[Serious Post] r/Drama economics thread

1  2018-12-07 by GodOfLoveWineWarTime

So i've been using this subreddit for drama, and political commentary for years. What do people (i.e. Chapo, r/politics, r/anarcho_capitalism, lolbertarians, tankies, DDF, and everyone else we don't like) not understand about economics?


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is

  2. r/politics - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is*

  3. r/anarcho_capitalism - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is*

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sentient etc. etc.

Forget life on mars, we've found life in r/drama

The critical flaw of anyone who picks a position on the Chapotreon-Daddynomics spectrum is their unwavering belief that the ideas of their fat dude, despite that fat dude’s personal and financial chaos, are the heavensent cure for mankind’s ills. Warm and smug in their proudly anti-econometric toolkit that will never ask them to really examine their emotionally formed opinions, these “people” are simultaneously certain that the current authorities are dumbies while themselves being unable to perform basic math. Other examples include anything from the mouth of Alexandria Occasional-Cortex.

The way I see it, the right metaphorically is an unwashed penis and the left an unwashed vagina. R/drama is a freshly dilated and clean neopussy.

Invest in TitCoin

tankies, Chapo

Free markets are far superior to state controlled markets because the state reacts far too slowly to changing real world conditions, leading to some pretty gross inefficiencies (aka muh famine). (Among plenty of other reasons, but I think this "information processing problem" is the biggest obstacle to the planned economy. The "dataset" (all actions in every market, supply and demand side) is so large that the problem simply must be parallelized for the best possible solution... Anyway...) [*If you start as a fully agrarian society I accept that state control is able to start up industrialised society pretty well, but it will never function as well as in its 'adulthood']

lolbertarians, r/anarcho_capitalism

Regulation is absolutely necessary for markets. Do you want your river water undrinkable like Chinas for example? The invisible hand ain't going to do shit for 'negative externalities'.

Go to r/badeconomics and just see the countless threads debunking them. You can also go to r/askeconomics and ask for yourself.