Just when you thought the dsa couldn't get any more silly

1  2018-12-07 by ChipChippersonAMA


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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It's over for reddit-cele

it never even began for redditcels


Why is the DSA mad about the podcast? Did one of them say retard or something? I haven't listened to it yet.

their whole brand is basically saying retard

So it's Cum Town for socialist women? Nice.

Imagine Cum Town but it’s an NYU art student who says “retard” and you often genuinely can’t tell when she’s ironically giving bad takes or not

yeah, annas pretty dumb

its great when they have guests though. the simon reynolds one was good, the angela nagle one was good too

Noone with any of those names has ever produced anything worth consuming except the roasted flesh of their deviant offspring

Imagine Cum Town

That's gonna be a no from me dawg

All right but Cumtown is the most drama podcast aside from red scare

Other than one believing the moon controls her brain and them both believing that caring about climate change is a rich person problem not really

I think they're mostly mad about r/stupidpol which is dedicated to critiquing idpol from the left, which radlibs hate

woke astrology and mysticism is one of the funniest trends of the last couple of years

To be fair, Anna and Dasha arent radlibs

Not trying to insult, but I sincerely have no idea what you are talking about. Everything is so niche, abstract, and lightning quick that I have totally given up on keeping up.

caring about climate change is a rich person problem

I mean i agree in the sense that shaming the working class into becoming vegan is a losing strategy for slowing climate change

these people sincerely think they're going to win power and enact meaningful change

screw your optics

What is DSA?

Democratic Socialists of America. Basically a Bernie Sanders fan club.

They probably think they're alt right tbh

it's a bit more chaotic than that. it goes from warren-style dems to tankies and trots. the older national leadership is more liberal and the newer members are more left but also substantially twitter cliques.

Dick Sucking Association

CPUSA=Cum Peddlers of the United States of America

Macbook activism is my new term thanks OP. (also you pretty much said why its so bad because spoiler alert there are PLENTY of bad faith dipshits who will use this.

For the retards in the back, what is the DSA?

Dick Sucking Association

Burger commies



Using triple quotes can send the wrong message to our new friends. Stick to single quotes or italics in the future please.

Communism would be best solution for burger obesity thto

Just replace the insulin with sprite and the problem solves itself

An association of SJWs who larp as socialists. It's a den of the worst type of leftist ideology purity testing. Mostly filled with woke twatter tards.

Democratic Socialists of America

imagine what a society ruled by these people would look like lmao

95% of the population would be in gulags for wrongthink.

But the camps would be wheelchair accessible 🤗🤗🤗

And that's why we need communism.

Yeah, because it has purges.

This is an injustice! Nick Mullen will be hearing about this 😡😡😡

This is all a planned coup from elements within the DSA as they try to remove Generalissimo for life Nick Mullen

Lmao leftists turning on their own? Well I never.

Silly? He just got deplatformed sweety.

Wtf is the dsa

"Silly" just type gay you faggot, smdh.