill the octopus when the beak (the only solid part of its body) is near the base, this creates a totally gluten and additive free cock ring, the screen protector on the end will protect your sensitive skin from the octopus's digestive acid.

The death throws of the octopus (oh this bitch wriggle!) will help you become fully erect and thus enable you to proceed to do the sexer time.


For best results, microwave (or heat slowly with hot water) the octopus. If this kills the octopus, cover with salt to excite dead nerve activity and enjoy warm jiggling.

(this consumes the unit)

Thanks 4 the help 😊

Oy vey! You need to watch more interracial porn, goy! It's for several (((reasons))). Circumcised penises ftw.

👀 < 👏

Relaax Goy we love it just as much as you


In Dominions 5 is there a Jewish nation yet where you get your subjects to pray to your menorah or whatever and it increases your power? If not, why?

Probably because the labia menorah will engorge with increased blood flow making it even harder to find the clitoris, so foreplay will not be successful and the women will not get pregnant. Those crazy ass jews and their menorah.

There is a literal space rock you can choose as your diety and several nations of literal sentient monkeys so you can roleplay as the glorious caliphate all you want fam

Reposted from r/israel btw

snappy is my favourite reddit user


Mommy is soooo proud of you, sweaty. Let's put this sperg out up on the fridge with all your other failures.

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So u count char lenth and not words. Shame

If only you could put that energy into your relationships

I am a bot. Contact for questions

All them words won't bring your pa back.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

All them words won't bring your pa back.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

Botty? You replied like 5 times u ok?

Your post/comment has been removed because it did not contain an emoji! 😱 😭 😩

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

Great album

this post triggers my sneeze reflex. What the hec

It's like the brown note but sneezes instead of shits

we need a bot to tell us if the number of brackets at the front or at the back is the same (don't want to make a mistake now).

Reported for ✡✡✡dogwhistling✡✡✡



you mean (((🍆)))

Happy Hanak----uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh....


Pornhub confirmed kosher, Happy Hanukkah.

Somewhere Ben Shapiro is having a complete nervous breakdown over this.



/u/annoythegoys explain yourself

The funny thing is that you know someone is bitching about that

/u/annoysthegoys explain this

Happy Hanukkah! 🕎
