[Serious Post] Let's shit on the commie idea of "workers controlling everything".

1  2018-12-08 by GodOfLoveWarDeathSky

The shitshow in France has embolden their commies into wanting to abolish the President and Senate and have direct democracy. What's r/drama's take on the commie/anarkiddie fantasy of direct democracy and "worker ownership"?


Have you posted bussy yet?


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If it means the deep state can truly control the government then I'm all for it.

I just want another plague.

A man of humble needs.

It's the little things. A bird's song on a clear spring morning, the smell of freshly baked cookies on a cold winter day, a contagious bacterial disease that wipes out roughly half of the human population.


Lol, that edit is gold.

Antivax, global warming, shit shouldn't be hard. We're on our way, dont worry! If you really are feeling ambitious get a CRISPR kit and go to town

so malevolent, cruel and cold-hearted

Anarkiddies/commuchildren can't even get anything accomplished at meetings. They would atomize into sects and tear each other apart before figuring out how to keep toilet paper stocked in a bathroom.

No one’s stopping anyone from creating a worker owned co-op, there are plenty of them.

It’s great idea, I wish every one of my work days began with me and my co-employees getting together to do this

I dont care about this until you tell me how it will affect the exchange rate between good girl points and tendies