This is why women cant be mods. Too emotional.

1  2018-12-07 by phedre


This sub is what happens when minimally educated unintelligent people join together to find common ground and project their own self loathing to the rest of the world. There has never been anything clever that I have ever seen from this sub. I will continue to look for humor but I am just starting to think that loss and anger plus unemployment equals humor


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Fuck women and Fuck Trump



Did you ever play RuneScape phedre?

No. I did play WoW, WildStar, SW:TOR, Rift, and a few other "WoW killers" though. Currently playing the last Witcher 3 xpac and might grab RDR2 for PC.

might grab RDR2 for PC.

This is your brain on SRD.


And this is your username on r/drama.

You couldn't even come up with a combo without a number at the end? Come on.

Um sweety those numbers are significant to me. Of course being a SRD mod you don't understand emotions.

Oh are they now?

What do they mean?

Are you trying to groom me? Why do you want to know so much about me?

We all know bussy is like catnip for SRD mods. You know you want it.

Please don't steal our culture bruh.

Mod your sub's better too you got so pissy about khabib ffs.

Do you even know who he is?

Yes a mong muslim ufc fighter from Russia.

Maybe play with a treadmill fatty.

Why did you quit wow? And /r/wow?

Got bored. Figured I’d try something new.

SW:TOR was lame, og's plaid Galaxies before the update that made it so everyone could be a Jedi

This is why a woman can’t be president


When I become president, /u/MasterLawlz will be first up against the wall.

I would take a thousand lawlz posts over a single one of yours. 💯😴

Wow. Words hurt.

Me too, but that’s just because I like making middle-aged white women happy

There will never be a woman president, thank god.

The basement dwellers over at t_d are gonna string you up for coming for their waifu.

I unironically believe this

Trump confirmed trans male

They aren't wrong though, phedre, you're a bigger nutcase than Whitney Wisconsin

Spank me daddy, I've been bad.


How angry would you say you are about a very prominent athlete doing racism against women? Then how much angrier are you that most people on a sub you mod will defend/ rationalize?

I’d guess that you’re a solid seething/10 but do tell.

doing racism against women

Oh my God, my ribs 😂😂

True. It's more akin to animal cruelty the same way its animal cruelty to step on a cockroach

If your father had spanked you you wouldn't be so degenerate and an SRD mod. Thank you for reminding me to beat the shit out of my daughter's at least once a day. They might grow up with daddy issues but at least they won't mod SRD like you faggots.

Christmas sales at Lowe's have rope at over 30% off at participating stores.

This is why women can’t be mods. Too emotional.


truly tho ur the worst thing on reddit right now. it takes work being that bad. how you made the drag race subreddit unfun i dont know.

how do you ruin drag? drag

Redpill me on the Khabib drama. I haven’t watched a fight since that potato vodka merchant got Dag’d on.


And Islampilled

What? A deeply religious Muslim dude form Dagestan doesn't have particularly progressive views towards women? I'm shocked

Next, you're gonna tell me that he's homophobic too.

he made a lame but lame joke and retards interpreted in the most retard way possible

Go get a pet or something if you want so much attention, smh.

Just get a cat and turn down the heating at night for cuddles - it works!

This is why women cant be mods. Too emotional.

This but unironically

phedre I thought you hated this place, why have you come back here? to raise your incel army?


Understandable, carry on

You aren't welcome here.

Has phedre finally gone off the deep end?


Khabib: "I'm going to smash this guy"

Phedre: "Omg! Is khabib planning to rape his co-worker?"

It’s adorable when a SRDine like phedre tries to hang out with the big kids in r/drama. 😊

Lol. You're just salty that SRD mods will never give you the approval you so desperately crave.

Another morning where I’m reminded I’m not a srdine. Gonna be a beaut of a day folks.

Why are SRD mods such fags

Because dick is as tasty as popcorn?

Who fucking cares about SRD? Fuck off.

Why are SRD mods such fags

do you want your flair back? i have it on good authority that you're not getting it

What flair?

Not really. I don’t browse with stylesheets on anyway.

oh then i should probably inform you that i have a custom image flair and you don't

also the modmail got switched back icymi

also you're still a mememod in spirit ♥️

Sorry boo. Can’t see it.

you're fucking retarded if you interpret his joke to mean that women should stay in the home.

Durr look guaise I'm a retard isnt my retardation funny?

Sorry phe, we arent you personal army. But thank you for posting your own drama.

Wait, why is she being fucked around with ITT?

You're not worth a thought