So, according to the comments here, telling someone to kys appears to be ok, advocating serial killing too, but saying "hey, look at me, I gonna push those rules" will get you banned.
Yeah that was probably a bad fucking move if someone's considering self harm looking at the posts. The sidebar has a good link collection but I probably should have just listed them.
Reddit (and social media frequented by teens) is shit for people with depression in general. It seems like mental illness and depression in particular is glorified by Millennial and Zoomers, as if having a medical condition that makes you struggle to take care of basic life functions somehow makes you more complex and interesting. My pet theory is that the acceptance and glorification of depression (and maybe anxiety) is causing higher rates of it in youths as they try to adopt depressive thought patterns in order to become 'deep'.
I don’t know about all that, but there’s definitely a lot of self-perpetuation of their own misery going on in these subreddits. Reddit can definitely be a very valuable resource if you look in the right places though.
What are the good places to look? Whenever I'm on /r/all or otherwise see a topic that remotely gives people the opportunity to talk about depression, hundreds to thousands of people wax poetic about it and essentially jerk each other off about ~their struggles~. iirc fucking /r/depression of all places doesn't even allow people to suggest that posters get treatment. The discussion around depression and mental illness at large on reddit and other forms of social media is repulsive. Imagine if there was a culture like that around a strictly physical medical condition.
If everything is truly unbearable and you feel like you’re getting to what you consider to be “the end” I got some advise, not sure if it’s the best but it’s always been my backup plan:
Just sell everything and move to someplace fun. Even if you just get 5 grand that’ll give you a solid year sitting on a beach in Belieze. See how you’re feeling about life after spending a year getting a tan drinking out of coconuts. You might find a new perspective on life, and if you don’t, wtf do you even have to lose anyway so who cares. Good luck
So long as you aren't one of those anime weebs who masturbates to Chinese lolita games and got unironically upset when Steam banned them... so long as you aren't one of those you have something to live for.
have you been getting much sun recently? That helps a lot. Like seriously, it's crazy how important sunshine is for mental health.
I wouldn't recommend suicide, though. I'm not going to tell you that I care. I don't. No one online does, and empty platitudes about "I love you, friend! Here's a hotline!" are pretty much worthless. You know that, I know that, everyone knows that. People who post those types of things are idiots.
But I'm sure you do have someone in your life who does actually care about you, and killing yourself would burden them immensely. So even if you don't want to live anymore, you should carry on for as long as you can so as to avoid putting a ton of emotional and mental stress on your loved ones, and saddling them with tens of thousands of dollars of debt for funeral and end of life costs.
If you have literally nothing and no one at all, and zilch to live for... eh, honestly, go for it. I think it's morally wrong to make someone be around longer than they want to be if they can give a good reason to want to die.
Worth noting though: poison and pills are both immensely painful, slow, and ineffective. Hanging also sucks. You are not a professional hangman, you will not snap your neck and die instantly. You will slowly and painfully asphyxiate over the course of an hour or so. It is not pleasant.
Gunshot and falling are the most fast, effective and painless.
Though again, suicide is pretty selfish. You're screwing over your friends and family in a massive, life-changing way over what is ultimately a temporary mood. I'm not saying that depression isn't a long term thing, but the suicidal parts of it are usually fairly short-lived, a week or so at most usually, and once you're off of that bit, you'll be back to regular hating yourself, not "I want to stab a fork repeatedly into my eyeball while doing my level best to break my skull open against a concrete wall" levels of hating yourself.
I feel like shit because I am on Clozapine, and without I am extremely aggressive/violent. Can't have it replaced either because treatment with anti-psychotics is still novel and they don't know if others will have the same effect.
I'm not planning to commit suicide either, my initial plan was to wait it out and then maybe stop medication and probably go to prison for doing something stupid again.
It's called "asking for a second opinion", but honestly man you're (or someone is) paying them to help you. If you are not receiving the help you feel like you need, that argues for finding someone who can help you.
Are you seeing a therapist in addition to a psychiatrist? Medical intervention + therapy tends to have the best outcome.
Also, your doctor sounds like shit. Find a better one if you can, particularly one that specializes in treating whatever your condition is (schizophrenia?)
I'm on it because it does help with antisocial personality disorder.
It's a trade-off between me feeling like shit or getting others (plus myself) in trouble because of violent and aggressive behaviour. And the treatment is pretty much forced either way.
Here's a hotline!" are pretty much worthless. You know that, I know that, everyone knows that. People who post those types of things are idiots.
Yeah I felt like a real asshole after I looked at the suicide watch subreddit I linked in this thread earlier before I had to head out. Just reading the post titles is numbing/dissociating.
I've actually used some of the sidebar material before but jeez just dropping the number to some hotline doesn't seem like it has a good chance of being helpful.
1 Wheretheflowersgrow 2018-12-09
You just need a hobby, on the plus side, it sounds like youve got nothing to lose, so how about giving serial killing a shot?
1 BeanerShnitzel 2018-12-09
I like the way you think, I mean if you have nothing to lose 🤷🏿♀️🤔
1 Matthew94 2018-12-09
Is it against the rules to tell someone to commit suicide but ok to advocate murder?
1 Wheretheflowersgrow 2018-12-09
Mate, I'm not here to just play by the rules, I'm here push the fucking rules. Problem?
Edit: Wtf? I just got banned.
1 -DeadHead- 2018-12-09
So, according to the comments here, telling someone to kys appears to be ok, advocating serial killing too, but saying "hey, look at me, I gonna push those rules" will get you banned.
Good mods.
1 Wheretheflowersgrow 2018-12-09
I was just banned again for your post.
What a toppsy turvy word we live in.
1 -DeadHead- 2018-12-09
Damn, sorry dude. 😟
At least they let you anwser on this post.
1 Wheretheflowersgrow 2018-12-09
Yeah I feel the ban setting in now. Ive heard, you feel it at the back of the throat first, so I'm just gonna wait now.
1 binenut 2018-12-09
Open the throat, relax the jaw, think of England, James. You'll be alright.
1 NoChickswithDicks 2018-12-09
You could always actually go back and edit comments.
1 tomcruisemissil 2018-12-09
its over for modcels
1 jonapoul 2018-12-09
It really do be like that
1 PasiphaeDNW 2018-12-09
Hot take.
Love you bBy💋. Keep yourself safe for us❤.
1 ParticularDrummer 2018-12-09
How much is 10 thousand yen?
1 Velxon 2018-12-09
1 Child_downloader 2018-12-09
Shit op thats quite a bargain
1 YourLocalMonarchist 2018-12-09
fuck you you lazy fuck, do it yourself
1 binenut 2018-12-09
1 Wheretheflowersgrow 2018-12-09
Wow, what a bummer that place is.
1 binenut 2018-12-09
Yeah that was probably a bad fucking move if someone's considering self harm looking at the posts. The sidebar has a good link collection but I probably should have just listed them.
1 KaneIntent 2018-12-09
Anybody actually looking for help needs to stay the fuck out of r/depression and r/suicidewatch. R/getting_over_it is a much better option.
1 RealJackAnchor 2018-12-09
Nice try, Bennett Foddy
1 snallygaster 2018-12-09
Reddit (and social media frequented by teens) is shit for people with depression in general. It seems like mental illness and depression in particular is glorified by Millennial and Zoomers, as if having a medical condition that makes you struggle to take care of basic life functions somehow makes you more complex and interesting. My pet theory is that the acceptance and glorification of depression (and maybe anxiety) is causing higher rates of it in youths as they try to adopt depressive thought patterns in order to become 'deep'.
1 KaneIntent 2018-12-09
I don’t know about all that, but there’s definitely a lot of self-perpetuation of their own misery going on in these subreddits. Reddit can definitely be a very valuable resource if you look in the right places though.
1 snallygaster 2018-12-09
What are the good places to look? Whenever I'm on /r/all or otherwise see a topic that remotely gives people the opportunity to talk about depression, hundreds to thousands of people wax poetic about it and essentially jerk each other off about ~their struggles~. iirc fucking /r/depression of all places doesn't even allow people to suggest that posters get treatment. The discussion around depression and mental illness at large on reddit and other forms of social media is repulsive. Imagine if there was a culture like that around a strictly physical medical condition.
1 KaneIntent 2018-12-09
Are you looking for places to get help, advice, or support?
1 nanonan 2018-12-09
Try some whiskey followed by weed.
1 ParticularDrummer 2018-12-09
I don't do drugs.
1 CMWAidanx 2018-12-09
1 binenut 2018-12-09
That is probably a wise choice fwiw.
1 MAMStoic 2018-12-09
I am conflicted, It's a SRDine 😦😦.
1 nmx179 2018-12-09
Also a gamer and a weeb
1 A663954512658449695 2018-12-09
Weebs are the lowest form of existence other than gamers. I would know, I'm both, and I'm pretty low on the ladder.
1 ironicshitpostr 2018-12-09
Be a furry and a pedo and collect the set
1 zywiaibronia 2018-12-09
do a flip attention whore
1 Ravensthrowit 2018-12-09
If everything is truly unbearable and you feel like you’re getting to what you consider to be “the end” I got some advise, not sure if it’s the best but it’s always been my backup plan:
Just sell everything and move to someplace fun. Even if you just get 5 grand that’ll give you a solid year sitting on a beach in Belieze. See how you’re feeling about life after spending a year getting a tan drinking out of coconuts. You might find a new perspective on life, and if you don’t, wtf do you even have to lose anyway so who cares. Good luck
1 ParticularDrummer 2018-12-09
All my belongings wouldn't even combine for a grand.
1 Wheretheflowersgrow 2018-12-09
So get a loan or save every penny until you can have enough to go somewhere cheap like op said, then use that time to figure shit out.
1 Matthew94 2018-12-09
1 life_is_painful__ 2018-12-09
same here :)
1 Boks1 2018-12-09
Just take a shower, bro.
1 ParticularDrummer 2018-12-09
My landlord adviced me not to pour grease down the shower pit.
1 binenut 2018-12-09
1 scatmunchies 2018-12-09
1 ParticularDrummer 2018-12-09
Fuck off
1 RealJackAnchor 2018-12-09
It helps.
1 scatmunchies 2018-12-09
It’s the single most effective psychoactive drug I’ve ever tried, and I’ve tried a lot of them.
1 EarnestNoMeta 2018-12-09
1 EarnestNoMeta 2018-12-09
no for real you ever try mesc? I had an 8 hour orgasm on that shit
1 EarnestNoMeta 2018-12-09
try PCP
1 lol_te_gusto 2018-12-09
Shrooms are safer
1 Sea_Safe 2018-12-09
clean your room and wash your balls. -bordan p jeterson
1 ParticularDrummer 2018-12-09
Thanks, I'll try.
1 Assy-McGee 2018-12-09
dod or dod not, there is no try.
-Jordan 🅱️. Memer-san
1 iamusingplebbit 2018-12-09
1 umar4812 2018-12-09
1 Jimbo_B_Beterson 2018-12-09
Hey, that's my line
1 Mat_The_49th 2018-12-09
Girl, bye
1 ParticularDrummer 2018-12-09
1 mohkohnsepicgun 2018-12-09
Why the hell would you post this here?
So long as you aren't one of those anime weebs who masturbates to Chinese lolita games and got unironically upset when Steam banned them... so long as you aren't one of those you have something to live for.
1 ParticularDrummer 2018-12-09
I didn't even know Steam had those kind of games until like a month ago.
1 mohkohnsepicgun 2018-12-09
That's because you are a worthwhile human being.
Stay with us.
1 JayBaumanManhole 2018-12-09
It's over for all of us-cels
1 e-guy 2018-12-09
have you been getting much sun recently? That helps a lot. Like seriously, it's crazy how important sunshine is for mental health.
I wouldn't recommend suicide, though. I'm not going to tell you that I care. I don't. No one online does, and empty platitudes about "I love you, friend! Here's a hotline!" are pretty much worthless. You know that, I know that, everyone knows that. People who post those types of things are idiots.
But I'm sure you do have someone in your life who does actually care about you, and killing yourself would burden them immensely. So even if you don't want to live anymore, you should carry on for as long as you can so as to avoid putting a ton of emotional and mental stress on your loved ones, and saddling them with tens of thousands of dollars of debt for funeral and end of life costs.
If you have literally nothing and no one at all, and zilch to live for... eh, honestly, go for it. I think it's morally wrong to make someone be around longer than they want to be if they can give a good reason to want to die.
Worth noting though: poison and pills are both immensely painful, slow, and ineffective. Hanging also sucks. You are not a professional hangman, you will not snap your neck and die instantly. You will slowly and painfully asphyxiate over the course of an hour or so. It is not pleasant.
Gunshot and falling are the most fast, effective and painless.
Though again, suicide is pretty selfish. You're screwing over your friends and family in a massive, life-changing way over what is ultimately a temporary mood. I'm not saying that depression isn't a long term thing, but the suicidal parts of it are usually fairly short-lived, a week or so at most usually, and once you're off of that bit, you'll be back to regular hating yourself, not "I want to stab a fork repeatedly into my eyeball while doing my level best to break my skull open against a concrete wall" levels of hating yourself.
1 LongPostBot 2018-12-09
You can type 10,000 characters and you decided that these were the one's that you wanted.
I am a bot. Contact for questions
1 LightUmbra 2018-12-09
Those were good words tyvm
1 ParticularDrummer 2018-12-09
I feel like shit because I am on Clozapine, and without I am extremely aggressive/violent. Can't have it replaced either because treatment with anti-psychotics is still novel and they don't know if others will have the same effect.
I'm not planning to commit suicide either, my initial plan was to wait it out and then maybe stop medication and probably go to prison for doing something stupid again.
1 LightUmbra 2018-12-09
For real dude, talk with your doctor. They can probably find something to help you out.
1 ParticularDrummer 2018-12-09
I have, they basically told me to suck it up.
1 LightUmbra 2018-12-09
Shit man. If you need to chat with someone, send me a message.
1 binenut 2018-12-09
It's called "asking for a second opinion", but honestly man you're (or someone is) paying them to help you. If you are not receiving the help you feel like you need, that argues for finding someone who can help you.
1 lyridsreign 2018-12-09
Find a new one
1 snallygaster 2018-12-09
Are you seeing a therapist in addition to a psychiatrist? Medical intervention + therapy tends to have the best outcome.
Also, your doctor sounds like shit. Find a better one if you can, particularly one that specializes in treating whatever your condition is (schizophrenia?)
1 ParticularDrummer 2018-12-09
Antisocial personality disorder, clozapine helps with impulses and aggressiveness.
I'm more or less forced on it due to past behaviour. I don't have that much of a choice anymore.
1 dramasexual 2018-12-09
My nigga that some hard hitting shit.
Have you been on other antipsychotics before? If not, what kind of braindead snotmonster of a Dr jumps straight to Clozapine?
1 Wheretheflowersgrow 2018-12-09
I lost like 6 months because of that shit.
1 dramasexual 2018-12-09
At least try a nigga on seroquel or abilify or some shit before jumping into motherfucking clozapine smdh
1 Wheretheflowersgrow 2018-12-09
Doubt they'd be as when you're coming down off meth though, benzos are a lifesaver when you just wanna sleep.
1 dramasexual 2018-12-09
are you coming off meth right now because that was some word salad my dude
1 ParticularDrummer 2018-12-09
I'm on it because it does help with antisocial personality disorder.
It's a trade-off between me feeling like shit or getting others (plus myself) in trouble because of violent and aggressive behaviour. And the treatment is pretty much forced either way.
1 dramasexual 2018-12-09
aiight that is some legit shit
still seems like there should be other options tho since clozapine is fucking you up so bad
1 binenut 2018-12-09
Yeah I felt like a real asshole after I looked at the suicide watch subreddit I linked in this thread earlier before I had to head out. Just reading the post titles is numbing/dissociating.
I've actually used some of the sidebar material before but jeez just dropping the number to some hotline doesn't seem like it has a good chance of being helpful.
1 RealJackAnchor 2018-12-09
I hate my life too but you don't see me attentionposting
1 Inceltiers 2018-12-09
Post bussy
1 calciu 2018-12-09
Just find a good escort to bang couple of times and you'll feel better.
1 automatic_cluck 2018-12-09
You got a pretry shirtty username, pal.
1 ParticularDrummer 2018-12-09
It's a default username reddit suggests when you create an acc.
1 automatic_cluck 2018-12-09
Creativity exists, buddy.