MDEfugees irl

1  2018-12-10 by Ade-lele


I’m not denying it doesn’t happen, but to assume all people who wear mascot costumes, or are furries, smoke crack and fuck all day in costume is a massive fallacy.


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Peak black fragility

Still not as fragile as a white boy ass gettin whopped 🤣🤣🤣

shut the fuck up wh*te dog

1v1 me on rust faggot


man i thank god every day i didn't go to public school

I too would prefer Father McCann blasting my bussy in the name of our Lord

Homeschooled or private?

private, cheap private schools are the public schools in my area because real public schools got literally destroyed by a 40 year long bussing case that got ended after the judge decreed "there are no more white kids in the schools, so they are desegregated". 86% of white children here go to private school. even the poorest whites will scrape 0(if on scholarship) to 2k to send their kid to private school.

don't really understand what you're saying. you went to a private school to avoid black people?

if you want to get a good education/not get stabbed you had to go to private school, schools are only as good as the parents of the kids that go there. you literally can't learn in these schools. black kids with parents who gave a shit about them sent them to private schools too, there just weren't that many of them. just imagine schools in the city having some of the highest spending per student in the state while being literally one of the worst school systems in the country while the schools in the neighboring parish that had the suburbs and way less spending per student being the best public schools in the entire state. there was one public magnet school that didn't suck but they had strict racial quotas so really only asians got to go there.

What state is this? do you live in a city?

username and yes

Living in the South explains it

pretty sure the same shit happened to boston

You're probably right. However, I just hate the South.

So does everyone else on reddit. It’s for the best. I wouldn’t want to live around redditors.

Yeah, but the twist is I was born and live in the South.

sux to be you

Self awareness really is some shit, huh.

It's ok, we're blessed with Bojangles and Chickfila

aww bless your heart

dude, this kind of stuff actually happens all over the country. Its not exclusive to the south.

Don't care, still hate the South

It’s funny how much public schools vary in quality across America. Where I went to high school, the public schools are actually better than the private schools, which are pretty much all Catholic schools. Most of the kids who went to Catholic high schools were the imbecilic sons of local upper-middle class parents who hoped that their kids would “shape up” from being sent to a Catholic school. Oddly, there were also a lot of ne’er-do-well boys from middle class families from China sent to Catholic schools in my area.

yeah i know a lot of people who grew up in certain parts of houston and dallas and their public schools are literally some of the highest rated in the country

Most of the kids who went to Catholic high schools were the imbecilic sons of local upper-middle class parents who hoped that their kids would “shape up” from being sent to a Catholic school.

Imagine being so jealous of successful people.

Imagine being so bad at setting B A I T

AKA "segregation academies."

well id have literally died if i went to the public school i was zoned to because its a warzone and i was always small for my age so call it whatever you want, ill call it a godsend.

War zone seems like a stretch, but I understand the desire of parents to send their kids to seg academies. It's not a long-term solution to the problem however.

You know it’s great to watch amusing videos like this but that kid is super going to fucking jail for battery. And then he’s just going to be an addition to the crime rate.

Your tone implies something would be unfair about that

Well that’s certainly not what I was going for, lol.

In the interests of society it would be better if the young man was able to turn his energies to more productive pursuits. What's good for dramacoin is not always what anyone would choose given limitless wisdom.

Tl;dr two retarded teens have a fight, one proves much higher-T than the other.

Shiid devin need to try out fa da hurdles in the olympics the way he lept them damn desks lol

Intellect intensifies

Aw look at that trailer trash run.

im still tryna figure out how he got away frm him runnin like tht

Shiid devin need to try out fa da hurdles in the olympics the way he lept them damn desks lol

Is this the infamous Chocolate American Vernacular English? 🤔


Personally, I am still attempting to figure out how the other boy escaped, despite Devin's great speed.

Shit, Devin should attend the Olympic tryouts. Based on the way in which he leapt over the desks in this video, he has incredible potential as a hurdler.

Holy shit this is glorious. Him dropping them n-bomb and five seconds later he's doing a waddle/run coming back towards the camera crying for help. This is pure fucking gold and is so good it almost looks staged. Let the mayocide begin.

That was fun, I enjoyed that.