/ourgoy/ Sargon unironically endorses the mayocide. Insha'Allah!

1  2018-12-09 by iamusingplebbit


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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This Sargon of Meme meltdown is glorious

To be fair since it might have been caused by the stillborn baby and harassment of his wife following said birth, I do feel a bit sad for him.

I heard he bought some suit, named it after his unborn baby and was seen driving it around in a baby stroller.

Sargon is one of the best reasons to shutdown YouTube

Sargon, an intellectual: SJWs hate fun! Political correctness is killing humour.

Also Sargon: Loses his shit over an inoffensive meme and decides to shitpost all night in his social media until dawn

What was the meme? Sorry, I've been living under a rock the past week.

I think the harmless and inoffensive meme was when the ethnostatists decided to report sargon to patreon for calling them white niggers and got his income le rekt epic style.

Liberalisticisticisticistists on suicide watch


can this thicc bong boy ever stop taking Ls? I guess only time will tell

Saying Cuck unironically

Ironically, Soygon is raising and paying for another mans child.

I'm laughing harder than I should at this image.

I still am trying to understand what UKIP is doing letting him run one of their official twitter accounts.

You know who shouldn't be thinking up national policy? Shut in, unemployed, youtube e-celebrities.

Why is he insulting his own fanbase?

Why is he using (((Facebook)))???

he got banned off Twitter for spamming BBC porn

Wouldn't Facebook do the same to him too?

Less trolls fucking with him on Facebook because FB cares more about having their users use legit info.

What ever happened to people saying they had proof that sargon fucked a tranny.

Sadly there was no proof :( it was a lie.

Truly not /ourguy/

He accidentally streamed a message from his wife complaining he always flirts with other women, and now she's caught him with a tranny.

Off sargoy what are you doing. You're gonna get glassed one of these days if you keep that shit up.

Dum liberace trolled like and share

You know, it's only you Anglos who're infertile and dumb enough to replace yourselves. Which means it's up to the Central/Southern/Eastern Europeans to keep the show running.

Which basically means the whole thing's gonna collapse within 2 years after you're gone.