Weebs argue about blackwashing… in an adaptation that doesn’t exist.

1  2018-12-07 by Ghdust2


"Internalized misogynist" and "prude" are the new slurs for women with standards and boundaries. Don't let newspeak fool you. ;)


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Snappy exists for a reason.

I honestly hope the adaptation would be shit, if it is made, cause anime doesn't deserve anything more than shit anyways.

Evangelion wasn't terrible. I do hope they don't give this one the same treatment they did Death Note, but they probably will.

Evangelion is the most overrated piece of media ever created.

Counterpoint: Evangelion was good and is directly responsible for modern anime being what it is, for better or worse.

I hope its shit because it's Netflix

Oh fuck off, anime is a perfectly good medium for storytelling. Unlike other mediums though, the consumers just expect trashy things.


Evangelion live action wouldn't work. Imagine something that requires the Avengers level of budget but is essentially a fucked up artfilm. Evangelion is just too weird, artsy amd offensive to properly make live action in today's climate.

Guys i have to be honest. If a live action Evangelion has shitty casting i will sperg out. Unironically, like i makw fun of those people but i will 100% sperg out and type like 5 page comments about said casting sucks. Just make fun of me now but i will stll sperg out.

I eagerly await the drama to flow forth from your keyboard

i'm there with you

As someone who loves redhead lady characters and Asuka in particular, this is 100% accurate.

They are replacing all the good ones with nogs.