Laura Loomer

1  2018-12-07 by AfricanBabyRefugee


This is why we need mayocide.


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snapy brings the 🔥

> implying jooz are huwhite

Black people think jews are whitewhite

All of this and she'll still get more dick then femcels

Literally who

The girl that handcuffed herself to Twatter.

Can you handcuff yourself to a social media app?

It's harder to avoid getting handcuffed to social media apps tbh

That’s deep.

How dare you talk about my future ex wife like that. She's an attention seeking goddess and I'll hear no more of your lip.

Ugh who is she and who is this insufferably smug prick

My flair

Volcel if you wouldn't

Conservathots are truly the lowest in our society.

Dude who is that chick, like the sexy one who does interviews during protests and stuff? I forgot.. She is hot af

Lauren Southern? Millenial Millie?

literally who?

I’d bang Laura Loomer. Great tits. If you read this Laura, PM me.

any holes a goal

I’m shocked to hear she’s 25 and I really don’t believe it. Some dentist has got to leak her real age because that is total bs

It's so funny. First time I head she's like 24 I thought it was a joke and had to check.

Stephen Miller is surprising too.

Yea miller one is an obvious Jew trick to me. Loomer is too now. It’s like 1984, if you believe that then they can make you believe anything. Literally only thing that makes sense logically.

who is she? whats does she look like irl

who is she?

zionist right wing agitator/activist

whats does she look like irl

That pictures is way more flattering than she deserves. You gotta find something that has those love handles shes dragging around with her in it.

Wait she's only 25 lmao

This is the chick who harassed that jewish writers mother saying she was gonna have his 'aryan jew babies'.

Also I refuse to believe this dried-up nutty bitch is 25

Why you gotta diss on my boy Jigsaw like that

To be fair that's 175 in dog years


Delete plz

There is something, several things congenital going on with her.

Never forget the 6 million tires.

Fuck off!


Holy shit, how does she look so old! I thought she was hot for a milf, now she is an attractive looking older woman who is far younger than I thought. That bitch is has pissed of some gypsies, no other scientific explanation for it.

"skankier," he whispered, slashing her spare tire with his finger

*Still can't get laid.

If I wasn't married I'd do my part in helping out femcels. I doubt I'd enjoy it though, probably like nailing a crying couch pillow.

If that’s how she looks in her 20s were in for a walking dead reboot when she reaches her 60s.

Lmao wasn’t she like married to Baked Alaska or something

I've never heard of this thing, but I must know more!