Circlebroker tries to light the fires of danger and create a metadrama post on SRD about how CB2 was invaded by "the incels of r/drama

9  2018-12-08 by Femicide


The joke is that this November your vote counts exactly as much as a senile retiree whose political sources are nestled between a thread of gay furry porn and a thread of kids wearing swimsuits.


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I had to click like 4 links to find the genesis of the drama.


I will x post this to Deuxrama. It needs more layers.

First they call us "entitled gamers" when we want good customer service. Next they'll call us "entitled dramanauts".

[Muffled REEEEEEEEEEEEs echo on the wind.]

I 100% endorse this reponse. If you're gonna sticky shit make it a bit easier to follow for us drunken dramatards.

πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘† At 23:00 PST we're not sending our best.

At 23:00 pst and after a pint of vodka this is about the best you're gonna get.

We have a "best?"

Yes, the same as our worst. Consistency is a valued character trait.

at least we know there's a worst. i'm talking about Ed, of course.

I forgot what I was doing 2 clicks in tbh

I'm not a goddamn historian ffs

Yo dawg

back in my day when drama used to go through multiple metasubs people enjoyed it!

LMAO now that "femcel" is a thing, incel is on the chopping block 😹😹😹

It's over for femcelcels.

It's over for femcelcels.

"Incel" has quickly become to mean "anyone who complains about the times when society favors women."

Give it a couple weeks and it will become a meaningless term.

The second it makes it on cheesy cop shows or normie news articles you know it already jumped the shark.

Thanks for doing the legwork for me.

It's a meaningless term now. The culture of online if just mockery, often fueled by sarcastic anger. The best argument back is more mockery so everything gets mocked to the point of pointlessness. Look at this sub as an example, it mocks and pretends to be centrist, even to the point of believing their own lies. But it has a mockery as a shield and the people who get mocked can mock back. No dialogue, just an endless stream of sarcastic one liners and meme pictures.

I didn't know adults mocked centrists. Oh wait

It was a meaningless term from its conception. Literally everybody is involuntarily celibate at some point. We didn't need a word, let alone identity, based around 'not getting sex'

Once it became an insult it just become more meaningless.

Oooh look at me, I see right through you r/drama

I bite my thumb at thee. πŸ˜’

Oooh look at me, I see right through you r/drama

I bite my thumb at thee. πŸ˜’

Which way does the sub lean?

Pizzashill was right. He was our prophet and we killed him.

implying that there’s any difference between incels and members of r/drama

It never even began for r/Drama-cels

I'm volcel though.

One of the dudes calling others neckbeard and incels is a weeb poly transwoman who wants a career streaming video games on Twitch.

u can't make this ahit up

Who "laughs" at being shown the woman (I am assuming an actual woman since they get action on tinder) they are with getting all these replies from Tinder and social media.

It definitely isn't a humiliation fetish to sit there hiding your tears while the people you are with pursue other people right in front of you.



error: does not compute

It's code for "nobody wanted to fuck me as a man so I'mma try my luck with these new fangled HRT drugs"

Oh, so a regular speedrunner

All dramanauts are incels, but not all incels are dramanauts.

I'm new here, but is not having sex a good thing now? Where I grew up it was generally frowned upon if you still had your virginity before shitposting on the internet

It never was. Abstinence-cels rise up. Gas the procretors.

Hey some of us suck dicks.


I'm a virgin.

r/drama rise up

Everytime someone says "I don't want to make this awkward/weird", they end up doing just that.

classic projection. he knows it's creepy. he's basically saying "i know this is creepy ... but ... just don't think about it that way for a second"

My best approach was to go up to a girl and say that I had been noticing her and that I felt like noticing her without an approach could be creepy.

So I said "I was noticing you and didn't want to be weird so i came to say hello."

That was an approach to a complete stranger at a bar.

Otherwise my advice would be to complement someone on something that isn't threatening.

If I say " You are really pretty", that is sorta abrupt.

If I say "I really like your style/vibe", suddenly I am not complementing her looks. Instead I am remarking upon her more generally.

The Worst outcome is that she is flattered and makes some excuse to deflect my attentions.

No one loses anything

id like to state for the record that im not an incel. my virginity is due, rather, to the fact that corrupted modern women are unworthy of my seed

Modern sex is astonishingly lacking of conception. In your arrogance, you are missing out erotic games with spirited partner entirely.

Modern sex is astonishingly lacking of conception. In your arrogance, you are missing out erotic games with spirited partner entirely.

did a markov chain write this

I can't tell if this means your partner is more eager if making babies is involved or if sex lacks spirituality when it doesn't involve creating a family as well as a long term goal.

Anyway, long story short, let me pump some kids into your bum while you call me Daddy.

I've read this 6 times and I still don't get what the fuck you're saying.

Show it to your teacher, then.

It's over for graduated-cels

He's saying that by withholding his seed he is sacrificing just having sex because it's fun.

I say we just burn the lot of em. If you can't get laid by 25 maybe you werent meant to live before modern society turned on easy mode and got rid of all the shit that should have killed them by now.

It would be more effective if incels and femcels were forced to breed together. Their children would be sent off to incelistan (in Central Asia) and forced to work as cheap labour. The process would repeat, thereby creating a two-tiered global-class system. Win-win.


Just find a horse.

Inshala my brother

You must go east to the land of more holy women and become a Muslim

Based and redpilled

It's over for volcels

imagine thinking incels exist


The incels of SRD talking about the incels of Drama linking to the incels of CB2

Hey, I'm a volcel.

Regarding the comment about tje use of the word uncles. I think a lot of words don't make swnse now cause they are just use as insults. Feom fascist, communist, socialist, incel, racist, bigot. They are less describes of behavior someone is agaisnt and just general insults now. Incels is just the latest, but with the arrival of the internet words get made, solidified, deconstructed and discarded at breaking speed.

I don't know what the answer is, maybe just accept that in the future everyone may just have a different reality whete even meaning of words fluctuate month by month.

CMV: All cbers should be exterminated.

Ladies and gentleman, Kill this site already holy shit man

Wah? Who gets involved? You're supposed to sit back, have a giggle, maybe, maybe a meaningful discussion then move on like it was a cheap handjob. I mean damn, KIA shit pops up here and I'm a card carrying member, but I don't pop up in those threads after talking about them here. It's like shitting where you eat.