Scientists planning to give bees autism!!!! SHARE THIS WITH EVERYONE YOU KNOW!!!

1  2018-12-07 by POST_BUSSY


I may be a 🎅 white 🏳nationalist 👏 but If 😏 I see 😘 a fine 👯 asian 🍜 ass 👌 my bloodline 💦💦 bout to 💆become 🍘 a 🍙 riceline 🍱


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It's the same teenager racism hate cult that MDE was all about. It's just another boring /pol/ offshoot for lonely edgelord losers.


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That’s pretty amazing they’ve found a way to save bees.

Bees are cool, but their cousin wasps need to die.

Wasps are just angry little fuckers. My cat is scared of them too.

😠 waspcide now

I had to scrape a wasp nest off the wall next to my bedroom window and it had little green/blue larvae inside of it 🤮. It was disgusting.

Very brave. Surprised you didn’t get stung. I’m beside a field and get them in the house when they’re dying off. The cat bolts on me, every man for himself. He’s a pussy.

Can we give bees ADHD meds? I just want to see what's gonna happen..