Chapo is convinced the waves of protests against French Daddy means the revolution might be happening. Some users worry the protestors might be racist. Bonus anti American bitching.

1  2018-12-09 by Deity_Of_Moon


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do your police forces regularly execute people with impunity

Yeah tell me about how the yellow vest riots would go if the French police were trained by the IDF. Cops are using child gloves on the yellow vest protesters compared to what we've seen in Ferguson, Standing Rock, or Occupy

"My cops can beat up your cops!!"

The absolute state of the left in 2018.

But at the same time black lives matter.

Tbh the situation is actually somewhat similar to Israel in that the people rioting in Paris are middle class whites from the countryside, so the cops are mostly on their best behavior. If it was the second-generation North African and Arab immigrants in the banlieues, the situation would be very different lol.

You leave Mueller out of this. Mueller is a literal god amongst men. He'll restore normality to the United States. We can have a normal Republican President in Mike Pence when Trump is locked up. Mueller is basically Sherlock Holmes and a super genius but also has the morality of Jesus Christ himself.

We need more spergfights between leftoids and rightoids about which side the protestors belong to.

Rightoids are jusy sleeping leftoids. Neoliberalism is the enemy.

Both. Rightoids hate taxes, and the Leftoids hate these taxes for not punishing the Rightoids enough.

Complete media blackout in the U.S.

They don't want people getting any ideas.

Oh god they're such dumb faggots.

Yeah there's secret police just off screen in every news studio in America to make sure nobody talks about the protests

ikr, it's like nobody in America truly gives a shit about foreign affairs unless a threat to them is involved, and the media knows it.

For people bitching about America almost all the time, they forget how little America actually gives a shit.

ikr, it's like nobody in America truly gives a shit about foreign affairs unless a threat to them is involved, and the media knows it.

Thinking this is a American issue and not a global one...

France is smaller than Texas and like 40% the size of Alaska and the frogs are rioting (again). Nobody cares here except the random chapo/mde folks who think "revolushions 4 serious this time."

This is pretty much identical to how TD reacts to most coverage, EQUINEBOOTIES

what about le donal amirite

getting bussyblasted by someone comparing TD to Chapo

Peak mayo fragility

Please post more "ironic" rage about how "daddy" hasn't been jailed for muh Russian interference.

links entire thread


Macron will probably give in to any demand if the protesters just promise to give up some musty old coochie.

Time for my daily dose of 90 pound trans women larping as revolutionaries

Hey, there also some 200 pound trans womyn in there!

Wait, weren’t the frogs protesting because they’d get a higher taxes on gas? Aren’t Chapotards massive environmentalist circlejerkers (e.g. that thread the other day bitching about cars)? Wouldn’t they support such measures that reduce evil capitalism’s impact on the environment?

Oh wait, they’re just a bunch of teenagers drooling at the thought of rebellion.


Gas was just the tipping point. In Italy, the fringe left and right are disillusioned with neoliberalism. In France, we are beginning to see a similar trend in the 'yellow vest' movement.

Yes. What damaged Italy, 70th country in the world for economic freedom, was our surplus of neoliberalism. Clearly. Not the insanity of our pension system, our two-tiered job market, our bloated goverment, or the mafias. It was neoliberalism.

ummm show me where I said neoliberalism damaged italy sweetie???

I think he was mocking the protestors

Isn’t it always just Berlusconi’s fault?

two-tiered job market

Can you explain this better to those of us outside your country?

Their job market is lasagne

Mamma mia! 😘

Who the fuck makes a lasagna with only two layers?

In short; until about 20 years ago, it was very hatd to fire someone. This was maybe okay in the industrial, growing economy of the Miracolo, but not okay when you need flexibility.

A guy, Biagi, introduced a law to make „flexible“ contracts more doable (the guy was killed by the communists because of that).

The worker on „fixed employment“ are still very hard to fire though, so you have younger workers who are underpaid, unstable, and not secure in their jobs (because they‘d be the first one to go even if they outperform the rest, who are unfireable); and the older workers who have a lot of leeway.

This with unemployment at 11% and youth unemployment at 30%.

You're on /r/drama, the aim here is to mock anything and everything said and done in the linked post, regardless of your understanding of it or real political views


If shitposting is expected aren't seriousposts the real shitpost?

Shitposting is no longer shitposting, half of the shitposting here is barely ironic screeching about politics. sincere-posting is shitposting now

Unironically good post.

Tbh macron only won cause of dumb luck. He got really lucky that the socialist party blew up from his policies being blamed on his boss, Fillon turned out to be a corrupt hypocrite, and Melenchon had his surge a week too late

i have been following this, even had a pleasant and productive discussion about it with them, which pissed the fuck out of them, got 50 downvotes instantly, got called incel that hates women and they even searched my posting history to find something anything againts me

basically what the majority is saying is that they're againts any environmental measures that might not fuck over the 1% exclusively, which means no carbon tax, no cap and trade, only "the green new deal", which would never pass because it's so monumentally stupid, if you read AOC's plan they basically want to transform to 100% renewable plan by paying for complete carbon free renovation of all commercial properties, with a strong implication that it would be financed by a network of newly established state owned banks and getting the FED to start printing money for it

either that or abolishing capitalism first, neither of them will happen, which makes them somehow even worse ally on the climate change issue than conservatives

It’s always a bit silly when commies think they’re environmentally friendly, like the Chinese nearly killing off a species of bird crucial to pest control or the Russians essentially destroying the Aral Sea.

Do chapotards support nuclear energy?

no? shit i don't know, the only they consistently support is sticking it up to the rich, even if it leads to a worse outcome down the road

ive hardly ever seen it discussed but my guess is most of the ones with an opinion are nominally supportive

Did you ever post 🐷🐖?

I'll hogpost for you, friendo. 😊

'Dailysquee' yep, checks out.

Are you a commie like most radfems?

Is it really such a dichotomy? Obviously at some level the cost of regulating carbon use is going to be passed on to consumers. Doesn't mean the impact of this cost of living increase can't be lessened by tax breaks in areas

yes it is for chapo chaps, either abolish capitalism, whatever that means, or you won't fix the problem

As they say, scratch a commie and a fascist bleeds.

Aren’t Chapotards massive environmentalist circlejerkers (e.g. that thread the other day bitching about cars)? Wouldn’t they support such measures that reduce evil capitalism’s impact on the environment?

Asking the special needs to be consistent is to much, we just managed to teach them how to go to the bathroom without pissing on themselves.

hiking gas taxes, especially in an irrelevant country like france, is gonna do fuck and all about climate change, unless you consider buying maybe a couple extra days before manhattan sinks into the sea a commendable achievement. literally the only thing it actually does is make life harder for the poor and working class

So France should do what?

abolish capitalism. short of that, idk, tax the fuck out of corporate emissions while we still can? im a pessimist on the issue; i dont think any nation's domestic policy can meaningfully alter the course we're on, and certainly not with any policies that are politically possible. as such i'd rather not see the proles get shafted just so a momma's boy like macron can pretend he tried to stop whats coming.

I have been hearing for literally generations that America is bad because they have cheap fuel and too many people drive. Now we have flipped to taxes are bad?

Yes honestly doesn't seem consistent. Also there is no such thing as a tax on business that won't get instantly passed down as a cost of business.

first of all we were talking about france, not america, but yes, obviously american car culture was and is bad. the invention of the combustion engine was a disaster for the human race etc etc. but we live in a world where it was, so thats what we have to work with. the question is what our best options are within the dire reality we have, not one where we can go back to 1900 and convince everyone to subsidize horse-drawn carriages. macron's gas taxes do nothing real about catastrophic climate change but do make life substantially more difficult for the poor and working class, and only the poor and working class. i dont think massive corporate emissions taxes will do that much either, but it moves capital from bourgeois private control to nominally public control, which is a good thing, and it will have a far greater environmental impact (although again, the domestic policy of an individual nation is ultimately irrelevant at this point imo).

abolishing capitalism changes the logic and incentives of production, and makes a sustainable, even reparational, base structure at least hypothetically possible. this possibility doesnt exist within the capitalist mode of production.

I mentioned America as a contrast to Europe where taxes are higher. I am honestly not sure if abolishing capitalism would fix things when so much of emissions comes from consumption.

I was under the impression is working on environment in multiple levels like by joining international agreements.

I am honestly not sure if abolishing capitalism would fix things when so much of emissions comes from consumption.

sure, i agree, at this late stage thats quite likely, but it's a necessary prerequisite. nothings gonna get fixed without it. and yeah, france is involved in some of the major "international agreements," but none of those agreements are aggressive enough, none of them have been signed onto by enough of the major polluters (if any), and none of them have strong enough enforcement mechanisms to actually hold countries to their word. an agreement that actually met those criteria is functionally a political impossibility because it would be incompatible with the material requirements of global capitalism. entering into existing agreements and/or trying to forge new ones is a nice gesture, but i only support nice gestures when they arent just worsening the lives of people that are already disadvantaged anyways.

Maybe measures like this could be passed while also offsetting tax cuts that go towards poor?

potentially. this is wonk territory so idk. "tax cuts that go towards poor" is anathema to neoliberal ideology though (not intersectional enough, i guess) so it's not happening under macron.

You think so? Like even dudes like Reagan said rich should be paying higher taxes than middle class, CEO should not pay lower rate than secretary blah blah. Stuff like earned income tax credit is a flat out cash giveaway to poor people.

Helping the poor is something that has been done across the political spectrum when there is mass appeal and political capital behind it.

rhetoric isnt policy tho. any neolib will tell you theyre all about "helping the poor," but they reject that this is in any way in conflict with the interests of capital. sometimes they do things that make things somewhat better for some poor people, but only because they think it will benefit "the economy" (read: the business class and the megawealthy) as well, since neolibs are, at their core, business-oriented technocrats.

Ok, yes, I agree on the ending, but I just meant that they could possibly still do things that are practical and help the poor beyond lip service regardless of the motivation.

I make no delusions about politicians and altruistic actions.

Lol, these clowns think that they're going to have a world-wide general strike and yet they can't run a fucking discord server.

For all of you who don't know, there's an environmentalist movement called Earth Strike ... that's calling for a series of protests leading up to an international general strike against industrial pollution. The link to the subreddit has been pinned on /r/chomsky and /r/completeanarchy for some time, but it needs more support to really get the ball rolling.

From their top mod:

The EarthStrike movement tries not to affiliate itself with any political ideologies. However, a Discord server with almost 2000 people is difficult to manage.

It's over for Discordcels.

that's... wait... hm... 🤔🤔🤔

It's hard to managed because you're not supposed to have 2000 people on a single discord unless you're retarded.

if they weren't retarded they wouldn't be using Discord to begin with

yellow vests is truly the archetypal example of the horseshoe, when i pointed out in a post i posted in /r/ChapoTrapHouse they got so monumentally triggered they searched my browsing history far back to show that i am a fascist, got called incel that hates women and got like ~60 downvotes instantly

So let me get this straight:

  • Big protests last Saturday over fuel tax hike.
  • Macron backs down and suspends tax hike.
  • Much smaller protests this Saturday because only edgelords with no concrete demands are out there, get BTFOd by the gendarmerie.
  • Global revolution is imminent!


Like when Occupy Wallstreet turned into a homeless camp.

Moreover yellow vests are now campaigning against immigration and are screaming that Macron is "selling out France to the UN". I doubt the morons at chapo are aware of this but if they think the yellow vests are their perfect inclusive communist revolution they're in for a surprise

Supporting nationalists to own the libs

Scratch a commie and a fascist bleeds.