Disgusting mayoid Guardian writer attacks black shortcel for wrongthink comedy

1  2018-12-06 by DerekSavageCoolCuck




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I’m always amazed how few people know about Gamergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.


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>mayo vs manlet

not sure who 2 support here 🤔🤔🤔

Always support mayos last.

u rite 👌

dont no y i cudnt guess hed b such a smug cunt 🤢🤢

shudnt drank the whole bottle

Mayos should stay in their lane.

uring the 90's and 2000's when the left ran the whole campaign against the christian right, it wasn't because they were fighting to stop oppression, fighting for the right to offend, and personal freedom. When, at least my generation, the millennial generation grew up watching such fine pieces of modern film, dogma, we were not watching ben affleck making fun of and being offensive of christianity to take a stand for freedom of speech and the right to be offensive and speak our mind about something we find ridiculous. But rather we were helping a new ruling class rise up to replace the former rulers of morality. They wanted to control social discourse and direction. Wanted to state what is oppressive, what isn’t, what you can and cannot say, extra. Movies like children of men, v for vendetta didn’t come out at the time to stop actual facism from rising up, but rather get the lesser classes hating the current establishment to allow a new establishment come in and rule over us. A new class to tell us what is evil, what isn’t, how to behave, act, and think. To control our speech. Even poor freedom of speech advocates like stephen fry got fooled by them. People like hillary were at least honest during that time frame with her war on violent video games and such in her true intentions of just wanting control.

And now take the post-modern left and their sudden love for “corporations.” It’s the same thing as the christian right. It isn’t because they truly hated corporations and capitalism, but rather they wanted control of corporations. They fooled a generation in thinking corporations are evil and need to be destroyed when in reality they love corporations. As long as they are in control. As long as corporations and DOING what THEY want them to do. Push their causes, extra.


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choosing an African American host is also a much-needed leap forward on stage.


Black privilege is saying all sorts of retarded shit and Mayos letting you off scott free.

They clearly did not let him off the hook here you disgusting mayo

After two years of straight white host Jimmy Kimmel’s rather dull shtick and after an increased push to improve the diversity of voters, choosing an African American host is also a much-needed leap forward on stage.

Hart’s obsession with making unfunny, disrespectful and inappropriate jokes about a community he has shown nothing but bile for along with a string of unrepentant responses to any criticism paints him as someone entirely undeserving of a spot on the Oscars stage. If the Academy wants to progress and remain relevant, handpicking a man with a history of homophobia is a flashing red siren of an issue, a middle finger up to the LGBT community and a sign that Oscars might no longer be quite as white but they remain aggressively straight.

they blast him the fuck out in the rest of the article lmao

It's the Guardian. They don't make decisions, they just complain.

Is guardian a respectable newspaper? I dont know much about papers in usa

Liberal, middle-class, British.

To quote Elon Musk in The Guardian when they reached out to him for a comment "Guardian is the most insufferable paper on planet earth."

Its a British newspaper, if that doesnt tell you its best use is for staying warm when sleeping on the streets I dont know what will.

This fuckboy plugged his own review of Hart's movie as a means to prove his own point. This level of autism cannot be possible, can it?

As a white man, I think all white people should commit mass suicide.

Black men are being institutionally discriminated and are considered "lesser males". To combat this they have to display extra levels of toxic masculinity to be accepted as normal men, and homophobia is an integral part of toxic masculinity.

When this white author complains about black males acting homophobic, he is speaking from a place of privilege and such he has failed to account for his biases. TheGuardian should sack him.

Am I doing this right?

Spot on.


Brought a tear to my eye

he's got the eyes of someone who holds up the line at Wendy's because they wont honor his $1 off frosty coupon. selfish and dead; joyless