Sargon cucked by Patreon

1  2018-12-07 by mukumukum12


Ok I just checked out that sub. It appears to be a den of snakes, trolls, and alt right Nazis. I saw several clear violations of Reddit law. We're are smarter than the average cookies, they had to know we'd be on to them. Sad.


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Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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It's over to Swindoncels

Only a matter of time now before he starts ranting at people outside the Manchester road off licence.


I would pay good money to see that, and the inevitable consequences of him speaking to people IRL the way he does online


He was making about 12k$ per month with it.

He gets paid 144k USD a year to bloviate on Youtube.

Yet again, life is unfair. Might as well neck myself.

This but as it is

Yeah unironically. People I know who did MBAs on prestigious universities still had to work their ass til they reached 12k per month.

Patreon was a mistake. Starve the entertainment people.

except jerma985

You can't contain that compact ball of man meat.

Jerma bores me

hey go fuck yourself

unironically this. What am I doing with my life

Not staking your income on trying to please the fickle masses on YT

you probably dont want to look up who else makes more for doing less on that site if you want to retain sanity

He had to know that Patreon wasn't exactly happy with him.

Seems like an intervention at this point. Not to him, but to his followers.

Why? what did he do now?

They purged a lot of other channels for wrongthink as well. Not much detail yet but I imagine we'll learn more tomorrow.

well, and cos Milo was a fucking pedo who supported the rape of children

I can neither confirm nor deny the presence of Sweety Squad deep ops.

From what I can tell, if enough users report your ass they will get rid of your patreon.

I know he was I. Some shit with warski and metekeor, they ripped on him over his dead kid, so I wouldn’t put it past that lot but it could just be the usual suspects.

We've been reporting his ass from 8chan in hopes that he can find peace that his son was prematurely aborted because he wouldn't have been able to afford it anyway.



Ye i can carr it infinite or half if u want, but 8 is riterarry one keypress



not in 8chan's /pol/ and/leftypol/ at the same time

n u call urself a radical centrist

Please for any shred of dignity you have left, stop making this worse

We already post in /r/drama you retard

Hell can only go so deep

Do alt-right cucks really believe they're the good guys when they make fun of a man and his wife for having a miscarriage?


Are just as much a buncha faggots lol

they make fun of people killed in genocides, targeted political killings, Sargon has even gone of record saying the Indonesian mass killings (where up to 3 million people were murdered by the Indonesian army and self styled "gangsters", with the full support of the US and UK) were justified because the main target were communist and "communists don't deserve human rights", frankly, I have very little sympathy for him

Didn't even get it right. His child died in the womb, not aborted. You're not even like a Sweetie-cel, or just whatever prefix, you're just an incel faggot.

Did you know when you crush a foetus with a coathanger and don't pull it out it's still an abortion if it was intentional? Like how Carl's foetus decided not to be born to a server at Applebee's

edgy 13 year old

what I think happened he got into a flame war with some other twat, accused said twat of being a paedophile because he hurt Sargon's ego, said twat then read out a list of comments of people shitting on Sargon for like... 20 minutes or something which further hurt Sargon's ego, so he doxxed the twat, and in return the twats followers/edgelords looking to stir the pot because they find this hilarious spammed Patreon by reporting Sargon while linking statements and videos from Sargon that breach the websites terms of services (which often come down to "don't be an open racist", which is apparently a rather high bar these days) and banned him

Ironic considering he lately made fun of somebody else's Patreon getting nuked.

Not ironic. Prophetic, perhaps. A cry for help.

Did he? Who? Got a link?

now he's gonna have to do overtime at Applebee's

Respect the suit, and respect the epic gamer in the suit.

Did he work there before his stunt as an eceleb fag?

He was brandishing his suit at Metokur, saying how he probably doesn't even own a suit. Except Metokur quickly pointed out to him that he looked like wait staff at Applebee's.


I watched motoker a few months ago. Comes off as a milquetoast edgy larper fag.

Then again im king of the edge by being a drama poster 😎

If u wanna watch best drama then that's where to go + Kiwi Farms on the utubes or, y'know, the actual site

As long as they don't touch cumtown

They will.

It's over for clasical-liberalcels

And now my recommendations are going to be blasted with millions of two hour circlejerk videos and livestreams about the evil leftists taking his freeze peach. Great

np just np



New business idea, just starts alt-cel-eon or some shit of a rank a jank eatsern european payment gateway.

It could be great!

they tried that already, it didn't even last a year

nah, won't work, Hatreon tried and it got nuked by Visa. only way to do it is to make an apolitical version of it and hope SPLC or some journalist won't paint a target on its back.

Visa is legit though, they won't even do stuff like porn or tobacco. You need to use someone sketchy. I would contact Sberbank and see if they can recommend anyone for a finders fee. You think Russians will give a shit as long as they can get their 3%?

This should be easy money.

liberalisticisticists eternally btfo

Wonderful another 387 videos from everywhere saying why its good/bad

Tfw patrron tries to watch your content but it's dryer than Saharan sand so they nuke it just in case

if i could destroy outright one site on the internet itd probably be patreon tbh

could you imagine making everyone that relies on it broke lol how great would that be

nuke patreon over twitter?

Twitter doesn't do anything useful. It's pure unfiltered shit.

Twitter is drama. If it was up to me through, I would allow for the possibility to earn multiple verification badges. I would distribute them randomly but say it is for being "exceptional". I would also take them away for no reason. Imagine the salt the day someone gets verified and loses it next week.

no its hipster welfare and itd be hilarious to make people that rely on it broke

Unironically: too many shitty content creators are being kept alive via NEETbucks from patreon. They produce shit that gets 10k views max and isnt good enough to pay bills. Imagine living as an internet welfare queen.