Sargon of Akkad patreon removed

1  2018-12-07 by CommonWrongdoer


Lolis are for headpats and feed them healthy food, not for lewd.


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That's where you're wrong, botto.

Because someone trying to defend their unreasonably hated interests is just soooooo fucking funny. I'm only here for this post. Sorry kid, but I don't get off on laughing at other's expense so I'm going to gtfo of this degenerate cesspool asap. People wanna get rid of furries. Well how about places like this instead? The world would be infinitely better without drama. This sub is like the young people version of watching the Hallmark channel.


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Do people actually listen to this dope? I accidentally clicked on one of his videos several years ago and never finished it. What is appealing about his content?

I liked him before he turned a bit alt-righty.

What did you like about him? Was it:

  • his grating voice
  • his pompous attitude
  • his static image of a statue that comprised his visuals
  • his complete lack of expertise
  • his unfunny banter

Have you stopped beating your wife yet?

I didn’t hit my wife except when she asked me to.

Did you just fuck up a loaded question?

I sure did. Been a while since I had to deal with this low grade bullshit n

Being a fucking retard isn't any help tho either, huh?

Wouldn’t know. But I’m sure you can shed some light on that for us.

ha gottem

"No u" in [current year].

Are you actually Daddy?

Lol, stiff

Do you kiss your dad that's gay yet?


the blatant sexism

rape apology

the 12 year old mind set of "I only like this because it upsets these people"

Not that I care about it either way but what most likely happened is that he remained the same and imaginary center reference moved to the left.

Not that there's enough space left to move but still...

Not really. After Trump and Brexit he started praising every single right wing decision and shitting on The Left and Globalists.

I used to like his This Week in stupid videos but he went off the rails a little

He went from describing himself as "left" and posting videos of his political compass results (which were sort of liberal-left) to joining UKIP.

I think every apolitical person has fallen for the "lmao look at me complain about dumb sjws lol" meme at least once

He's been in an online doxxing/ slap fight with the alt-right for the past few months. They hate him more than sjw's do.

isn't that always how it goes though

What is appealing about his content?

Stupid Americans think anyone speaking in a British accent can be counted as an authority and an intellectual. Hearing an Englishman say "The Left has gone mad!" a hundred thousand times makes them feel validated for rage-browsing Twitter all day looking for (((SJWs))) to be mad at.

This but unironically

see also:

total biscuit, paul joseph watson, christopher hitchens etc.

Total biscuit studied law and was a voice of reason on more than one occasion. Not that it's hard to be a voice of reason then everyone around you has a mentality of a 12 year old.

You spend your time reeing about anti-sjws in /r/politics so i can see why you care about a fat british man with no college degree making youtube videos giving milk toast opinions.

Yes, but my SJWs keep making bank which makes them bigly winners so that's ok.

And you can't even spell milquetoast. Sad

Stupid Americans think anyone speaking in a British accent can be counted as an authority and an intellectual.

Doesn't help that the only smart shit on "MURICAN tv for 40+ years was BBC rebroadcasts on PBS.

don't forget "THE FAR LEFT ARE DESTROYING BRITAIN!!1!!" while he lives under the most Conservative government in decades....

He has this kind of boring white noise voice that made him a nice background track when he was less smug.

It is a little known fact that no one, not even Sargon of Akkad, has ever finished a Sargon of Akkad video

that's because Sargon of Akkad videos last for more than 1 Sargon!

I broadly agree with pushing back against SJWism and identity politics. But like any YouTube Intellectual, Sargon takes something that could be said in 2 minutes and takes 20 rambling minutes to say it while throwing in random latin phrases and circling properly up his own ass to get to the point. There is an old piece of advice that you can tell how much somebody knows a subject by how much they are able to not rely on jargon; anybody using tons of jargon for a general audience is trying to impress by obfuscation of their point and put the focus on themselves rather than inform the audience.

I hate SJW nonsense, but anybody who insists on using the phrase “classical liberal” to describe themselves and insist on using the old time description of “liberal” is a red flag raiser. I think laying out the label and endlessly explaining how it used to mean something different becomes one of those hot take pieces of trivia that makes people feel smart. It’s like when people try to feel like movie nerds by citing the little known fact that Indiana Jones shooting that sword guy wasn’t in the original script. Everybody already fucking knows, and retelling it like it’s breaking news shows how little the person telling actually has been around the block.

I tried listening to Sargon’s video on Starship Troopers, and fuck that was miserable. He isn’t exactly wrong in describing the philosophy of the book, but that’s because the book isn’t exactly subtle. The only people who would be impressed are those who either haven’t read the book and are posing for some weird intellectual street cred, or people who think Starship Troopers is the pinnacle of smart writing when all it does is jerk off a Mary Sue of a military force. The most subtle thing in the whole book was figuring out the “space bugs= Chinese communists” which is only not obvious to modern readers because we aren’t in the Cold War anymore. Anybody reading the book when it came out would have been punched in the face by the metaphor.

Longpost bits need to be gassed.

holy fuck why did you write so much

Sargon pisses me off.

I thought you were doing an irony thing, writing an awful lot to say very little.

I met Carl once, nice enough guy, don't really watch his stuff though anymore.

Who owns Patreon? Do they have something against making money?

You thinks there's a lot of overhead in taking money from one group and giving it to another? They can afford to drop someone to earn some good will.

I don't think that many people even know who he is.

Woke twitter is probably singing their praises right now

They are all broke anyway.

Their parents and student loans are paying for most of it anyway

Chapotraphouse patreon disagrees. Seems patreon is something they can we into the monthly budget, who needs to eat for a week when you can pay internet commies instead?

None of those fat fucks are missing a meal.

Good will with who? The people who like Sargon will be upset, and the people who hate him will still be mad at patreon for all of the other people they hate that patreon hasnt banned

This is a perfect example of how Sargon, and by extension the rest of the "skeptic" community have turned a molehill into a mountain. They have literally turned a problem of some overzealous brats into a civilization level existential crisis. He can't even entertain a conversation on how to increase access to abortion because it not an issue he can fit into his cringey culture war by constantly shitting on the left.

Pretty much sargon in a nutshell a comment from when he got bussyblasted in a debate by a social activist. (Richard Carrier)

God bless the free market

another win for the marketplace of ideas

its fucking over for obese britcells

The left celebrating censorship, what a time to be alive.

I looked up videos of protesters blocking traffic and getting hit by cars for yuks and now I keep getting recomended this idiot and some ginger cartoon character called "Dave Cullen" who is probably not the one who wrote the bestselling non-fiction book 'Columbine'.