Donald Trump has destroyed my life


But not in the way you think,


I used to enjoy reading TMOR to laugh about chemtrails and flat earthers, now its an unbearable lefty echochamber that only links daddytards and is indistinguishable from /r/politics.


I liked reading TiA but now it is KiA.


I liked going to r/drama but now it's a never ending spergout of seriousposting chapocels and MDEfugees. We like to pretend here, but radical centrism is dead.


This is where I'd go to twitter to bust a nut to some nice hussy but even there its only virtue signaling lefty furries that bully artists into drawing porn of characters wearing trans flag tshirts, vs unironic alt-furs that post ridiculous manifestos.

What do I have in life except reddit drama and furry porn?
And now orange man has taken even that from me. The drama isn't even going away if trump loses 2020, the best case is unironically daddy being too senile to run and pence taking over. Yes, I'd rather have the gay zapped out of me than take any more of these "political experts" sucking the fun out of everything.


Seriously. If pornhub is suggesting cuck porn for you, it's because their algorithm has determined, scientifically, that you're a cuck. That's all.


  1. This Post -,,,

  2. /r/politics -,,*

  3. r/drama -,,*

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

you understand me, snappy

I don't care about you're prefabricated thread.

I care

You shoudn't

Trump is the most feeble minded president of all time but at the same time there is a system but in place of checks in balances. It oddly gives me comfort knowing a retard couldn't hurt the US that much no matter how senile/inempt he is.

you are just a feeble minded bitch and not president. lol. “h-he’s senile!” still beat out all republicans and hillary


Bitches are the ones defending daddy and sucking his tiny wiener.

A stale hot-dog bun wearing a nametag that said "Not Hilary" could have beat out hilary.

not true. simply not true.

So you're saying she was a formidable opponent worthy of your respect?

yes but I will never respect her after benghazi


she beat Bernie by millions of votes

I took a nap in the middle of your comment there so I may have missed some subtext, but I'm pretty sure she did that to Trump, too.

voter fraud and illegal immigrants. which that’s not a problem For primaries. anymore questions hot shot?



...are those supposed to be Pikmin?

That's pretty adorable.

go fuck yourself ed. I’m really sick of your shit now. “Ohh no someone is not paying attention to me. let me emoji spam. the only ace up my sleeve”

At least his bait actually compels people to flame-on like how you just did, ironically validating him.

If anything you should be taking notes.

ya I’m sure you feel that way because you don’t unironically agree with him. retard with no idea how transparent he is.

ya I’m sure you feel that way because you don’t unironically agree with him

Since it's impossible to parse that totally fucked up 'opposite day sarcasm' chain-combo, I'll just have to guess at your meaning:

I compared your boring bait to a white-noise machine long before he showed up here. That's him agreeing with me.

Annoying dummies you find repellent can still be right sometimes, just look at trump.

can still be right

Thanks Bro apology accepted. do not sweat it and it takes a big man to admit when they are wrong




Your DDFer is literally dropping his extra chromosomes all over this thread.

waahhhh wahhh mods can you please censor Randolph?? hes triggering meeee!!! wahhhh


That's what a lolpet is supposed to do tho

I see ERADICATE_TRANNIES is evading his ban, again.

I'm ootl...who?

You might remember him as Wakandan_Princess, Transphobos, Shemale_Slammer_88, Leftist_Degenerate, SocialistEphebophile, Magamemnon, and like a trillion other alts.

/u/shallowm is this randolph guy BigLordShiggot aka BigLordFiggot aka LeftistDegenerate??

Yup, and PozzedShill as well.


I don't get that feel from him, tbqh. I'm pretty sure it's not him.


Oh, that one. Are you sure it's the same tard?

Absolutely, positively, beyond-a-shadow-of-a-doubt sure. Like I said, he always had the exact same stories (he was married to a based black woman, except for when he pretended to be a based black woman), he always made these really awkward reaches to "prove" that northern liberals were the real racists, wrote like Candace Owens with dementia, and generally came across as one of those secret Zodiac Killer supporters who pretend they had been MAGApedes from day one.

Also, I'm pretty sure PozzedShill was him too.

He LARPs as an Ivy League graduate and also a lawyer lmao.

I'm almost 100% sure that RandolphCox isn't BigLordShiggot. He's definitely a sperg, but he doesn't match BigLordShiggot's overall style. Plus, RandolphCox tends to shitpost a lot, while BigLordShiggot was usually either seriousposting or brain-dead magaposting.

I was mostly commenting on the others being one person. I haven't paid as close attention to Randy, I was just busting his chops.

Also, you're "ootl"-what?

Out of the loop. brb taking care of old yeller

Q predicted this.

Is this the same voter fraud that help Trump become President?

i don’t read twitters in foreign languages and refuse to. do better.

"Without my intervention, Trump would not have won."

-Artem Klyushin

Don't you have google translate? You can translate his tweet into English. In his tweet, he admits to helping Donald Trump become President of the United States. Basically, his tweet is reading TICK TOCK for your boy Donald Trump.

i don’t read twitters in foreign languages and refuse to

You can read foreign tweets by using google translate. The reason why you refuse to do is quite simple. In his tweet he admit to helping Trump become President. He telling us that the Russian Government did conspire with Trump in the general election.

That hot dog bun would have won the popular vote


Bernie Sanders almost beat Hillary ffs

And it's great because the pendulum swings both ways: Not a single GOP candidate appeared to be more responsible than some fatso hotel mogul with a spray tan.

Trump got a lot of help in the primaries from the mass media. They spent an inordinate amount of time attacking his opponents and talking up how popular he was while dodging any criticism of his policies.

In this election, more than any other I've seen, the media tried very hard to not just support their preferred left wing candidate, but to also pick who the right wing candidate was going to be. I feel like it blew up in their face ultimately, but it was a close call.

However, I don't think it will stop them from trying it again.

they did that on orders from hillary's campaign.

Pied PiperTM John Podesta 2015.

candidate appeared to be more responsible

They were responsible just not as likeable.

I personally prefer trump over Hillary but I'd rather have a dry Turkey sandwich than either of them.

To be honest, the Democrats seemed to be banking on a stale hot-dog with a "Not Trump" nametag being able to win against him, which is understandable.

Hillary was a terrible candidate and bad person. She's still somewhat resembles an adult. I didn't support either of them but the fact remains she lost and Trump is President. So him being an adult baby is more relevant than some dry coached old lady that has no importance anymore.

dnc is still in debt to her you fucking idiot. she literally owns the party. No importance? this is why I said don’t reply back. now everyone knows you are an ignorant fool

<But Hillary intensifies

Imagine supporting the shitshow Trump administration and trying to deflect. The whole point is he is in power. Hillary isn't running the country you absolute Mong.


You have serious reading comprehension problems. Don't they have GED classes near your rural trailer park? She isn't what this is about. It's about President Sundowners. Why even mention her at all?

aw did the hillary voter get mad?? sweetheart you prob voted for Bernie and when he cucked you did too and went for hillary. no conviction. Zip. Nada

I upvoted this entire comment chain because it made my dick hard

Are you still hung up on 2016? Republicans got cucked hard in November sweaty

Please, tell me a single demented thing about this series of tweets apart from twitters formatting.



Hillary isn't running anything dude she irrelevant to the conversation.


Whiteknighting for Daddy won’t get you any closer to having sex with him

yea to do that you gotta say no

"Daddy I defended you from online meanies, can I have some cummies now??? 😛😛😛"

Shhhh bby, You want some fuk?

do not reply back

Now I kind of want to reply. How's it going?

Trump will also never do anything to cause any catastrophic, immediate trouble, because he's still got a brand to maintain after his presidency and in the past he's always cleverly slipped away from real damage.

He's royally fucked when his presidency is over

How so? When you got that much money you can just fuck off to some islands though his ego prob won't let him

You don't think he'll be extradited? I don't think Putin will take him in either

Oh shit lol this mans got full blown TDS

You're 31 right? Are you married?

Why do you spend so much energy complaning about an old man?

Is it cause you're alone?


Nice ass deflection my man

I'm not even American


Just fuck already


It's over for the copecels.

An old man who's the president

For me the $50,000 question is:

Will the press keep reporting the stupid shit he says after he leaves the Oval Office?

I don’t know if I can live in a world where I hear news anchors saying “former President Trump tweeted this morning...”

He doesn’t really have any money.

Only Trump bothered alleging he'd chase the loser of an election after they left politics.

Yes, but what you should be worried about is what happens when we get a president just as selfish and greedy, but isn’t a completely inept moron.

Yes, but what you should be worried about is what happens when we get a president just as selfish and greedy, but isn’t a completely inept moron.

Well, thankfully Hillary lost.

The most centrist take - none of this shit matters.

You have a heart full of centrism doggy.

I forgive teenagers for thinking Trump is worse than George W. Bush, because they weren't even born when the war started.

But comparing a guy who says some stupid shit on Twitter, and a guy who literally started a war in the wrong country on false pretenses ... how the fuck does anyone over 30 not have at least a tiny amount of perspective?

But,but...he snuck candy to Michelle Obama,totally absolves him of anything.

Sometimes the people who do bad shit from afar don’t really realize how bad it is.

It’s like if I texted a guy who told a guy to tell a guy to tell another to guy to hire a guy to kill someone, I probably wouldn’t be as affected by that as I would be by killing someone.

This is what I hate about discussions about Trump. People act like he's literally the worst president ever, possibly even a fascist who wants to abolish democracy (if it even makes sense to call the American oligarchy a democracy), and I'm just sitting here thinking that Trump is just like any other Republican. Possibly even one of the less crappier ones.

W was an awful president, but man I would love to hang out with him before he quit drinking.

Trump, on the other hand, hung out with greasy hookers and weird NYC dudes totally sober. That sounds absolutely terrible.

The federal judges he nominated and pushed through are hard-core libertarians, like, the joke kind of libertarians who think climate change is a myth and coal dust is healthy and natural. They're federal judges who aren't going to be dismissed for decades, ruling on really important cases.

George Bush fucked up a lot, but he didn't actively kill a lot of people through his climate policy. Just brown people through his military policies.


I pointed out TMOR content is just another smug liberal circlejerk and got downvoted for it. I posted a few spergs in r/politics as worthy of inclusion in TMOR as proof. I was told r/politics is perfect, dindunuffin and can't be considered for it.

This occurred on the outoftheloop sub since people were asking why right leaning subs were sick of the brigading from TMOR. That thread had it all. numerous instances of it's not technically brigading to it doesn't matter because wrongthink and they should be brigaded. ie: IT"S OK WHEN WE DO IT REEEEEEEEEEE. Bonus discussion of smug liberals circlejerking each other about how everyone on the right has no self awareness.

Glorious glorious dumpster fire.

Yeah TMOR is shit now which is sad because it used to have some good insane boomer ranting now its just X MOD DID BAD THING AGAIN

The one good thing their brigading has done is that it drove the head mod of r/conspiracy off the deep end into full blown insanity. Too bad TMoR has become an unreadable smugfest in the process.

Oh yeah watching axo ban more and more people for wronthing creating more TMOR posters making him more deranged is like a endless feedback loop.

Dont forget axo's alt is fartsontoast who was the greatawakening mod who was disgraced by a failed coup right before they were axed

I miss r/greatawakening

Sounds like just another KiAcel that it's over for

Why didn't you link this to r/drama

I should have but I was too busy trolling the thread itself then I forgot.


TMOR is trash.

OutOfTheLoop is a glorious example of censorship and propaganda. Far left cickejerk to the max that censors or quickly downvotes wrongthink

And locks threads/delete comments as soon as they get a highly up voted answer the mods don't like.

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. It's a jolly old time to be a Trump supporter.

Ew, no. I have taste.

you have to go back

Yeah his personal lawyer and fixer flipped on him, his campaign manager was working with the Russians and he just had a Twitter meltdown filled with misspellings about how he's not guilty.

The only thing the media has reported on is how fucking stupid he is for two years.

Drama was never "radical centrist" you shitposting newfag. It's been leftoids bitching about the "mdefugees" since before MDE existed.

>Cake day

>February 23, 2017




Its been that way since GAMERGATE 2016 PRAISE IT

imagine thinking r/drama is left wing

looks like the mods missed one in the purge

Awwwwww, sorry this isn't a perfect enough safe-space you babydicked bitch

Try circlebroke2 instead, you'll like it there

This level of anonymous banter to be expected from sheltered high schoolers nowadays is honestly pathetic.

user reports:
1: immigration policy violation
1: mde user

I'm not sure how I feel about deporting actual mongoloids to third-world subreddits.

accepting immigrants from shithole subs


I used to enjoy reading TMOR to laugh about chemtrails and flat earthers

Why did they split from /r/conspiratard? Question everything!

But seriously, it's yet another smug metajerk, it was always bound to become a shithole.

Wow thots and prayers

It really is over for dramacels





Can you define your obscure acronyms please?

Top Minds of Reddit

Tumblr In Action

Kotaku In Action

Million Dollar Extreme refugees, somehow the subreddit for Million Dollar Extreme because a literal nazi sub then got banned now the cancer has metastasized to other subs.

Thank you, I appreciate it <3



GOOD taste

sounds like your just gay

not untrue

Anyone else remember conspiritard? It was actually about making fun of conspiracy wankers..

Lmao chapocels are a rarity these days

Chapocels anywhere but chapocraphouse is a shame.

what the he'll is this comment section? I'm unsure if people are trolli lolis or not.

I hear you fren. Same reason I’ve been avoiding Reddit as of late. It’s just a never ending political spergout as of late (especially after they quarantined CA and they all migrated here). And I had so much shit to post on r/yiffinhell... Shame.

Chemtrails was factual and even acknowledged by the goverment in many reports.

It just wasnt some grand conspiracy to mind control us or kill us quicker.

i dont doubt it, im talking about every single pilot and airport technician secretly being in on this grand global conspiracy

I was educated in the acadmic side of politics, diplomacy, and most specifically national security.

It was a very broad topic and I studied hard for anlong fucking time.

It all means nothing against the opinion of a 50kg soyboy who thinks his C in Bachelors of Computer Faggoting gives his opinion equal credibility as research papers that took years to research and write.

Gotta love the internet, they think they know better than everyone when in real life they work a minimum wage job and their partner fucks other people.