PerfectGoldenToast cyberbullies me from her alt... which curiously ALSO has a backstory involving an apartment building fire, except in this one, she caused it. Also tons of rape and bragging about being on welfare. Christmas came early for us autists! <3

1  2018-12-07 by CoolBeansBussyBoi


I’m always amazed how few people know about Gamergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.


  1. This Post -,,*

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Lol, she burned down her apartment in the UK ... but celebrated Thanksgiving? Build a wall and make the Burgers pay for it.

The fact that she's a piece of shit scammer isn't even the worst part, it's how bad at it she is. Like you'd think if you were scamming people online that you'd at least try to ensure that you have your story straight, y'know? That's your one job as a scammer.

I’m of two minds at this thread being started. It’s funny that we’ve found her again, but we might lose this one too if we push too hard.

My guess is that this is one of many alts and no matter how many get deleted, she's too retarded to ever walk away.

What even is this person any more? A sixty-second scrollthrough of her comments reveals that she is:

  • British

  • American

  • Iraqi

  • A welfare queen

  • Anti-welfare

  • Schizophrenic

  • An arsonist

Like, at least the old account was consistent in tone, if not in facts. This one is just wild. I know we’re dealing with a cluster B personality here but still, holy shit.

forgot one

  • felon on the run due to filing a fake police report
  • "one of the most honest people you will ever meet."

Well, if you wanna go through the old account, you're forgetting the big ones.

  • Former child sex slave (who miraculously had her virginity restored upon hitting puberty).

  • Mother of one, two, or three.

  • Survivor of a non-existent form of cervical cancer

  • Eyewitness to a horrific number of gruesome crimes, on par with a particularly rough South African township.

Wait a sec. A grifter? From South Africa?

Twilight Zone theme

"one of the most honest people you will ever meet."


Is this the feminist take on fight club?


You deserve to be bullied

I got a private mean message

I feel violated :(

Forget Taylor and Lena, this one is the new queen here

An empire toppled all due to one bowl-cracking shit

Nice dude you got 15 replies 4 of which were you, great content keep it up.

Glad to see you're keeping tabs, PerfectGoldenToast

Welcome back PerfectGoldenToast, hope your welfare checks are keeping you afloat now that your grift's been shut down

Ssid is not welfare you dumbass you have to have a work record to get it anything else?

Think you mean SSDI, retard. And I never specified which kind of welfare. SSI is available to those who never worked but can make a case for some bullshit "muh conditions" disability.

Please tell me why you're entitled to free gubment money. Gonna guess you're not a senior citizen. Which of the magical muh conditions did you cite in order to stay your fat ass at home suckling on Uncle Sam's titty?

Bullies and rapists like you making my childhood a living hell

Back the fuck up nigga, I was a weird fag kid who got pummeled by jocks (although to be fair I was always at a good half-mast for most of it).

So you're on SSI for "depression." And you've brought little bastard kids into the world when you can't even take care of yourself. God fucking damn were women a mistake.

Go back to /r/teenagers you are one of the most annoying posters on the internet

On the whole internet?!

Okay, tell you what, I'll disappear if you get a job and stop being a fat mooch who can't even pull off a good grift without getting caught like the waste of oxygen you are. Fair?

I don't have to. Someone with much more intelligence and education than you. I.e. a federal judge, said I don't have to work take it up with him

Oh really? And what exactly was the reason you cited for being unable to work that he approved? You're avoiding answering that. It was "muh depression," wasn't it?

I don't know where my decision letter went, but he said that based on the evidence and my testimony that I couldn't work. I'm not going to tell you the specifics cause you're just going to use it as ammo to make fun of me and judge me, I've done everything right and you are in the wrong

I don't know where my decision letter went, but he said that based on the evidence and my testimony that I couldn't work


I'm not going to tell you the specifics cause you're just going to use it as ammo to make fun of me and judge me

I'm not asking for specifics. Give me one word. "Obesity." "Depression."

I've done everything right and you are in the wrong

PerfectGoldenToast, you had to delete your last account because you were outed as a grifter in /r/Assistance. Does this intelligent federal judge know about that little side hustle?

SSDI is not a needs based program, you are allowed to have extra income up to a certain amount every month

SSDI is not a needs based program

Which is why I'm becoming more and more convinced that you're actually an SSI recipient, since you don't strike me as entitled to jack shit. Please tell me what lucrative career you had prior to saying "deuces" to the workforce well before the age of retirement.

you are allowed to have extra income up to a certain amount every month

Yes, but not from fraud. You do understand that if any of the people who donated to you in /r/Assistance see my post and report you to the local Red Cross that your benefits will be cut off faster than you can say "Jayden pass Mama her Winston Lights," right?

Nobody is going to do shit lol

Holy fuck......


You can't prove I did anything lol just a bunch of baseless accusations

You said you lived in Indiana. You said you caused an apartment complex fire via smoking. This is the only apartment complex fire in the past 30 days in Indiana. The dates match the timeline exactly of when you were grifting on /r/Assistance.

I wouldn't call these "baseless accusations," murderer.

Weaponized autism, watch it though, this could be misconstrued by the mods as dozing.

If you're not sport at least a half chub, then those guys are gonna have some disappointed women.

SSD and SSI are different. SSI is totally welfare. The govt gives you a check because you're so disabled you can't do anything to make your own money.

That's what I said

No it's not.

Ssid is not welfare you dumbass you have to have a work record to get it anything else?

There's no such thing as ssid. There's only Supplementary Security Income or Social Security Disability.

I meant ssdi

SSD is also welfare because depending on your age you will be taking out more than you put in. I'm assuming you're under 50 so that means you'll be drawing at least a $1200 check a month for at least twenty to twenty five years all while being on Medicare. Compared to how much you will pull out, you will in no way have contributed enough in Federal income taxes to make up for it. So yes, still welfare.

Bill Gates could file for SSDI if he became disabled. Its insurance it has nothing to do with how much money you have

No it's not insurance. It's a system designed the same as a Ponzi scheme. People pay in now in order to support those older or less fortunate. Those who use the system as designed will never get out more than they put in. Those who game the system to take advantage of it suck up the rest of the money so that people like me will never be able to retire thanks to leaches like you.

I'm entitled to it based on the requirements I didn't "game" anything

Right, because the point of it was that everyone would get a safety net for retirement as long as they paid in for the entirety of their working lives. What the system didn't account for would be that low life hicks like you would exploit the under 65 loopholes for the disabled and injured with bullshit "mental health" claims to further deplete the pot even more so than it was already being depleted.

The system was meant to repay elderly and disabled tax payers who genuinely could not longer work what they paid into it, not raise America's bastard children, which is what it's doing now. People don't get pissed about paying into welfare because of little old ladies and cripples, they get pissed they have to subsidize thots like you who can't seem to keep your legs closed despite not having a pot to piss in.

Right, but you're not supposed to get it until the age of 65. Which means you held down some shitty fast food job for a year or so and then claimed "MUH DEPRESSION!!1!!!" so that you could coast on NEETbuxxx while popping out a bunch of new members of the Future Felons of America Club™.

It's funny how ignorant you are. 1 year of a fast food job is not enough work credits to get ssdi

You're right, my mistake, the minimum is five years. Which means you dicked around at a bunch of low-life jobs from 18-22, decided you were too fat and lazy to flip hamburgers and tricked the government into paying for you and your sticky little fatherless children by citing "depression."

What's it like being white trash?

Nope. I'm loving how you are frantically googling SSDI regulations and are still wrong. Lmao and I'm not white I'm the child of an Iraqi immigrant wrong again when will just admit you're stupid

I wouldn't call it "frantic." In my line of work the majority of SSDI recipients I deal with are retirees, so I didn't know off the top of my head what the technical requirements were for white trash grifters.

The minimum is five years, by the way. You're welcome to frantically Google it yourself, chubby.

the child of an Iraqi immigrant wrong again

Nigga I don't care what desert hellhole your trashy ass father crawled out of, if it suckles down welfare like white trash and pops out bastards like white trash, it's white trash.

I'm about to order a pizza, is pepperoni okay with you?

Yes fatty, we know all about your love of pizza.

Just got back with my pizza, yum! umad?

Nah the sooner you eat yourself to death the better for all of us

And I'll give you the answer for free, Google adult disabled child. I haven't worked a day in my life

Can you post a self pic already?

Shut up you short pig

Kinda hard to work when you're sitting on the toilet all day trying to push out a turd bigger than your current contribution to humanity.

So, like I said, you're receiving SSI, not SSDI, which is absolutely needs-based.

What exactly is your disability? You're really evasive about that. You don't have one, do you? This is yet another scam, isn't it?

Bi polar and now paranoid schizophrenia cause of people like you who Target me for harassment adult disabled child benefits are part of the SSDI program you draw under your parents work record, anything else?

Yeah, do you have any remorse for killing two people?

If you're trying to doxx me you're doing a pretty bad job I mean if you want to be friends why didn't you just ask?

No one has posted your personal information. I just Googled "fire caused by smoking," information you've freely given multiple times, and that story popped up.

Considering you're not denying it, all I have to say is HOLY FUCKING SHIT YOU KILLED TWO PEOPLE

You can't get paranoid schizophrenia from cyberbullying lmfaoooo

Want to see my schizophrenia meds?



Although lithium is a bipolar drug and latuda can be used for either bipolar or schizophrenia, so you could just be bipolar but good enough imo.

Anyway I'm not actually wrong because you still can't get schizophrenia from cyberbullying. You already had schizophrenia.


What is living with severe mental illness like?

Now that your charity scam is kaput, I recommend you join a freak show and make money with your giga-fecal talent

According to the post history, it’s a bloke?

I think the person has severe mental health issues - I’ve been following the whole drama from the start.