Upstanding citizen and up and coming SoundCloud rapper politely asks for a refund after his McDonald's order is wrong - what happens next may surprise you!

1  2018-12-09 by BasicallyADoctor


Look you retards, when the posts here are basically the same thing every single day and the bot has like 3 different phrases, of course they are going to match up a lot. You idiots post links to anything that matches up with your gay ass drama buzzwords. I don’t get how the circlejerk of regulars don’t get bored of this place but I guess that is because of their incredibly low mental capacity. How many times can you say “dude bussy lmao” without wanted to blow your brains out?


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That guy was shaking, god damn. FUCK all of them

Literally animals..

What was the link to?

It was a rap song with a video where they go to a school and beat some people up

Is it time for /r/drama to sperg out unironically in rage that a white person has been mistreated despite always claiming how much they hate white people? 🤨🤔

honest take: i don’t give a shit if this ugly mayo was shaking lmao grow some balls and tell them to fuck their 4 dollars

The guy obviously has some mental health issues or is going through some sort of hard time. The fact that they not only laughed at him while he was having a breakdown but decided to humiliate him by sharing it with thousands of people is disgusting. Race is irrelevant here; anyone who derives pleasure from making someone less powerful than them suffer is a worthless human being and the world would be better off if they were dead.

Do you think I’m gonna read this 🤔

this kid got exposed for shaking like a pussy on twitter lmao it’s funny as fuck. if you’re not laughing at him it’s because you sympathise with mayos and we don’t need that in my sub 🤮

You're the most mayo person in this thread by far.

🤭very rude


You remind of this chick I went to elementary school, who used to pick on my tard friend (well, not friend, but I was a navy brat and he was the only person from one station that I ever met at another, so that kind of made us friends). She would treat this tard like shit, and got mad when I pushed her up against a wall and told her that girl or not, if she kept it up, I would beat the ever loving shit out of us in 5th grade.

She tried to claim I groped her, but it was 5th grade so the school was like 'I really doubt that...', and she never fucked with that tard again.

That should have happened to you. You'd be a better person now.

I don't think you meant to reply to me.

No, he sensed the tard vibes off you

you should've been bullied as a child

I was the bully retard 😂 probably smacked you into a wall too many times for you to end up this stupid

wow are you really bragging about being tough as a child on the internet

something tells me you were in reality given a lot of wedgies

I definitely gave you swirlies

literally bragging about being a bully

we all know that bullies are just maladjusted kids with daddy issues.

when did he leave you and your mother?

you're not smart, you're just a nerd

this is why i bullied you smh

deflection, common coping tactic

tell me, just how much do you hate your father for abandoning you? it's okay this is a safe space

you're not funny for persisting with the same lame joke, it's just embarrassing now.

go reflect in your room little timmy

is this the last thing you heard him say when he left you for being such a massive disappointment to him, and your whore of a mother for being such a disgusting slob?


top bantz from such an accomplished high school bully

i bet the kids in your special ed class were absolutely terrified


No, you weren't. You're a pathetic incel who fools nobody, and tbh you guys are the worst thing to happen to this sub.

lmao look at this butthurt baby mayo

did mommy forget to give you a bottle master margerine?


wa wa everyone i dislike is an incel

pathetic little dissidents like you who don’t accept the mayocide are the true reason this sub is shit

You're the reason people still use the word 'nigger' as an insult.

You post on unpopularopinions REEing about SJWs. 😂😂 is this kid in the video your retarded incest cousin?

Please don’t ever come for me, you unseasoned white fish stick 🤦🏿‍♂️

The thing is you get upset noticeably upset being called a nigger and give the word power, you can call a mayo person ‘an unseasoned fish stick’ and they’ll laugh in your face.


shut up wigger


Based snally

this and also unironically

anyone who derives pleasure from making someone less powerful than them suffer is a worthless human being and the world would be better off if they were dead.

someone was bullied in their childhood lol

Surprisingly not at all, I just have a basic sense of empathy like everyone who isn't an irreparably damaged human being. Are you one of those people who tortures small animals too?

Did you just compare a mentally ill person to an animal?

Stop being obtuse. People who enjoy abusing people who have less power than them are not much different than people who enjoy abusing small animals. They're both taking pleasure from hurting something that can't do much to defend themselves.

getting srdiously mad over things that aren't that serious and have no ability to change it

What's wrong with being mad at the fact that the world is full of assholes who take pleasure with hurting vulnerable people, and that they have fans? It's okay to have emotions about things that don't directly affect you sometimes.

mocking a loser white boy

torturing small animals

Okay, I can understand the animal analogy but the rest of it... ehhh

Rip drama

Seriously these comments are YouTube level. "This is why all black people are evil", "I beat up kids in elementary school", dafuq is this shit? How did these losers find this sub?

Bro stfu nobody likes black people 🙄 you're the loser no black dude is gonna be your friend cause you defended them on a drama thread

Are you 12?

Are you a white upper-middle class American young adult currently living at his parents? Cause you sure sound like you are, faggot.

Are you a dumb faggot? Yes. The answer is always yes.

Complaining about YouTube tier comments and then replying with "are you 12" lmao

So he's white and a spaz. You're supposed to be convincing us that humiliating him is a bad thing you know.

What's the fun in hurting someone who didn't do anything wrong and can't fight back?

Sorry snally, retarded mayos (most of them) will still be included in the mayocide. You desperately need to self crit

The fuck is a mayocide? How autistic are you?

You need to go back.




This didn't answer me lol but sure thing

Assimilate or be deported

Looks like he's autistic or something.

Yeah, these individual assholes are fucked up.

That is so fucked up. Glad he's getting helped in the comments.

He already has white privilege so it doesn't need any help.

You live up to your name.


This but unironically. If he was black and had some sort of mental issues they still would have taken advantage of him. Only difference is he would be more likely to get pulled over as he drives off for no reason. Might not even have gotten his job if he were black. 4 dollars is nothing comparatively.

This is why the n word is still needed. That poor guy just doing his job.


What is the "n word"? Only one I know is nigger.



Bring lynching back

The mayo got what he deserved.


I agree.

i dont have sound whats happening

These pieces of trash ordered McDonalds delivery, but the McFlurry machine was broken so the delivery driver came back without the McFlurry. The pieces of trash took a video of themselves harassing the guy, who was clearly scared and having a panic attack, into giving them a refund from his own pocket.

Adults who have so little empathy that they'd upset a delivery driver for laughs should be euthanized imo

white people really shouldnt put up with this, not talking about the delivery guy just in general they seem to be okay with these things

nah, things like this usually inspire a lot of outrage no matter who's involved, e.g. the black guy who filmed himself making an airline worker cry, the kids who kidnapped and tortured an autistic kid with a MAGA hat. In American culture there's generally a lot of disdain towards those who pick on people lower on the totem pole.

Huge risk for that guy to not kowtow to the bullies. You don't want an internet mob on you for something like that even if you're not in the wrong, and given the races involved, that could blow up and end his life.

thats my point

he had every right to call them niggers but if he did he would be the bad guy in the mayos eyes

Is that seriously the best comeback you can think of? You can't think of any other way to insult those guys, so you just jump to overplayed racial slurs that only make you sound like an asshole?

im not trying to comeback to anything

so you just jump to overplayed racial slurs that only make you sound like an asshole?

yeah theyre harassing someone but me saying nigger makes me the asshole

typical mayo

The way you respond to people acting like assholes isn't to scream racial slurs, and that's not the comeback he should have used. If he was hanging out and they did this he should've insulted their hairstyle or called them pussies, as this was his job he should've just left and done his next delivery.

what is it then?

If he was hanging out and they did this he should've insulted their hairstyle or called them pussies

because thats going to offend them of course

it's the perfect thing to call those niggers, though

No, it's not. You spend too much time on this stuff, internet mobs aren't a real threat

Given the guy's mannerisms it doesn't seem like he was even capable of defending himself. He was shaking with raw fear/anxiety; he definitely had some mental health or life situation issues at play.

yuck mayo

This but unironically. I have no fucking sympathy for adult humans who still don't know how to stand up to bullies or haven't gotten basic education about chimp behaviour. I'm actually on the side of the twitters here. Chimps are gonna act like chimps, you can't expect any better from them, they did absolutely nothing wrong and I would defend their American right to act like chimps. The only person at fault is this fucking whiny mayo soy boy. I'm sorry if you have some mental issues, but unfortunately the world doesn't just magically become a fucking theme park ride because you have a handicap. If I was his guy, I would have said, "look twitter, this is what they had, the machine was broken, you can take it or you can not, I don't give a fuck, your not getting your welfare check back." Would have like to see them try to take it by force.

I can always count on you to generate the worst possible takes. You have a gift that was made for a place like this.

Absolutely. He deserved to be mocked here.

Blame the kids at school who should have bullied him harder tbh

I'm not saying he deserved it and I take no enjoyment in him being mocked. I wouldn't have mocked him myself. But I damn well am not gonna waste my sympathy on someone bowing down to others, especially those that are supposed to be inferior to you, and submitting to their degragation. What this soyboy needs is cold harsh reality to toughen him up a bit, it's alright. How did these people get from Viking to this shit? "S-sorry Mr. Ugabuga, let me pay for your food, please dno hurt." I woiuld rather get beaten to death than bow down to a fucking monkey, grow some spine.

Hey dude people aren't downvoting you because you said something so revolutionary they didn't get it. People are downvoting you because you're acting like a racist dumbass. If you wanna make a point about people overreacting and needing to take the training wheels off whatever. You're getting nowhere fast by referring to other humans as "chimps"

I never refered to any human as a chimp.

Wow some fucking brain on you.

Chimps are gonna act like chimps, you can't expect any better from them, they did absolutely nothing wrong and I would defend their God given American right to act like chimps to my (or their) grave.

Yeah so I guess all that literally had nothing to do with the fact the Twitter posters were black teenagers? Jesus Christ dude, what a pathetic excuse. If you really think that delivery boy here is the problem with the white race then maybe I'll introduce you to a mirror.

Weak display. Maybe if your superior white brain learned a thing or two about how people might receive obvious racial dog slurs, you could shitpost on the internet without coming off as white trash.

I literally have no clue at all what you're talking about. I didn't say anything like that, stop putting words into my mouth. I have no idea how old they are. Yeah, that guy is really the worst.

I'm not shitposting, I'm sharing my thoughts on a topic like everyone else, fuck off harassing me and leave me alone. I type whatever the fuck I want and there's nothing you can do about it. Come say to my face you have a problem with what buttons I press on a keyboard.

oy VEY that's so problematic y'all

yikes just yikes

Hey hey hey, I thought we was on the drama? I always amp my moral outrage up to 11

Adults who have so little empathy that they'd upset a delivery driver

Those aren't adults. It's pretty obvious they're teenagers.

Found the guy from the video

This is why racism still exists

No, it's not. It's garden variety outrage porn that MDEtards and hapacels area eating up, while proclaiming themselves to be elementary school bullies because that's the manliest thing these weak willed pussies can think of. Just pathetic

This sub has turned to pure shit.

Mderefugees really fucked it up, the amount of unironic crying in this thread is ridiculous.

It’s just a mayo

You're the retard who unironically proclaimed himself to be an elementary school bully while taking the dumbest possible position. You're not better by any means

Na, the elementary school bully is down the thread retard263

I bullied kids in high school 😎

did you smell?

As a high schooler rn, u don't sound like u would be popular. You sound like the weird kid in the corner that everyone thinks will shoot up the school

As a high schooler rn

oh jesus, it never began for you

Not everyone has ur miserable high school experience lol

I thought you were joking but oh god, your comment history really suggests you are a kid.

If you’re that young and this active on /r/drama, your short has already been terrible

I mean, it's funny watching you guys freak out about serious shit. Good way to waste time between sets at the gym or on the toilet. Seriousposting as an adult who's wasted his life and only has this, now that's pathetic

pls don’t try to justify your time on this sub

you literally bring that snappy quote about wasting the best years of your life to life.

Coming back to edit a comment hours later

Whoo boy invested in an argument with a child again huh

It's over for qincels

This is bought to you by the Han Dynasty gang

If imagining me as pathetic as you were at my age makes you feel better about yourself, go for it. Idrc

It’s time for bed time, Timmy, let me tuck you in.

Yeah, some dumb kids making fun of a guy with difficulties or issues of some kind is awful behavior, and it's pathetic they shared this on the internet as if it makes them look good, but the idea that there aren't white bullies like this is delusional.

own Apple products

Lmao mayo boy never once lived in the hood

I bet you would spread your bussy open the moment a BLACK BULL presented himself over your estrogen filled body

Keep denying facts bruh bruh. When you get the shit kicked out of you by some violent chimp because you don't have enough money on you to give to him, I don't want to hear you cry about it.


The title reminds me of SRD.

up and coming SoundCloud rapper politely asks for a refund after his McDonald's order is wrong

How can a single sentence describe a race this precisely

Oh look, another MDEgenerate!
Out! Out! OUT!

oh wow this guy made a joke at black people's expense, he must be a MDEfugee!

how many times do you hit your head on a wall per day sweaty?


Oh I found it funny alright, I just don't think you're joking when you say it. This is a case where people are laughing at you and not with you.

Oh come on, you can come up with better insults than that! The fact that I haven't called you a chud or asked for foot pics should be telling you that I'm not a Chapotard.

Is soundcloud rapper the hip new term for "human garbage"?

Pretty much. It might be a contender for the worst subculture to arise from the internet

Nah thats Internet moderators 🤦‍♀️

They're annoying but dudes with shitty tattoos rapping about cough syrup have to get a lot worse before they're contending with furries or the other various fetish communities.

It has never occurred to me to do anything but ask for the correct food, maybe hope for a free order of fries or something.

Serious in here today.

Can we just kill those kids please. Just a quick pop pop pop.

the blacks strike again

ITT: rapefugees everywhere

literally shaking


How could this dude think that robbing some poor delivery guy that makes minimum wage would make him look good? Is it cool to take money from poor, probably retarded people?

Lmfao I don't know what's more embarrassing: your le edgy centrist whining in rDrama which makes even srd look cool in comparison. Or you trying to copy bottomlulz for literally years while failing and being unfunny 😂

Mean 😒