very oppressed ivy league muslim girl tries to get a drunk STEMlord expelled for saying he loves being white

1  2018-12-10 by Sea_Safe


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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Imagine being happy you’re a mayo, smh.

imagine getting angry at a mayo being happy, instead of just laughing in mayocide.

It's honestly not too bad. I go to a credit union to get my car loan instead of getting the loan from the car dealership.

Lol, imagine having to finance a car.

I'm just white, not (((white))). I can't just go buy a new lifted truck without a little help, ok?

lifted truck

Don't worry, we know.

Holy shit lol, Fucking destroyed

Imagine going for a car beyond your means and tying yourself down to (((financing))) instead of paying for a cheaper car in cash. Consumer culture has already infected your feeble mayo brain.

This is the story you tell yourself because you cant get a loan. One day youll pay for a car in cash for sure dont worry.

Paying for a car in cash is a retarded way to spend money. If you do you’re admitting that you can’t make money with your money.

Is this how you justify still driving your mom's cavalier?

I'm better because I took the loan to buy a car to compensate for my small dick

The absolute state of burgers.

Excuse me, but I buy nice shit to dunk on poorsies.

My mediocre dick is exactly the disappointment women deserve, so I feel no need to compensate.

I waste money in order to compensate for my lack of ego

Is that supposed to be better?

Hurr durr big car small penis

Pfft, imagine driving a trash 10-20 year old car.

Imagine not having the self control to save up enough money to not get a beater. Or being that much of a poorfag where paying cash means like $2k max.

what kind of wheels can you get for $2k in the US anyway? cars in my country are at least 2x the price of the US and even 3x for luxury brands.


you can get a 2001 Ford Excursion for $2k stateside

You can get a really shitty car for less than $1k in the states. Of course it may be disgusting inside, have 100k+ miles, and barely work but it is technically a car. Cars are generally pretty cheap here unless you start loading them with every option or do dumb shit like lift your truck.

Did u buy a new car? Because surprise, youre a real idiot

Exactly, that is how you stay poor, buy a used rice burner and save a ton of money. Hell, even used kimchi and burger burners are becoming more reliable.

Lol, imagine needing to own a vehicle

Right? Imagine not being a rootless cosmopolitan who lives in a CITY.

This but without a trace of irony

feels good being elite

You’re right, it does

imagine feeling like you "belong" to some random patch of dirt.

Lol imagine not taking advantage of the ridiculously low rates that have been around for the last decade and putting your cash into an asset of massive depreciation when you could easily beat the rates playing the open market and then having the derision to post this online as an achievement of financial literacy. Have u know shame sir

This is the story you tell yourself because you cant get a loan. One day youll pay for a car in cash for sure dont worry.

Yeah why doesn't he just join r/wallstreetbets and piss granddads 10k inheritance down the well like the rest of the enlightened financial intellectuals

yeah, theres noooo way you can find a safe index fund of 3% that still beats the shit out of the 0.9- 1.9% APR on a new car u save. whewwww

not buying cars for cash

poor mayos are the worst mayos

Paying $850 for a 94 mercury sable doesn't count, Mr. Moneybags

needs to buy a status symbol instead of a reliable and comfortable means of transportation

No wonder you’re an poor.


I may be poor here👉💵, but I'm rich here 👉❤

I’m rich here👉🏿💰 and here 👉🏿🍆.




not here

I don’t think a civic is a status symbol but have u tried the apple CarPlay on the new ones? Never buying a car without it ever again


Ayy lmao

i got both


Brainlets OUT

i rock an s9 for work and an iphone 8 as my personal driver. u mad??

/>Doesn't believe in status symbols

>has no status


Serious posting for a moment: do you fuckwads realize that your 20 year old shitcan will probably need a fuck ton of repairs and takes a terrible toll on the environment right?

Push environment. Plus a man fixes his own car. maybe not the transmission

Buy a more recent used car? There’s a range of options between brand new luxury car and ancient beater shitbox.

reliable and comfortable

Mercury Sable


Dealerships give better rates than the credit union if you buy new?

New cars are a rip. They lose tremendous value the moment you sign your name. The only real benefit to a new car is the sketchy warranty. You can get the same model a year older for 2/3rds the price, and the 5.5% interest on our current loan from the CU is better than dealerships have offered me in the past. Plus CUs have some pretty solid customer service.

I got .9% from the dealership. And it's not going to break down after 2 years because of the unreported damage from the first owner

Add long as you didn't buy an American or European car.


Even kimchi burners are getting more and more reliable, I got a 2008 sonata for 1500 and put 100,000 miles on it before the timing belt snapped.

Used cars are way way more expensive in BC. Literally anything newer than 2004 even with 200km+ and failing parts goes for over $6000 on craigslist. If it's actually realiable it's $10000+

Jesus fuck, here in the Midwest in the US you can find some steals. I bought a 99 Lincoln town car with 78000 miles on it for $600 a year and a half ago and haven’t had to spend a dime on repairs yet. If something goes wrong I’ll just junk it for a couple hundred and buy another.

I also don't know enough about cars to reliably choose a good used. And I make good money and need a reliable car for work so it's worth it for me to not gamble with my ability to make money and choose something I know will start every day.

You should look into learning how to repair small things on your car, and more about cars in general. It really isn’t that difficult tbh. The money you can save is fucking amazing, unless you already have a million plus, but look at like 6000 a year you can save on insurance and payments and invest!

Lolwhat, why the fuck are cars that expensive in BC? Are they taxed to subsidize the weapons production that is then sold to saudi arabia?

Aggressive used car buyback programs and tax incentives to buy new.

Every time I hear about canada, it seems like it combines the worst parts about living in the middle of nowhere with the tax rate of a dense urban metropolis.

Keep in mind they're using leaf dollars

As worthless as those are, that's still an insane markup.

Buying a new Toyota with a 5 year warranty was the best thing ever. I could pretty much just bring it to a dealership any time I wanted and complain about a noise or something, borrow a loaner for the day, and come back to my car detailed with new floormats and probably a tuneup.

Well, yeah you’re paying them way more than the car would cost cash on hand, not to mention insurance.

Of coarse they’re going to wine and dine you! You’re letting them take you from behind with no lube, they don’t want to lose that, so they’re gonna have the courtesy to give you a reach around!

Yeah there’s noooo way anyone actually gets a good deal on a new car right. Fer sher ur beating the market with your craigslist finds, complete jiffy lube frequent visitor stickers, so u kno it must be legit rite

I do all of my own maintenance, if you’re going to jiffy lube you must be retarded.

well u might be since im dishing on the kinds od cars u buy off craigslist not what u do with them after buying

I mean, there isn't. That's why it's the first lesson in even basic fragility. People do it either because they have the money to not care (and at that point you almost always lease because you want to constantly be in a brand new car) or you got talked into it by a salesmen.

having been a car salesman, let me tell u firsthand that it is far far easier to get a great deal on a new car then used. there are going to be at least 3 dealerships in the area for most makes selling the exact same car. you have your invoice and freight online at nadaguides. if you really wanna get fancy holdback is about 3%

there were more then a few times that i got my ass kicked by well prepared customers with preapproved financing from a CU. if i spend 3-4 hrs wit someone and end up making $50, yea i think there are exceptions to your scenario

on the flipside i got my brother into a brand new civic si for $274/mo, u just gotta kno what youre doing n what u want

2 or 3 year old models are the way to go if you really want something new. I personally like 5 year old or so BMWs and Range Rovers. Not so old, not so expensive, still a joy to drive.

But yeah cars depreciate like a woman past her 30s.

ye being white is pretty nice. cops are nice to me.

its great tbh everyone trusts you and you can get into anywhere you like by asking nicely

"yes sir you can have that loan" beats "keep an eye on him so he doesnt rob the place"

I am not white. honestly I wouldnt mind being white.

Life is easy, fashion is easy, nearly every color goes on you, facial hair has a high contrast background to shine on, people don't look at you suspiciously, features are less pronounced due to low contrast in other places, which means bad features are also less pronounced. I mean there are definitely advantages.

Are yams actually white tho?

Aren’t they?

Yams are but people will call orange fleshed sweet potatoes yams as well.

It’s not ok to be mayo

Is it ok to be an aioli?

Another white people thing but with an accent

theres only one way and it's chalky

Yuck. That gussy is gross

I just can't believe you retards talk like this and then wonder why boomers think you're immature brats.

Whatever retard

as a centrist i acknowledge that both of you are right

Q predicted this

Choke on ma dick


"Literally creates the ivy league"

ivycide when?

Good man

They hated him because he spoke the truth. Yakub's kin aren't ready to face the truth, nor are they ready to blame the dark hand that created the Aryan master race, Yakub.

thank you, dear leader.

> Columbia > Ivy

Fucking. Lol.

It's a joke. One being that Columbia outside of its law school, is kind of a punchline for all other of the Ivies...

wow it's so cool that you hang out with yalies and princetons

Naw it's just life. They really stent hard schools to get into post graduate tbh

Excuse me sweaty but Columbia Law is hard as balls to get into.

... I put the exception of the law school.

Outside of graduate law school, the graduate programs at the Ivies (especially non-PhD track) aren't particularly hard to get into.

Sorry for misinterpreting you. U right

No worries ha

Imagine going to graduate school for anything other than an MBA, a JD, or a PhD

punchline for all other of the Ivies...

I thought that was Brown?

The Office made fun of Cornell a lot

youre thinking of cornell

Columbia outside of its law school, is kind of a punchline for all other of the Ivies

yeah you don't know what you're talking about. Columbia is mid-tier between Harvard-Yale-Princeton and Brown-Cornell

Personally... I agree tbh.

No Columbia is a legitimate Ivy. It’s Cornell that we’re all shitting on

Lmao, Columbia is more of a joke than Cornell? Ok

Yikes, odd flex but cool I guess

>someone says something dumb




What a fucking dunce, lol.

she unironically thought a drunk guy saying "i love being white we built civilization" was worthy of the new york times reporting on it.

the fact that someone this retarded (seriously) is at an ivy and i went to a cheap public uni really burns me up.

I dont get the difference between these schools that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to go to vs other schools. They both teach the same stuff right?

You're paying for the graduate network and the name prestige

They don’t pay shit.


this seriously pisses me off so much. she fucking hates this country, is a moron, and gets to go to an ivy for practically free. meanwhile i'm more intelligent than her, love this country and went to a fucking mid grade public school. these people need their comeuppance. on god.

Bro the fact you are seriously complaining about people that are better than you on /r/drama , and doing this by seriousposting (😣🤮), shows you are right where you belong, with us other losers that rise just enough above the trash pile to screech “dude bussy lmao”.

wrong fbt. i graduated with honors and did well. i'm just buttblasted that this piece of shit is being subsidized by my tax dollars while hating this country.

sounds like you shot for the middle and missed

and ended up closer to the top?

You would not be complaining if that was the case ..... you smell....bitter

because regardless of all of the luck I did have I was never privileged with a free ivy league education while this monkey is being given one while hating the country that gives her one. yeah i'm bitter and so should you be.

I can see why none of these schools wanted you


He’s not quite our class, darling.

I dropped out of college during the recession and made a great career for my self. Life is opportunity taken, not looking at your neighbors plate

good for you but there's a broader cultural context that you're ignoring when you cherrypick the problem you have with what i'm saying.


she's not black, i wasn't using it racially. i'm calling her a monkey because she's a retard who thought that a kid can be reported to the new york times for drunkenly saying he was happy that he was white.

You're 28 years old complaining about your life on reddit

Lmao wrap it up it's over lol

ok retard thats exactly what i was doing here

Glad you managed to gain some semblance of self-awareness.

I’ll give you some broad cultural context pal

Do you say that to all the asians who get there SAT scores lowered for their college applications?


Grow up you fucking baby.

this monkey

There it is

this monkey

You people just can't help yourselves, can you?

i'm just buttblasted that this piece of shit is being subsidized by my tax dollars

Columbia is a private school.

who pays when she and every other gibsmedat diversity tard gets a free ride to an ivy? the rest of the white and asian students that had to pay in full for columbia and were expected to perform perfectly on their SATs?

... Most Ivies abandoned SATs as a major admission factor like forever ago.

that explains why so many retards are abundant and asians have trouble getting in

Holy shit have you've ever been to Yale? It's basically little Shanghai and has been since I was hanging out there in my own college days (I did not attend but knew a few that did).

Funny you're complaining about students that are well rounded and pro active and not the legacy/foriegn admissions. Even regardless the Ivies don't want to touch anyone that thinks its a "if I do a, b, and c I deserve to get in" and craft their high school academic career to that in basically an attempt to game the system. They want a certain type of student and it actually involves a bit of "I know it when I see it."

Is that unfair? Could be. But there are only so many seats and its been proven time and time again that high school performance statistics alone is a shit indicator.

it should be based on academic performance and intelligence. not woke politics, brown skin and minority entitlement complex.

it should be based on academic performance and intelligence. not woke politics, brown skin and minority entitlement complex.

Which it is dummy. Pure academic excellence in High School a good University student does not make. It's like trying to figure out if a great boxer is good at chess... It's a completely different skill set.

You'll find out if you get out of CC and move up to State.

i graduated from a mid tier state uni a while ago

Well my tax dollars were clearly wasted then.


Diversity benefits the university. Different cultures, different ideas, more innovation etc. There is a reason almost all the top unis in the world practice it, it's good for the universities themselves.

If a department collects the best of the best from all over the world, that might be a pretty diverse group.

But diversity quotas don't collect the best of the world, they do the opposite: lower the requirements for identity groups from which there aren't enough high quality candidates.

If you fill your team with brainlets, who can only impress with unusual gender pronouns or dark skin tones, that won't make it a world class team.

They don't have quotas. They just put some emphasis on your background. A white person from rural Mississippi gets preference over a white person from New York too.

Taking in another White New York private school kid with 1500+ SAT probably won't have as much of an impact on the university as taking in a black kid from Florida with 1390 SAT.

uhu sure

When will it end

eventually anyone who uses the word summer as a verb will be relegated to community college

wot then

it should be based on academic performance and intelligence.

You're a borderline-retarded incel, you never had a chance. :>

Ivies don't rely on tuition to fund themselves. They get most of their funding from interest on their endowment and donations. The tuition probably doesn't even completely fund the student's own education, let alone subsidise others.

Ivy League schools have multi billion dollar endowments, mostly supported by wealthy alumni. Columbia’s is over $10 billion right now. No other students, and especially nobody related to your shitty gene pool, is paying for her to go there

Holy fuck you are retarded.

Firstly if she's Arab or Middle Eastern she most likely checks "white" on forms, so it's not like she would even be a "diverity" admission. I say this as a person from a country that borders Iran and Turkey.

Secondly, she's almost definitely not getting a "free ride". Private colleges are stingy about their scholarships and they only go the top percent of their admissions based on merit.

Thirdly, she did better than you on admissions tests and I can pretty much guarantee it.

I am middle eastern and I check "white" and received no gibs. This ugly mutt is clearly some gibs abuser, she calls herself black everywhere and implies that she is at odds with western education. And she's way too fucking retarded to be at an ivy, at least back when they had standards for intelligence.

lol no. you don't know anything about college.

The top private universities have gone to "needs blind admissions" and have for a long time. It started at the top tier schools but many smaller and regional schools now do the same for undergrads (they make their real money at the graduate and continuing education level).

I went to an Ivy too! And I hate your country too! I’m gonna milk it for all it’s worth though :)

Ivies are private schools. You're the one being subsidised by tax dollars , not her.

mediocre+entitled. You're personification of everything they don't want in ivy leagues.

graduating with honors = "mediocre entitlement"

demanding free shit from a western country you immigrated to = totally deserving

calm down rabbi.

White people are majority of all ivy league students. The fact that you couldn't make the cut means you're mediocre. Thinking you deserve to be in ivy leagues makes you entitled. These schools have become experts at weeding out people like you.

I never applied to ivies. I applied to save money at a public uni. Your pathetic obsession with credentialism and hierarchy is your own problem. I harbor no such illusions.

Your pathetic obsession with credentialism, elitism and hierarchy is your own problem. I harbor no such illusions.

You literally wrote a book's worth of text about how some retard shouldn't have been accepted into an ivy college. Literally any statement about how you don't actually care is a blatant lie you're telling to yourself lmao.

I applied to save money at a public uni.

If you think you could enter an ivy league uni, it's dumb of you to not do that. Most ivy league students are able to pay their student loans within a decade while also living luxury lives.

The few non-faculty, non-jewish, non-legacy white students who make it in, those are better than him.

The diversity hires are not really better than him, though.

Funny how you know actually nothing about him, yet you know enough to say hes better than the diversity hires.


he got admitted to an average university

Yes he did.


the competence level required to get into an average university as a cis male white goyim


the competence level required to get into an ivy league university as a genderfluid brown Muslima

I see.

Have a nice day friend

the competence level required to get into an average university as a cis male white goyim

you mean literally just having a pulse?

average, not shit tier.

You have to be a literal retard to not get accepted into an average American college.

Ivy league are the top 1%, maybe 2%.

Average are the next highest 18%.

The remaining 80% are called "shit tier."

The school janitor is better than him.


Excuse me but ‘dude bussy lmao’ is in fact a highly complex and layered joke and the majority of the populace do not possess the raw intellect to even comprehend the levels of irony and pure unadulterated autism that are at work in this bastion of humour and integrity.

better than you

I miss Ed's brand of trolling :(

You mad.

meanwhile i'm more intelligent than her, love this country and went to a fucking mid grade public school

Posting on Cringeanarchy and having a raging inferiority complex really do go hand in hand.

I can't figure out where you remotely got the idea that I have an inferiority complex but it sounds like you might be projecting

Your lack of self-awareness just proves my point further tbh

an ape who hates this country and has the IQ of a paramecium gets a free ivy league education and if i disagree with that i MUST have an inferiority complex.

t. shitlib

Lmao holy shit the tears. Cucks can’t even help themselves these days.

cry harder

n-no u

Absolute state of zoomers

Fucking lmao, who do you think is the one crying here?

Get as mad as you want, it's never going to change the fact that you couldn't go to an ivy league school. Life would be much easier if you just acknowledged reality; this woke twitter thot is your intellectual superior.

this woke twitter thot is your intellectual superior

that would be the case if being an affirmative action tard made someone my intellectual superior

Leftist, Shitlib, Ape. Think we got a bingo over here.

Also who is obsessed with hierarchy/credentialism if you trip so hard over the fact that she went to a higher hierarchy with better credentials school than you went.

obsessed with credentialism

Man, I guess I was spot on with that lack of self-awareness comment

One of the main effects of illusory superiority in IQ is the "Downing effect". This describes the tendency of people with a below-average IQ to overestimate their IQ, and of people with an above-average IQ to underestimate their IQ.

Written with Apple Smart Diaper

I can't figure out where you remotely got the idea that I have an inferiority complex

Holy shit 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

you have to be a retard to think that calling out an idiot for receiving gibs makes someone have a raging inferiority complex

Being so bitter about it that you devolve into a gibbering racist dropkick is hilarious. I can't imagine why else they wouldn't want you on a diverse and progressive campus. 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔

yeah better to fill it with smug pieces of shit like you

Oh petal, you're batting 0 from 8.



DATE/TIME: Right now

VICTIM: Libtard




Bro I can literally feel your inadequacy reaching thru the screen and shaking me violently

This is so good, plz give me a custom tailored whiny baby reply too

> Makes post screeching about people getting into ivy league scores before himself


Just admit that based Asians are better than you in every way bruh

So, you're pissed she's better at GIBSMEDATS than you are?

Isn't that the root at most mayo rage when it comes to gibs?

Yeah, unfortunately we are better at genocided you and took you shit. That card is nerfed pretty heavy in the current meta.

What makes you think her family isn't paying her way?


Hahaha holy shit

How do you know you’re smarter than her? Also believe me, patriotism is not a factor in admissions

She’ll get her comeuppance, working at BCG or Goldman, living in a decent apartment in NY, when she realizes it’s actually super boring and you’re at a crossroads between making a lot of money or feeling fulfilled. Not a bad life, but not the best.

Patriotism is negatively associated with intelligence. This dumbass wasn’t good enough for Harvard.

You be fair she seems pretty fucking dumb sooooooi

Dumber than OP though?

How do you know you’re smarter than her? Also believe me, patriotism is not a factor in admissions

She's so fucking stupid that she thought the NY times should report on a guy saying "I LOVE BEING WHITE."

She also claims "physics is antiblack."

It's that simple.

Based on the fact you can't differentiate academic intelligence from political opinions proves you were too retarded to go to university to begin with. I think you should be happy with whatever community college you ended up in.

There's no distinction between "academic intelligence" (lol) and having the simple intellect to draw distinctions between cause and effect: x should come after y. If you don't understand that it's because you yourself aren't very smart.

as for me, I went to a public uni and graduated with honors.

What was the GPA cutoff for honors? Getting honors isn’t particularly difficult imo


What was your major?


Did you have a concentration?

because you yourself aren't very smart.

I went to a middle of the pack public uni


Imagine thinking that you have a say on intelligence when you went to some irrelevant public uni despite being a sand person i.e minority.

Honestly you better crush your balls so at least the ever decreasing average IQ of humanity at least stagnates for a bit before we all devolve back into apes.

i wasn't treated as a minority for the sake of demography, my box was "white." i got no gibs.

Point stands, you still went to some mid-tier (allegedly) college. And talking about how you got honors is equavelent to saying "I'm the king of manlets".

"academic intellifence"

don't interrupt my milking session you fucking retard

She says physics is against blacks. Unironically.

I think it's ironically

gets to go to an ivy for practically free

yeah but its not like shes gonna get a great job or something out of it

the academy and the real world are incredibly separate entities

Dramaposters in a nutshell

You make me even more ashamed of myself than I already am

It's over for retardcels.

i'm more intelligent than her

The fact that you made this post suggests otherwise

Maybe you could actually study for once instead of blaming other people for your failures. Aren't you the 'gibmedat' here?

Gamers were a mistake

You should put that in your next application so you don't get rejected again

more intelligent than her


The hate for leftists will hit critical mass soon enough.

don't blame the left for this. blame liberals. channel all of your energy into hating liberals.

They're basically the same thing.

They are not. Liberals are scum and the enemy of all people right and left.

Wow how are you so self unaware to not realize this shit "woe is me" personality of yours is exactly why colleges don't accept you lmao

Because you're such a retard that you only read headlines and don't realize that's not my personality.

You will never amount to anything, and the best you can hope for is becoming a street sweeper.

Link for the wrong post?

lol keep telling yourself that

the curriculum is arguably much more rigorous than a d2 state school. but i feel like once you're at the level of U of Michigan or U of Illinois, etc. they're arguably the same as any ivy

D2 only matters for athletic scholarships ya dip

I get that, I was just giving a frame of reference.

Well you did it in the most idiotic way. Hell the best school with the lowest entry percentage in the country is D3 in football even though they're a Military School.

What school is that

Huh? If you mean New London and the CGA (Norwich is a few miles up the River Thames) the final acceptance rate is about 15-20% depending on the year.

The former is a private university, just saying.

it's like gucci. you pay for the brand name.

They’re what Gucci is to clothing

I went to a cheap public state school my first two years of college and then transferred to one of the public ivies.

Exact same caliber of instructors, same materials and same textbooks. In fact I think my instructors at the second school gave less of a shit whereas my "cheap school" instructors were always really open and helpful during office hours.

You do not get what you pay for when it comes to college. My female friend who got her nursing degree at a technical college says that she feels she and her peers are more qualified than the ones who came out of the four-year schools. More hands-on training and more to-the-point curriculum in the classroom.

My female friend who got her nursing degree at a technical college says that she feels she and her peers are more qualified than the ones who came out of the four-year schools. More hands-on training and more to-the-point curriculum in the classroom.

For a field like that for sure, it doesn't matter. The value of an ivy league education isn't necessarily better instruction (though it absolutely is better for particular fields) but the connections you make. Making friends with people named Thaddeus Vanderbilt III will pay dividends your entire life

Thaddeus Vanderbilt III

Hard as a rock at the idea of getting bussy blasted by a mayo WASP named Thaddeus

Graduates from both cheap public university and graduates from expensive Ivy League university both graduate still believing that white men walked in the moon.

Clearly the education doesn't make them smart, it just given them delusions of smarts

You are far better off just getting a self education at your local library

Because you're paying for more than just a direct education. In addition to obvious things like amenities, you're also paying for the prestige, alumni network, research opportunities, and so on. An Ivy League school will always have more of those just because of its name. Even if you learn the same stuff, going to a better school proves you're more capable (because they only take the best students) and so you're more likely to get hired and will be paid more.

It's rich people college, and comes with all the advantages a place for rich people has.

Ivy league schools often attract the best professors in the field in any given curriculum, whereas less prestigious schools hire people who just graduated from their own masters program.

I could see the NYT reporting on it.

Exactly it’s not that she is stupid for expecting the NYT to run an article about a drunken rant on a college campus. The main stream media consistently runs with shit that shouldn’t be considered news.

They are losing market share to long forum discussions on podcasts vs people wanting to watch 6 panelists scream over each other for their 20 second of airtime. They can’t compete with other internet sites and podcasts and people who would rather watch sports or other entertainment.

They have to make up atrocities and come up with an eye catching title to lure in customers because they are a failing medium for news. I could totally see the NYT, “White nationalist neo Nazi claims superiority over all!” They are going to get clicks, “Drunk young college student is confronted by SJWs and acts ignorant, wakes up hungover and embarrassed,” isn’t selling shit.

it's almost as if ivy league schools purposely bring in midwit minorities to meet quotas 🤔

this makes me go fash unironically

Lol get the fuck out of here you dork

eat shit liberal bootlicker

The light of Allah will enlighten us all when the nuclear weapons are finally launched.

Look at all this centrism

fascism is radical centrism.

Wow you're still here I figured you would've necked yourself by now because a black girl in Alabama got a $200 scholarship from Wendy's or whatever

cry about it shitlib. you'll be hanging from the gallows once we get our hands on you.

Lolcow milk, get yer fresh lolcow milk here, folks

yes daddy milk me

You are so gay

Bro it sounds like you are just not good enough and are salty. School literally doesn't matter. Gain some fucking personality, learn a valuable skill, and you will succeed. University prestige literally only matters right out the door for your first job. I went to a state school and am making 100K less than 2 year out of college because I am good at what I do.

Stop acting like a liberal and blaming others for your problems.

I never said I had any problems retard.

This makes me go fash ironically.

Naw their filled with minorities from abroad that pay full boat and don't get the scaled help. Keep up.

Ivys are already flooded with south asians. If anything they're trying to keep people like her out.

you're thinking of east asians.


realizing that legacy + donor admissions brings in more dumb kids than affirmative action ever could

Seriously, the dumbest people I know are legacies and god forbid, mayos

If you want to argue about fair admissions, start with legacy admits

Agreed. Mayos cheats to preserve their seats in elite private institutions via affirmative action believe it or not. It's quite the disgrace

faculty admissions, too.

Legacy admissions are dumb. So is race based affirmative action.

Sure, but I’m arguing that legacy admissions is much more unfair and significant in that it is a solid 15% of students in each college class, and obviously throws merit out the window.

If you care at all about fair admissions, it’s disingenuous to attack AA at all if you don’t focus on legacy admissions first. Most people don’t discuss legacies and choose to REEE about AA, which leads me to believe it’s not really about fair admissions.

Who made you the judge on that? Legacy admissions are bad. What some of the Ivies do to limit Asian-Americans, though, is straight-up racism.

I’m friends with people on an actual Ivy admissions board and I interview people so I’d say I have a pretty decent insight

That's fantastic, doesn't answer my question.

How does it not? I have better access to information about this than most people, and having a more informed opinion generally makes you a better judge

You have a friend who works for an Ivy school in the admissions department, so you're super qualified to judge everyone who talks about affirmative action as a hypocrite and decide what's more important

More so than people that don't know what actually happens in admissions

Legacy admissions are dumb but that's where the money is.

That doesn't change the ethics of it

Legacy people have been shown in educational studies to have higher grades and test scores than those who are not legacy. Your anecdotes are only that.

Legacy admits take up about 15% of most Ivy League schools, and it’s not exactly a secret that donating will boost your kids’ chances of getting in.

I’m not surprised that legacies have higher grades and test scores, having more money gives you access to better education, and SAT scores are pretty much linearly correlates with income.

Point taken.

But now you get to enjoy your white male privilege of racking up thousands in debt for a piece of paper that will define the rest of your financial life.

> the fact that someone this retarded (seriously) is at an ivy and i went to a cheap public uni really burns me up.


LOL, I can just picture you


to be fair, he's just a regular incel, not necessarily (seriously) retarded.

Just because all the vegetarians are lefties doesn't mean the left doesn't also love its red meat. Grade A outrage bait.

Instead of talking to one another, both sides just load up videos like this and yell at the person in our heads


the fact that someone this retarded (seriously) is at an ivy and i went to a cheap public uni really burns me up.

You should try being more brown.

she unironically thought a drunk guy saying "i love being white we built civilization" was worthy of the new york times reporting on it.

have you read the NYT lately? not surprising at all imo

haha, kids these days, think I'm getting old.

the drunk white boy ranting about his love for mayos and the girls getting super easily offended by it.

I have three friends that went to Ivy Leagues. Two of them are easily the bottom 10% in intelligence in my friend group. One thing tho, they all just suck academia’s dick and think anyone in academia are gods to be worshiped and listened to. It has made me realize ivy leagues are more luck and having a good (made up usually) story than it is being intelligent.

Don't say that in the current stickied ivy league post about the MDEfugeee.

You will be downvoted and called a cope fag.

she unironically thought a drunk guy saying "i love being white we built civilization" was worthy of the new york times reporting on it.

The NYT is a leftist rag and it probably will.

This is I guess going to be mean. In which case I am in the right place ...

This poor woman looks like a potato in her twitter head shot. I don't know much about fashion, but there's got to be something that can be done. So given what she's working with, it doesn't really seem surprising she might have a smidge of grievance against anyone with anything at all going on. She's like a poster child for grievance studies.

I mean NYT is now a shitty “American” rag with all that multiculturalism agaenda shit so I wouldn’t be surprised

"Now", it's been that way for 15 years. Thinking any American media oraganizatiom is trustworthy or respectable is proof of mental deficiency.

Not all of us are mentally sufficient 🤤🤤🤤

They have to pitch at their target audience: Americans.

Saying the truth is far more insulting.

Stay poor and mad, europoor


Womp womp.


I agree that this situation is way overblown. There are certainly situations of more explicit racism that we could focusing on than an obviously drunk college student.

But please stop thinking everyone in the press is fake because orange daddy said it. This is today's New York Times, where is the multiculturalism *agenda? Please do point to just one article that has multiculturalism fix or angle.

#blacktwitter @EbonyMag

Wut lol


How is what he said dumb

He even threw in a "I know you're going to take this wokely I just mean I'm happy to be who I am" at the end

"I love white men!"

Imagine being so chauvinistic that you are actually a homo

I don't have to imagine

Hey this comment is homophobic and will be brought up years later when youre in the public eye!

Man I wish I could be Notch or Musk level rich. Could literally say anything and have people reeeee the fuck out with virtually no consequences.

You just described the Proud Boys

Twitter, do your thing

Or, euphemism for mayocide.

Yaaas queen

she wants to use twitter as her personal army to ruin a drunk uni students’ life for saying a pretty ordinary statement

Idk what I hate more, how she’s acting or how much attention she’s actually being given.

Both. Definitely both. Thinking it's okay to ruin a person's life over something so minor is just... baffling. What the hell is wrong with people. No one should be encouraging or suporting this bullshit. Goddamn do I hate twitter.

What's this mayo thing? Is it that incels reek of unwashed semen or something?

MDEfugees OUT


Gets mad at white guy for saying white people built the modern world in a recording made possible by inventions of white people while attending a university founded by white people in a country founded by white people on a computer invented by white people on the internet invented by white people on a website created by white peole in a language created by white people

Gets mad at white guy for saying white people built the modern world

in a recording made possible by inventions of white people

while attending a university founded by white people

in a country founded by white people

on a computer invented by white people

on the internet invented by white people

on a website created by white peole

in a language created by white people

Hello fellow meme enthusiast!

I see you are trying to apply the popular "may may arrow" format, but regrettably, the way you typed that gets mangled by reddit's formatting! yikes!

Luckily for you my friend, I am here to help. You can put a \ in front of your >, and it will stay a >, because \ negates all special reddit formatting! cool!

But wait, there's more!

On this sub you can put your lines between brackets (these things: [ ] ), and follow up that line by (#gt) - this will put a > in front, and make it green, too... for free!

Happy meming!

Delete this


imagine putting effort into this

How did you get the swastika flair, I must know.

I’m assuming by being a genuine seriousposting nazoid

fair enough. Im jealous its much better than the sanskrit option.

I paid 50 Zimbabwean dollars for it

Oh, that's what the #gt links are? Huh.

Shut up, nerd

nice sperg, retard.


Gets mad at white guy for saying white people built the modern world

in a recording made possible by inventions of white people

while attending a university founded by white people

in a country founded by white people

on a computer invented by white people

on the internet invented by white people

on a website created by white people

using a language created by white people


University founded by YT

And built by slaves

Country founded by YT

See above

Yeah but that's like giving credit to a winch or a wheelbarrow.

Wait, do you think the slaves came up with the idea for the school and designed it?

Do you give Chinese factory workers credit for the iPhone?

They get partial credit for being the poor saps who have to build the peak mayophone

Every black person has an iPhone. How do you think they post on Twitter


Via Twitter for iPhone

why do brainlet liberal wom*n like you even bother posting on any of the vaguely controversial le reddit subs? you're way out of your element and your retardation is clearly on display.


your retardation is clearly on display.

stickied meltdown of a sperg

think again, faggot.

youre literally famous on this sub for being a world class retard. pot, meet kettle.

no u retard

Lololol I'm glad you're enjoying your spotlight that comes with the kind of spergs that you put out.

And you still wonder why those colleges won't accept you, lmfao

Imagine if a US university accepted you? That would be great wouldn't it!

The invention of the iPhone that doesn't cost $3,000 per unit, yes

you think that minor agricultural inputs to an economy 400 years ago determined us landing on the moon?

small agricultural inputs to a regional economy 400 years ago

Lmao pick up a book you absolute retard

this is your brain on liberalism.

REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE how dare you point out my deliberate whitewashing of history


This is your argument.

Holy shit mayos sure get triggered when you point out that they weren't all enterprising individualists who built America from scratch.

I'm not even a mayo I'm a sandnibber you amoeba-tier IQ glorified western prostitute

Keep screeching into the void. Hopefully your lard filled heart can handle the sheer amount of outrage culture you desperately consume every day, CAnimal.

i hope someday there's a reckoning and your radlib thot ass is dragged to the public square and flogged for being a traitor to your own people and a political cancer that has crippled a great country

Proudly doing my part to bring about the mayocide and the fall of Western Civilization (because the YouTubers say wimmins, despite being weak, are capable of doing this great feat). Get your anti mayocide trash out of here white boy.

le mayocide meme XDDDDDDD. i'm a quirky girl on the internet and everyone agrees with me. here let me repeat what other people made up. teehee

ep*c, reddit landwhale.

Assimilate or get out CAutist


This is your brain on the Chans

implying I'm a channer

If you aren't you might as well be your brain has absorbed their bullshit like a thirsty sponge

Probably a Copt or a Maronite. You’re the mayos of the Middle East.

sand person

insulting intelligence

this'd be ok if you weren't a wanna be nazi roflmao

If white people didn't do everything, how'd they get on charge of everything

(((they))) built everything


unironically preaching about white privilege and shit yiiIIIIIKEekeSssssSsssss thats NOT a good look

not knowing that whitewashing is originally a painting term before the wokes co-opted it


we both know you're using it the woke way, dummy, dont pussy out now


enjoy sharia bitch

Aw did your CAnimal buddy summon you for back up? Sharia will be better than listening to mayos cry when they are reminded that America was founded by slavers.

Slaverry was the best thing that ever happened to them. 90% of Africans would love to have an American passport.

I dont see why its even an issue, the black Americans are the most spoiled and useless people in all of history. If America got rid of all its nonwhites it would have zero crime and zero poverty.

You feminists are traitors and you'll get whats coming to you eventually. Womens rights were also invented by white people, and were definetly a mistake since so many of you take sides with the enemy.

Thats why nobody wants you in armies and war, because we know all you'll do is spread your legs for the enemy, hell you even do it when we're winning the war because you're morons.

Put down the fentanyl. Or better, don't.

Go be a good liberal woman and put your son in a dress and parade him to pedophiles at one of your 'drag' shows.

Leftists are traitors.

That is the summary of your ideology. You are scum, and we will prevail.

autistic photo collage

Let me ask you a serious question: what does it feel like to have so much pent up impotent rage? Does your heart constrict and your vision go red every time you see a lib? What is your blood pressure like? I can hook you up with some anti-hypertensives can can pair well with your fentanyl habit.

I'll counter, what did your dad do to you to turn you against your own people?

No, no, no I asked first. Where are your manners?

Manners? With all those ableist microaggressions? In your own parallel legal system you'd be a criminal and subject to censure.

That is the summary of your ideology. You are scum, and we will prevail.

And now it's the strongest country in history, and not because of cotton, foid

here approaches another CAnimal, salivating at the fact that he can interact with a foid. He smacks his lips as he prepares to drop some piping hot knowledge on that dumb thot. "And now it's the strongest country in history, and not because of cotton, foid," he furiously types out, one handed of course as the other one is occupied stroking is 2 inch penis at the thought that a bona fide female is on the other side of the screen. As he hits save, he climaxes, dribbling cum onto his gaming computer chair.

Imagine being this sensitive of a foid

haha le small pee PEE. PEE PEE xD

Hit too close to home?

Yeah according to women everything is small.

Have u tried simply having a bigger pp?


Ew dude you have to NSFW tag that shit

strongest country in history

Imagine being American and unironically thinking of yourself as above the British Empire. lmao @ the colonies, must be funny not having had the largest empire in history.

Lmao, it was the Germans who put people on the Moon you nincompoop.

In Massachusetts? You mean technically free technically paid servants/migrant workers.

the US was built by oxen and mules

A hammer is only as useful as the carpenter who wields it.

Built by slaves

Ya, all those super rich southern states. lmao

Black slaves actually had it better than their white masters. In fact, white southern slavemasters were the real oppressed.

at the height of US slavery 2% of whites in the south owned slaves (and 5% of free blacks owned). in the north it was a far lower.

The low % of slaveowners are highly misleading because only the head of a household was technically the slaveowner. Children (and in those days wives) obviously didn't legally own slaves, but if their dad did it's a bit absurd to pretend they had no connection to it.

Going off individuals, 6% of free persons in the CSA and 5% in all slave states owned slaves in 1860. But almost a third of free households in the CSA owned slaves (with 2-20% owning slaves in Kentucky, Missouri, Delaware, and Maryland, which were border slaves states that stayed in the Union). I'm not sure if there are any comprehensive numbers about the prevalence of slave ownership among Southern free blacks (who were only about 3-4% of the total black population in the South).

While the numbers still don't constitute a majority, it was far from something that only a tiny minority of elite families were involved in.

Built by slaves because any moron can cement two bricks together, and as it turns out it was a waste of money because most of the building happened after slavery abolished when they paid poorer whites to do it.

Most of these institutions were schoolhouses during slavery era, and became giant complexes after whites did the buiilding.

All women have ever done is leech, it makes sense why you'd take sides with the other leeches

Alveolar taking another bullet from the MDE crowd, as always

Thanks for recognizing the hustle. Tbh we need pizza back for his anti-MDE effortposting.

His ability to write a infinite amount of effortposts in the face of lazy regurgitated insults was a thing to behold

And built by slaves

That's like saying that crops used to be farmed by horses and oxes.

the university was built by slaves? is it made of cotton?

There would be no computers or Internet if we indians didn't invent the number 0.

Don't be silly you guys can barely claim alcoholism and gambling

Other Indians bro

Street shitting

I know I was hoping you'd get mad and call me a low IQ burgertard

I’m not the pajeet I’m mayo as fuck bro

Oopsie poopsie whoopsies I did an epic redditing fail 😂👌

modem or totem?

You don't invent the zero, you discover it. It exists whether you want it to or not.

Numbers don't exist

That's weird, considering how many people dedicated their lives to studying them.

Numbers only exist as a construct of the human mind. How is this so hard for you to understand.



be thousands of years ago

Indians can’t communicate how many toilets they want in their cities

invent zero

That's a good one. Up dooted


Imagine being entitled to the accomplishments of better men because you're as pasty as them.

Doesn't make the inventors not white.

So if why people are taking responsibility for the good things, does that mean they have to take the responsibiliy for slavery the Holocaust etc?

No that’s pretty fucking retarded. Unless we’re blaming black dudes for selling black people into slavery.

and jews for buying them

I may be off base here, but I don't think the Dutch are historically jewish...

Oy vey

No that’s pretty fucking retarded

Yes, white guilt is just as stupid as white guilt, welcome to radical centrism.

Not wrong here

Pride because you share the same skin color as people who actually did something impressive doesn't make a lot of sense

Retardation makes perfect sense, but it's still sad

The Holocaust was the systematic killings of 6 million white people.

Have some respect.

If blacks take responsibility for various tribes literally genociding their way through Africa. Also white people didn’t invent slavery, but they were the first to abandon it.

i mean if u think about ti blacks are the real colonialists

To make your point you should have used bad things as an example, like equality laws and ending slavery.

Yes but we also get to take credit for liberating Jews from concentration camps.

Most of the camps were liberated by Russians.

Russians are white, QED.

Lol no.


American forces liberated concentration camps including Buchenwald, Dora-Mittelbau, Flossenbürg, Dachau, and Mauthausen

British forces liberated concentration camps in northern Germany, including Neuengamme and Bergen-Belsen.

That's enough to say white people liberated the Jews even if Russians aren't white. I still contend that Western Russians are fairly white, pun intended.

Americans aren't white either.

The US army was 90% white during WW2. The average AA is has 20% European ancestry, does that mean AAs aren't black?

Ok you win. Thanks for everything white person

Yea but their being white played exactly zero role in their ability to invent those things. Let's not forget a lot of those inventions were results of team efforts.

Yeah but it’s not like they’re 100% white, and you’re probably pretty inbred if you’re dna analysis says you are.

The feeling of entitelement has more to do with the better men being his ancestors than being pasty. I get that for autistic individualists it's hard to understand, but normal people feel morally connected to their family and people.

Yes the blood of Aristotle, Caesar, and Napoleon flows through through your veins. Whatever puts you to sleep at night buddy.

It probably does, retard. It flows through almost every europeans' veins, and quite a lot of non-europeans' too, just because those dudes lived so long ago.

Anyway, it doesn't matter whether one is literally their descendent, because (again) non-autists feel connected to their family and their people.

It probably does, retard. It flows through almost every europeans' veins

It's funny how you feel so connected to your people yet you don't even know about their history. Caesar and Aristotle both had two kids, Napoleon had six but that was in the 1800s. These people aren't cereal fuckers like Genghis Khan or Charlemagne. It is unlikely that you are related to any of them, and I am certain that you don't know shit about your lineage. Perhaps feeling morally connected to people who lived hundreds of years ago that happen to look like you make you feel better about your own life.

Caesar died a little more than 2000 years ago. Let's say a generation is 25 years, and let's say 2 children per capita on avarege (both estimates probably come short of reality). That's 280 descendants, which is a fuckton more than the whole world population. The chance of any European not being his descendant is really small. You don't need to be a serial fucker when you have so much time.

Perhaps feeling morally (lol) connected to people hundreds of years ago that happen to look like you makes you feel better about your own life.

Of course it does, that's one reason why non-autists feel this way.

Most importantly though, it makes me more likely to trust, and make sacrifices for, others who I also feel connected to through those ancient people, because they kinda feel like family. But I'm sure a society of individualists is so much better to live into, so much less violent and conflictual, so much more capable of providing public goods.

The likelyhood of any European not being his descendant is really small.

Assuming purely random mating, sure. If making a family was as random as that we wouldn't even have races or ethnicities. Even going by the one drop rule the chance of being a descendant of Caesar is low unless your ancestors hail from some locales or socioeconomic groups.

Clearly there are barriers to mating, I don't expect an Australian Aborigenal to descend from Caesar. But I don't see any barrier tall enough within Europe. What comes to mind is geography, culture, class and politics, and none of them feel strong enough, given the time involved.

We are all sons and daughters of proto-Ukrainians, so I really don't understand what are you retards arguing about.

Unless Caesar had illegitimate children we don't know about, he hasn't had any living descendants for over 2,000 years. He had two biological children - his daughter died giving birth to her first child (who also didn't survive the birth) and his son was murdered as a teenager before having any kids.

Also, this thread started out about building the modern world - Caesar was a very influential historical figure, but he definitely didn't build the modern world.

Unless Caesar had illegitimate children we don't know about, he hasn't had any living descendants for over 2,000 years. He had two biological children - his daughter died giving birth to her first child (who also didn't survive the birth) and his son was murdered as a teenager before having any kids.

While this is true, it doesn't really matter. My uncle clearly isn't my ancestor, but I'm nonetheless proud of him and I still "have his blood flowing through my veins". Family is more than parents and children, and so his a people.

Also, this thread started out about building the modern world - Caesar was a very influential historical figure, but he definitely didn't build the modern world.

Of course, I didn't come up with the example. But if one can reasonably feel pride for Caesar, it's even more reasonable to feel the same for someone who lived more recently.

I mean everyone is related to everyone at the end of the day. I have Italian ancestry and I've always loved Roman history but at the end of the day any connection I have to Caesar is practically no different than anyone else living in the modern world. Using him to justify feeling superior to other people would be idiotic.

Everybody is ultimately related to everyone else, but people benefit from forming discrete groups, whitch requires building exclusionary narratives, a way to tell "us" from "them" and why this matters. Using Caesar to justify a special bond with some people is not idiotic, it's useful. So useful, in fact, that people use completely even made up shit (like religions and foundation myths) to do the same, all the time.

What's your problem lmao? Are these hurt someone else is saying it' ok to feel connected to your family and kin?

Pretty sure that those people didn't conquer, rule or administrate alone, or exist in a vacuum with no influence from or to the people around them. The fact that we even know who those people are today speaks of how important preserving cultural legacy is.

Almost everyone in Europe is related to Charlemagne:

This is tangential to your overall point, but for the sake of historical accuracy I will point out that Caesar was a notorious lecher and probably had dozens of bastards running around by the time his toga got ventilated.

The feeling of entitelement has more to do with the better men being his ancestors

I can ensure you one thing is that people who care about being white don't have the (((ones))) behind all progress as ancestors.

But anyway, back to reading Jew-owned news and supporting race diversity.

Imagine being retarded enough to not feel proud of western civilization while being white

I bet youre a retard that says “white people have no culture”

using a language created by white people

What? You do realize info-European came from brown people right? I hope this is sarcastic comment

England might be full of brown people now, but not historically.

I am starting to think that people on this sub are not being sarcastic but just hide behind it to get away with leaving hateful comments. How is the fact that not only white people live in England now at all relavent to what im saying?

That’s probably because you’re a retarded bigot and so that’s all you ever can see in the world because that’s all you want to see.

You don’t think old England was almost entirely white?

I do but how is that again relevant to my point? White people didnt invent the language

English people didn’t invent English?

You are hopeless

You’re talking out of your ass.

You are literally pretending to be a retard. How is that working for you? Must have developed quite a habit

lol you're the guy who thinks english wasn't invented by white english dudes

Yup and we still worship Yakub for his stellar work.

Jewish people invited the internet

I hope that we're all clear that it's not important at all which race did what—because measuring contributions like that are hard to quantify and overall irrelevant to all things—, and that this is being mentioned because the cameraperson brought it up.

Every single time I see a Twitter comment section I get shocked by how stupid those people are. Every single time I'm equally shocked. It's like a collection of the biggest idiots on the planet. They analysis of things make no sense whatsoever.

It was a pretty big copefest that's for sure. You had people jumping in with irrelevant stuff like "the ancient people of ____ used ___ 3000 years before white people" as if shamans thinking the gods worked through plants was the same as refining an active ingredient.

And of course the inevitable list of minor inventions that black people made. Notice how its never, "invented the X", its "invented the first Adjective_X"? Like, color television, wireless phone. Etc.

I don't think race really has much to do with anything here, and in the modern era asia has stepped up their game re: contributions to the sciences, but still its funny that they think listing a dozen or so small inventions stacks up well against the mayos here. Atomic theory, the semiconductor, the combustion engine, aircraft, rocketry, genetics, space flight, the list goes on and on.

Hey, I heard black people invented the peanut!

No, but Mr. Peanut isn't a mascot, he's a real being that was created by Yakub thousands of years ago.

Classic Yakub. What a guy.

They literally listed gifs as a black invention lmao

Stealing shit is part of their culture you racist.

It shows how much these people prioritize race in their worldview when they dispute the most simple of facts. And it's not like normal people are saying white people are a superior species for coming up with a that shit, it's just that the group with the best habitat where they could develop and advance society quicker happened to be of white skin.

It doesn't fucking matter they were white. they could have been black, blue, or green, but if you were born somewhere with horses and vast amounts of domesticable cattle and good crops you would have been at the forefront of society.

Scarcity theory is actually a counterpoint to that. Africa has abundance moreso than Europe, and it caused a lack of development due to lack of competition. That is one of the theory's postulations.

Malaria is a hell of a disease.

Probably because with Twitter's new rules and regulations anyone with an IQ over 80 gets insta-banned.

said the r/drama poster

>learn how to greentext, you fat slut.

posts on /r/drama

calls the commentors on somewhere else retarded.


We're ironically retarded here sweaty

The best kind of retarded after Autism and Downs.

You do prove your point with this comment.

Twitter comments are on a whole other level. Even worse than YT comments.

What does that say about your level of intelligence when each time you can't even learn to not be shocked.

Emotions are not always directly controlled by intelligence.

Even dogs can learn to brace for unpleasant stimuli based on repeated experience.

Bracing is not hard.

Fucked up thing is they seem to hold a lot of power, corporations buckle immediately under their incessant fagging

If everyone who has ever used twitter dropped dead tomorrow the world would be better off (excluding people who used it for a little while then realised that it's shit and stopped).

People who say "the tea" or anything similar should be the 1st against the wall

this is what being an ivy league is all about


Hey I'm sure his father owns a dealership so he's set for life

Brown women fetishize whites and arguing with them

Don't kink shame shitlord

Dude christmss isn't for like two weeks wut

Mayans. Egyptians. PoC working behind the scenes in mathematics, science, the arts. On and on.

Lol Copts are some of the most right wing people I've ever seen

That's because to idpols copts don't exist, egypt is full of muslims that totally don't bomb churches or whatever

No... He'll be pissed you don't speak Arabic and call his cousin that's in military intelligence on your ass.

Also pretty White and the most ancient egyptian in ancestry


Technically aren't North Africans and Middle Easterners Caucasian?

I guarantee that nibba is a Doctor Who fanboi

Hey guys, she wants you to treat people with kindness though. It's right in her twitter header.

But wh*tes aren't people?

Wow honestly thought this was gonna be my school

no one cries for Carthage CARTHAGO DELENDE EST

Galileo is considered as the father of science. However him being Italian doesn’t mean he was white

Advanced Medicine in the Indigenous Americas....

Mayans. Egyptians. PoC working behind the scenes in mathematics, science, the arts. On and on.


Oh now the mayos want to claim Italians. Sorry but no take backs on the wops.

Kopernik was a woman

Everyone knows Shakespeare was actually a black woman, so, better luck next time sweatie.

How can Shakespeare be a gayboy if he was a woman?

Why is galileo consired father of science? Why not Aristotle. Or is this person trying to muddy white history?

> italians

> huwhite


Revisionist Afrocentrist history in full force in the replies. These people legitimately think the fact they invented the mop and the lawn mower puts them on equal footing with Europeans on contribution to global society.

All those inventions & advancements this white boy is taking credit for couldn’t have been done w/o the intelligence, ingenuity, expertise and labor of POC.

For example, math & music began in Africa. Paper & printing in China. Advanced Medicine in the Indigenous Americas....

For example, math & music began in Africa. Paper & printing in China. Advanced Medicine in the Indigenous Americas....


Advanced Medicine in the Indigenous Americas

Yes which is why we're still treating illnesses with herbs and berries and cauterizing wounds with hot rocks to this very day

As far as we know, math started in Europe, when Euclid built up the first axiomatic theory with proofs. China fucked up with printing because their script, while scoring 10/10 for artistic value, scores 2/10 for practicality when only primitive mechanization is available.

holy shit, it's not like he'd have anything else to be proud of than the skin color of his ancestors... (not that she's doing too well either..)

that kid is on the deans list in physics at an ivy league school. what are you doing with your life?

My wild guess is that whatever I'm doing with my life doesn't change the fact that he sounds extremely hysterical and pathetic. :-)

It would have been better if you just hadn't responded. You're making it worse.

actually it was pretty ok to reply. Are you in that video? lol

Is there anything false here? Why are people angry? He wasn't even being waycis.

Get a job, bogan

Thats cultural appropriation, and its wrong.

Listen here, I'll have you know I'm gainfully employed harvesting the goyims money.

What a second. Are you Ari Shaffir?

I don't think anything is racist , I just think the guy in video is obnoxiously stupid and wrong though. To think that White people did everything and to say that in public is not necessarily racist I'd say but is maybe slightly BUT if anything it's just stupid not really racist .

Twitter is the best high school gossip machine ever!

He's not wrong.
White people are great.
Everyone is allowed to be proud of themselves for their immutable characteristics except for white men?
Give me a break.

He hit the nail on the head.
You can love white people and everything they've done for civilization while not disliking others.

White people are great.

Mayos are trash get over it


Oh look!
A racist!

Oh sure, just call anyone you disagree with a racist 🙄

Mayos are trash get over it

I only call people who are overtly racist, racist.
You're a racist.

I only call people who are overtly racist, racist. You're a racist.

Settle down SJW Sally 😂😂😂


There we go, back into your fentanyl haze

You're lonely, aren't you?

Sir, I've already told you I'm not interested.

Definitely lonely.

He is a Jew, normalcy is asking too much of him.

No need to get all personal and rude, sweaty. Smh he was just trying to have a civil discussion and now you're calling him a lonely racist. 🤒🤧🤢🤮😵

I'm not going to stand up for some retard who hates race realism, but for fucks sake isn't making fun of the drug epidemic you kikes started is pretty low even for a Jew. One day, it will be you who is falling asleep - for good.

The Jew in its natural habitat, making judgement of other races of people whilst he masturbates to his strange and degenerate fetishes with his scrawny arms, his disgusting appearance and deceptive, lying personality repulsing all around him. "Oy vey" he cries out, "Mayos are a trash people" asks female acquaintance to watch him masturbate into a ficus brags about killing children in Palestine Rips off foreskin and rubs it on his face "I hope my volacano demon gods wipe them ALL out!".

I love my culture

"that's the tea sis" unironically makes me want to break some.. uh.. things.

What the fuck does that even mean? I thought it was a typo.

Wtf, every top post here is about someone digging up old offensive tweets is this the new metoo?

you aight white boy


Lmao some douchebag doxed him. Poor guys life is over

I love when those shitlords claim "WE built the world", "WE advanced science", "WE invented sliced bread" when he personally just raped hentai themed pillows all his adulthood

What's wrong with raping hentai pillows? 🤔

Yeah seriously do you see how they dress? They’re asking for it

we saved billions of people from starvation

I mean, you were responsible for pretty much all of the mass starvation of the past two centuries but okay.

Yeah, all of the african and haitian dictator were white. Mao too was white as fuck! Polpots omg... so white...

And pretty much all of them were either animated by the white ideology of communism, or arose as a result of the subjugation of the non-white world by whites. Look, I'm not an SJW, but it's undeniable that whites really messed up the rest of the world during their colonialist streak.

It's perfectly fine to claim whites were responsible for modern luxuries like running water, electricity, computers, etc. But you can't claim they saved billions of people from starvation. Those billions of deaths are because of whites.

And it doesn't validate "social" "justice". Social justice doesn't fix anything. All it does is perpetuate animosity and hate.

That's enough srsposting for today.


Note to self: Annoyed a nazi today, day isn't a complete waste.

Surprised you have electricity to post a response, to be honest. Pray tell, when's the next load shedding scheduled? Is the economy still a complete fucking catastrophe like it was when I left? What about the crime rate?

Damn, boet, could've probably used more of the colonialism right about now, huh? Especially when the ANC is the alternative.

LOL, you actually are a nazi, aren't you? That's hilarious. Imagine being such a nothing that you have to lean on your skin colour for self-worth. HAHAHAHAHAHAH You're not deserving of attention. Bye

A cursory look at your post history shows you attacking Jews and supporting apartheid - and i'm the Nazi? You fucking donkey haha.

OOOOOOF. Got him good. He's now gone into hiding.

Let me guess, you’re a fan of that cuck Netanyahu.



Holy shit the tears. Lmfaoooooo

On a long enough timeline we're all black. Cradle of motha'fuckin' civilization.

Til Haber Bosch was actually to starve POC instead of pull nitrogen from the air so germany could make bombs and then food

Can someone seriously tell me what inventions we stole from a civilisation so primitive they hadn't even invented the wheel? Because they keep talking about the mayans.

So being proud of your people and their accomplishments is illegal and worthy of expulsion?

Whole lotta wes in there. This man managed to create civilization as we know it before even graduating from college, incredible

Europeans built the modern world.

This is either highly controversial or literally the point of all Western Civilization classes.

Beautiful work.

If we want every mayo hating themselves for being mayo by 2019 we need to pick up the pace.

When you switch back to white theme and you realize youve been missing out on code clarity all along.

Twitter, do your thing

And that's what's horrifying. She's counting on social media's rabid appetite for mob rule and destroying lives over petty shit.

And she'll get what she wants. I don't usually go all [current year], but ferreal tho, current fucking year.

And if people decide to dox her for her attempt to destroy someone's life over petty shit, suddenly it's "Doxxing is wrong! look at what is happening to this poor girl."

Let me guess, twitter will delete that post and ban the horrible people doxxing a man for a video he probably didn't consent to being filmed.

Right? hah

This is funny, but imagine a black guy saying the same thing "I don't hate other people I just love my black men" and everyone would be snapping together at how woke he is.

#It's Okay To Be Right


posts wall of text making objectively false claims about PoC inventors, including that some guy who was born in 1731 invented the clock

Honestly just kind of sad

not having fascist tendencies in 2018

Just like the saying: "If you're the smartest person in the room, you're in the wrong room" never forget the following:
If you have a woman with a head-scarf in the room with you, you're in the wrong room.

This is how I operate my life in Turkey and it has payed off well. Unfortunately not everyone can stick to this principle if they're not lucky enough in life but that doesn't mean people shouldn't try.

agreed, brother.

Lmao in which case you shouldn't cry because you missed out an academic life with our fellow "human" Aala. You should be able to be as successful without ivy education if you're half as smart as you're claiming to be on this thread.

I never claimed to be unsuccessful. People putting words in my mouth here.

In which case why are you complaining about not making it into an ivy league? surely if you didn't mind, you would have little to no reason to complain about some degenerate making it to said ivy collage.

Cool story turkroach

Try to install a more secular gov please sweety

Turkish law is unironically more secular than American law. The fact our government appeals to retarded islamists doesn't change that.

Of course, I don't expect a magatard to understand that lmao.

I was just circlejerking about the recent coop in your country


but yeah call me a magatard and also start denying the Armenian genocide, turkroach.

recent coop in your country

lmao i can't even tell if you're being ironic with "coop".

whatever though the coop dee t'at would make turkey officially an islamist state so who cares. it's good that it failed.

but yeah call me a magatard and also start denying the Armenian genocide, turkroach.

The Daddy Defence Force is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Magatard and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

Coop de atat u fucking faggot is commonly just shortend to “coop” or “coup” if you wanna be a pedantic faggot. But ur not a native english speaker so i will forgive thee roach

I'm parodying you, you hyperautist. Who the fuck says "coop" other than dumb amerilards? Or maybe I shouldn't insult americans as a group for once because you're the only american i've seen that spells the french word as "coop".

probably because its the first time ive spelled coup d etat in fucking my life, other than saying IRL as "coo - eh de taut"

fucking turkroach faggot

it's ok you're a 56%er so i forgive u, just remember to breathe

Reading the comments in the stickied Ivy League post where all the Chapo lite dramatards - not fooling anybody with that radical centrism shit - and then reading these, really activates the almonds.

Man she must be super oppressed being at an ivy league school 🤔🤔🤔

It's OK to be white

lol and people mock China's social media credit system as something so bizarre and brazen.

We have a perfectly good mob system already in place that weeds out undesirable thoughts right here.



“Open reflection space” lmao do people actually go to stuff like that?

The more you know.

Lol jesus christ

Mark my words in 5 years if you have an appreciation for western art and architecture yoill be sent to a re education centre


Liberal Muslims are so fucking gay. I want the militant ones who push imperialism under threat of death.


Every college has around 15 of these obnoxious girls wearing hijabs and denim jeans.

Tight ones too

Or wearing yoga pants and tight/form fitting upperbody clothes

Its like dude wtf ya doing here

And why do they always wear those short boots

Its pretty hypocritical but at least i can lust after that forbidden race mixing of nordic and arabic genes


Funny cause she was probably only accepted because they had too many asian and white people so they just chose someone with a muslim sounding name for "diversity"

Disappointed, but not surprised. Twitter, do your thing

Stone her immediately, arrogance is the greatest sin a human can commit.