r/aznidentity literally asking for advice on how to cope

1  2018-12-09 by POST_BUSSY


They targeted gamers. Gamers.


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Do they not know that for centuries, certain Chinese ethnic groups valued pale skin as they saw it as proof that the woman or man had largely lived inside and avoided the sun-exposure of peasant workers? Like it had nothing to do with westerners. They were even just as against reddish hair as they were in favor of pale skin for the same reason: the hair from the Han ethnic group would get red tones over years of sun exposure. It may be backwards but their target is off.

Europeans had the same fetish, hence the white powdered faces on Queen Elizabeth, Marie Antoinette etc.

You mean sun-bleached, yeah. It also ruined the texture of the hair as well. Thats why an 'ideal' oriental beauty doesn't have blonde or even brown hair, but straight (undamaged) jet black hair.

God, silky black hair on a cute East-Asian girl makes my kokoro go all doki doki 💗💗💗

I’m on to you, Yamate. Keep your Asian fetishizing pedo shit in the closet this time.

Only if you’re denying the reality lol it’s a combination of both classism and colonialism. It’s not mutually exclusive.

complimented my older sister

it's over for uggocels

Poor Cinderella.

They need to learn from whitey and cope by screwing easy asian girls.

It's sad that they still feel the need to pretend to be "woke Asian girls" rather than just be honest and admit they are ricecels with a chippy attitude towards whitey.

They should just come right out and admit they hate whites like we do here

That requires a dedication to radical centrism and a rejection of the temptations of gussy. Only through the Grace of Tay can their souls be saved.

Amen, brother. Jesus was brown.

One of the mods has at least 3 accounts that he tags as 'verified female'. Its pretty sad.

Can we start verifying femoids here?

I need to tell my mother I've at least messaged a girl online this year without the police getting involved or else she'll start trying to arrange a marriage with distant cousins again.

Just reply to Snally

That's nothing, check out /r/proudasianladies, its literally a sub that's 90% male LARPing as woke azn women.

If you check the profiles of the posters there its extremely clear that most are alts that were created specifically for that subreddit. Tbh its one of the saddest things I've seen on reddit, it probably deserves its own post.

You know whats up, the0clean0slate is probably the biggest offender among the mods. All of them have conveniently recent account creation dates and have similar typing styles and talking points.

It's very fascinating how seriously they take reddit and their online crusades.

Asians craze the white dick, what can I say?

what whites imagine asian women who "crave" it look like: https://i.imgur.com/3wVoReF.jpg

what they actually look like: https://i.imgur.com/ylKqN0R.jpg

the first ones attractive? I have a better example

You're right though, the cute Asian girls all go for the handsome Asian bulls. It's over for whitcels who like Asian cuties.

That's the ultimate blackpill

Yup, sadly this is true lmao.

and we're close to wmaf couple, I'll start talking trash about wm

or if i'm at mall, I will just cut in front of wmaf couples and smugly turn back

Presented without comment.

or if i'm at mall, I will just cut in front of wmaf couples and smugly turn back

this is core to an azn identity

Rant about it IRL like how you're ranting here.

That sounds like great advice.