Is buying a peacoat despite not being a sailor autistic?

1  2018-12-10 by Inceltiers

Got myself a new coat for winter and it’s a peacoat I quite like it but I am worried I might seem autistic since I’m not a sailor

I used to do sailing when I was younger with sport sailing but that’s not sea man stuff

Please give me thoughtful advice as I am in a moral conundrum thank you 🤗


why is this in r drama?

just wear whatever the fuck you want. But throw that trilby out. I know you own one.

It’s important discors

If you bought it to just stand around wearing red flannel , tight skinny jeans, black glasses with a grey hat on in a Starbucks. Then yes. It's autistic.

If you're not. Then otherwise, no. Buying a warm jacket to protect your ass is one of the least autistic things you can do.

in fact it's a very commendable and responsible thing to do.

wow thanks!

can i be your friend :)

Buying a warm jacket to protect your ass is one of the least autistic things you can do - in fact it's a very commendable and responsible thing to do.

This. Make mummy proud, OP.

If u post on reddit it doesn't matter what coat youre wearing, everyone u know and meet will have already clocked your autism. Check out /r/streetwear for insight into how much time/money autists like u can waste on looking like a total poser.


Lol that's pedo gear

So gay.

Real men wear their Chesterfield coats and beat indigent toshers with their canes.

I think peacoats look nice.

Do you think everyone who wears one is a sailor?


Peacoats are stylish, but you have to wear it confidently (and it has to fit well).