Riceman reportedly commits suicide. /r/aznidentity discusses how this was actually CIA plot and the beginning the yellow genocide.

1  2018-12-07 by UnexpectedLizard


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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According to the reports, he suffered from depression and committed suicide.

I really want to know what drove a high-achieving AM to this. I fully understand the darkness that surrounds people suffering from depression; at the same time, I don't accept "brain chemistry" alone as the reason why guys like this kill themselves. Was he under pressure? If so, what kind?

He’s right. AM will never gain acceptance in American STEM fields.

Everytime I see these whiney Asian males I start to understand more as to why asian women prefer whiteys