Guys whore GF too sore from boning other guys to ever fuck him, wonders if this may foretell problems in their relationship

1  2018-12-09 by watermarx06


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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Obviously op is bait, but this comment, lol:

I hate sleeping with people outside of work. Feels like I'm working for free. And I don't have a high sex drive in general.

I think we have just discovered the lowest form of cuckold - the whore’s boyfriend. The cuck who gets laughed at by other cucks.

Unless you're taking a substantial cut of her money and using it on your selfish ends, in which case that's pretty cool.

made me think of this

That dude is a fucking genius!



Gr8 b8 m8. I r8...w8... 8/8

Since it's Reddit that's likely. But it's not that uncommon of a practice. In Dutch they phenomenon is called "loverboys". The stereotypical ruse is:

  • seduce young, easily impressed girls (often from broken families)

  • remove her from her environment (cut ties with her friends/family, go on vacation, etc)

  • You're having "money problems". Pressure her into having sex with a "friend", and so on. (alternatively: drugs trafficking, taking out loans, etc.)

It's one of the key causes of human trafficking in the prostitution sector.

Fucking wow

That guy's a total pimp. Literally

they didn't rape me, I don't think

The absolute state of women

It kinda is rape tho

of course it is, all hetero sex is literally rape

What other reason would there be for having spines on our dicks? 😹😹😹

yiff in hell furfag

implying cats captaining starships in the outer reaches of forbidden space are furfags

The absolute state of Terrans in 2018 😹😹😹

Actually I am not sure. If it is the "customers" arent blameworthy as they didnt know

Clearly the person to charge in this case is the pimp, but how cqn we charge him of rape if he wasnt the one fucking them?

Is probably other type of crime honestly, and the customers probably arent blameworthy of anything unless prostitution is illegal in that state, and even then they woudnt be charged of rape

/u/comedicsans what do you think?

A lot of places have a rape-by-deceit kind of crime (e.g. impersonating someone's partner while they're sleepy kind of thing). You can also have charges for people who aid or abet crimes. I suspect that you'd have some places where this would be criminal by way of some mix of a "conspiracy"-type charge and a "rape-by-deceit"-type charge.

Thing is it seems that the customers didnt knew that she wasnt in it, so they are not deceveing

Yup, and for that reason it's not a conspiracy to commit a crime, either.

Maybe some kind of criminal solicitation?

so if someone helps me with a website for free but i sell the website, i raped them?

I dont know but you just raped my brain with this stupid comment

Link plssss

You can easily make out the username. When did drama sleuths became so useless?

why would i put in any effort when i have serfs who can do it for me??

Same person probably wrote both stories.

Nah. That’s a pimp, and he has more than one girlfriend.

Can't catch feelings in the pimp game, Gator.

Thank you, harlot, very cool!

that's called being a pimp.

Lol pimp don't call them girlfriends

That's called a pimp

Right. Also spending a good amount of the money they earned you on making them think that youre caring and generous.

Then wrangle it into an open relationship and collect several other of such women, and insist they refer to you as "Gator"

That' called being a pimp

sounds like wife material for open minded Hillary supporters.

Why would a republican congressman support hillary?

Republican congressmen are fucking bussy in the men's room.

b-but the normalization of commodifying sex doesn't impact social relationships!

eh whatever

of course it does but that doesn't mean we should outlaw it does it?

consenting adults should be able to do this, and moralfags can fuck off

Imagine standing up for thots


no u


You can take the dicks out the whore but you can't...umm.

I forgot where I was going with this.

Shhh,you got this bby

That and multiple comments saying "accountants don't want to open up Excel after a long day at work".

"I definitely have a healthy and normal view of relationships"

I couldn't help my self on that one I had to comment

yes those danged career women always shirk on the housework

I hate sleeping with people outside of work. Feels like I'm working for free. And I don't have a high sex drive in general.

"Sex workers aren't damaged, you misogynistic pig!

If they weren't when they started they are when they're finished.

It's over for cuck-cels

Whores I'm sorry Escorts and Sex Workers are detached mentally from sex and the double irony is a lot of them hate to be touched and kissed.

I couldn't personally be with a someone so detached from a critical part of intimacy. Best of luck to the guy, but I sort of feel sorry for him but then I again, I don't.

On one hand the guy might really love her, and this is soul crushing they can't express intimacy. On the other hand, dude she's getting pounded to mush all day and is too tired to even give you a solid handy. That's like turbo-cucked, ditch her before you catch something.

Beans was mean in that thread, suggesting he could just book a session if he wanted to get laid more.

On the other hand, ... .

Whores I'm sorry Escorts and Sex Workers are detached mentally from sex and the double irony is a lot of them hate to be touched and kissed.

They way they talk about sex and work just seems so unhealthy. Steange

I know a few Escorts and they've all have had some sort trauma in their childhood. Dirty uncle/aunt, fondling dad, bad brother, creepy mother, exploring sister, something that fucked up them to the point they gained the ability to enter "their happy place" while their body was being diddled with -- and if they can't reach that happy place anymore? Drugs and more drugs.

It's quite sad actually. Damn it. I really need to see a doctor and see if they can cut this part of me that actually cares about other human beings out -It's getting really annoying.

It's quite sad actually. Damn it. I really need to see a doctor and see if they can cut this part of me that actually cares about other human beings out -It's getting really annoying.

The trick is to not think about them, then it's pretty easy.

So many escorts have some form of child sexual abuse.

That, or they're lured into it when they're like 14. If they live in some ghetto, meet some bf who is "in love" with her and then pimp her out.

Then they're basically stuck.

It's really sad. I have no sympathy for the ones who got into it for fun in their adult years tho.

Then they're basically stuck.

I don't understand this part at all. A pretty damsel in distress can't find any white knight to look after her? Seriously?

Not with trackmarks from your wrist up to your chin, no.

No white knight is going to risk his life against a pimp lol

at least its not easy to find a guy willing to die for someone he just met. its different when its face to face with a violent thug. its way easier to safely defend her when its just evident no one wants her.

It's quite sad actually. Damn it. I really need to see a doctor and see if they can cut this part of me that actually cares about other human beings out -It's getting really annoying.

You could try getting extra vaccination, you might be lucky and develop autism

There's also Fortnite for that.

A lot of this is cultural. I live in a country where whoring is legal and it doesn't quite have that much baggage attached to it here. I think the regulations and licensing probably weeds out some of the more serious train-wrecks who can't keep their act together (like the hardcore druggies).


I once dated an escort. It was actually pretty great. Sex was amazing and the girl was loaded and basically became my suger mom. We went on vaccation like twice a month and did unscrupulous amounts of coke. Good times.

It sounds like you wasted a portion of your life on a prostitution and drug use.

And how I miss it

sounds less like a waste of time and more like a fun time

I only support doing scrupulous amounts of coke

A scrululous amount of coke is still a shit ton.

degenerates like you belong on a cross.


Legionfags get the nuke

Based and NCRpilled.

Didn't Jesus date a hooker?

Jesus was basically pro-escort

Found the incel.

"I hate kissing"

Jesus christ what a fucking weirdo

Makes me think it's bait. It's a little too good in terms of being pathetic.

She hates kissing, I wonder why 🤔🤔

you got a boyfriend

bet he doesn't kiss ya

If I had a boyfriend, I would definitely give him sweet kissies

Best response here


Have you tried oral sex? You could clean all the cum of other guys from her scrotch after they're done fucking your girlfriend.

Which one of you degenerates thought of this

Probably the guy who posted the comment.

But how do we find out?

Have you tried Pming the mods?

Maybe she's seeing someone else because she's very protective of her phone?

Is my man worried about cheating when she's already openly getting her Arby's Three Cheese Roast Beef snatch pounded by hundreds of greasy, cheddary cocks?

Hey, she's not collecting money from this guy for fucking him! Cheater!


What are we testing?

For aids, his girlfriend is a whore.

Anyone catch that one poster there is verified as an escort and also posts in r/Teachers?

it's because teaching pays terribly...

Huh. That terrible that you have to rely upon escorting to make ends meet? Are you American?

Yes. It's more flexible and profitable than the majority of side gigs, so not all bad

You're an idiot. What are you going to do when the school finds out? Not if, when. Because I guarantee you the male students or their older brothers/cousins/dads are looking at whore sites and someone's gonna see your picture if you have identifying tattoos or even book you and once they see your face everyone will know.

Next time you tell this kid to be quiet he's going to say, "Shut the fuck up and suck my dick, whore." And everyone will laugh and make fun of you more because no one respects you.

Soon after, the parents and administrators will find out and you're fired. Legally, because your other job is inappropriate and causing a disruption wth the students. It happened to this lady.


Yeah but you reduce your worth as a human to "hole for (loser incel) penises." Is that worth, vs. like burger flipping?

All it costs to get started is my empathy and self respect!

70k/9months is slave wages.

70k?? I freaking wish

How much do you make whoring?

I don't think that's right.

It's indoor work that doesn't kill most of them before retirement (inb4 be American get shot), whose major drawback is the negativity and complaints the other failure-to-launches that work in the profession disburse like stolen band candy. Not bad for (worst case) $40K a year.

Yeah I read all of her posts, insane

Other teachers fuck the students for free and get fired. She at least gets paid.

The only question worth asking a whore is how not to gag when a cock hits your throat.

That is literally the only thing they know.

squeeze your thumb inside your fist, legit learned it from a whore; my tongue brushing game has been on point ever since.

Maybe you could hire her for sex a few times a month?

lol, thats awesome

Thanks buddy

Shit he could just book her if he wants to get laid more, I bet he never thought of that!

Imagine having to go through a pimp to get laid by your GF. I wonder if there's a discount

Bunch of fucking moralfags in this sub now.

but she guilts me and makes it sound like I'm just using her for sex.


Thanks! I would like to note that we spend a lot of time cuddling but she hates kissing which I love! I think you're right...I either have to accept where she's at or move on.


I think we've found the most pathetic redditor.

Personally I don't think I could be with a woman who gets plowed by 5 different men every day, but that's probably just my toxic masculinity speaking.

Wow, in that other thread you were so respectful and tender talking about the sex workers you employ. This is how you speak about the work of the women you’re intimate with? As whores? Unfit for relationships?

Your other comment warmed my heart, it made me curious what your other thoughts as a client were. I’m so disappointed.

I have bipolar disorder unfortunately, I randomly go in between periods where I make reasonable posts and trolly garbage like this. Tbh I posted this to this community just because they're misogynistic and insecure about being "cucked", I knew they'd love it and wanted to cause a reaction. I was surprised it exploded so much and was ashamed at the fuss it caused and the behavior of the users. Tbh I wouldn't even really mind being in a relationship with a sex worker personally after thinking about it. Most of the sex workers I've seen are very good people.

I'm ashamed you had to see this side of me tbh. I usually post in /r/sexworkers under a different account, my use of this one was accidental. But yes, now you know that I'm a piece of shit.

All men are scum, I'm not an exception.

I don’t think you’re a piece of shit - on the contrary. I expected better because of what I heard in your other post, hence my disappointment. I do understand how mental health can swing you around from one side of your personality to another (bipolar type 2 with major depressive disorder here!). And I do appreciate you owning up to the disparity in the way you treat us intimately/in a mostly in-group discussion and how you did here in front of others. I hope you’ll consider standing up for us more in public as well as appreciating us in private.

And I hope you’re not married to the idea that all men are scum. You’re not - and regardless of how we feel about ourselves, even when we feel like scum, no one has to act like it. I do take to heart that you care that I saw this, if that makes sense. I appreciate your feeling of regret and shame, because I figure that’s indicative of feeling respect and affection for us as a group despite what you said here. I’m hoping you’ll start talking about that respect and affection even in circles that won’t agree with you or like what you’re saying. Those who stand up for us have the power to make this dangerous world a lot safer for us.

You’re not scum, we’re not whores. We’re all just people, and I like to think we all do our best to do our best. And if we didn’t today, that’s okay, because tomorrow we can try again, and try better. Thanks for your response. ♥️

I've known more coherent downies.

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