The secret response to /fit/.

1  2018-12-10 by NotchDidNothingWrong


You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


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None of these people are proles. Also when a twink starts talking about LGBTQ issues then people generally become suspicious.

You’re on Reddit. Everyone’s either upper middle class or grew up upper middle class

Working class

has gym membership


? How poor do you think the working class is?

Where I live membership to a good gym costs between 700 and 1000 dollars a year.

I know you guys have those cheap gyms where they throw you out for sweating too much, but that's not so common outside of Burgerland.

I mean, my local gym is $32 a month for a decent weightroom. Unless you're doing classes I'm not sure else you're getting out of $1000 a year at the gym.

Planet Fitness is $10 a month bro.

You literally get thrown out if you groan while lifting or make sound while running. PF is a joke.

It's not that bad, but they do have some weird philosophies. Either way, the point was that having a gym membership isn't exactly a privilege to the elite. Most chain gyms are pretty damn affordable.

Hes probably never been to a gym before lol

It's over for blue-collar-cels

You can go to the gym at rec centers for free lmao.

I really hope someday I walk into one of those gyms because then I can just start using the equipment without a membership because it belongs to the people. Gyms are expensive

leftist LARPers open free gyms and jerk off about how huge they’re gonna get

Fash & Joe Rogan types fill up and take over the place

Really the best outcome tbh

I would love to go workout at a place like that. You'd automatically be the swolest person there next to the skinny fat soft bodies lifting the 5 pounders. You'd never have to wait for a machine either. They'd probably get triggered just from eye contact and run off.

I would never work out at a leftist owned gym. People with dreadlocks tend to have scabbies, lice, ringworm etc

The biggest problem with lifting is that it kind of goes against leftism. If you work out, the effort you put in is directly related to the benefit you get out of it. You can't give your aesthetic and physical gains to someone else. Everyone wants to be beautiful and strong, but nobody wants to work to be either of those things.

Similarly, leftism supports subsidizing those that refuse to put effort into themselves and their communities. Those people (who unfortunately seem to dominate most socialist and other left-leaning movements, if my experiences are anything to go by) see weightlifting as just another thing to fail at. "Why even bother getting strong if someone else can lift it for me?" "Why should I better myself if we're all meant to be equal?" "Who cares about physical strength and appearance, we've moved past those petty things!"

The poison of modern leftism is the refusal to better oneself, and it will never change until we find a way to transfer gains from one person to another. Until then, expect gyms to keep saying blue lives matter and for the average right-wing individual to be in better shape than the average left-wing individual.

Well, at least this guy mostly understands why hard left people are generally pussies.


Why even bother getting strong if someone else can lift it for me?


This is retarded nonsense. Commies have always promoted physical fitness.

Planet Fitness already exists for them, they have the lunk alarms for the too swole gym bros.

Blue Lives Matter in a gym? That's next level. As a Canadian living in Germany, I've never witnessed anything like this. By the sounds of it, the gym culture must be especially troubling in the US.

“That’s odd but hey by the way IM A LEAF GUYS DID YOU KNOW IM A LEAF ABROAD?!”

Reslly? So doing any stressful lifts at all will lead to being whined at?

How do you get fit then?

By going somewhere others than planet fitness.

Bloatmaxx on their free bagels and pizza

Blue lives matter flags are hanging in gyms all around the nation

What's wrong with that? There were plenty of police in USSR too, they do a valuable service to society. On other hand, how would a race of people who's contributions to society vary from collecting welfare checks and smoking crack to raping and pillaging cities until they turn into ghettos, fit into a socialist state?

The comment was made by a drama poster, I'm 100% this thread was linked in the past as well.

attain social media followers.

The right is so fucked.


I loled

He's not wrong. I go to the gym 4 times a week to pump iron and discuss how we are going to beat off the gay men with our big sweaty muscles and force lesbians to go on diets.

discuss how we are going to beat off the gay men

Nothing more manly than sharing brotein

How can I take these people serious about their fitness prowess when they bitch and whine about flags supporting firefighters.

I'm imaging some normal guy going through his routine when some dufus walks up to him and starts lecturing him about communism and when the guy politely says he doesn't want to talk about politics with a stranger the twinky would just stand there for a few seconds and say "...fucking chud". They'd think they really sent them a devilish insult but the normal dude would just be thinking "where is this guys social worker?"