Young turkcel genocides pewdiepie on twitter for promoting a "children's cartoons with added nazi propoganda"

1  2018-12-10 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


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I think the bussy in the link picture is the real treasure here.

That youtuber won’t ever stop unless he’s actively bullied and his things are smashed.

I dont know if E;R is trolling or not, but he was able to make woke twitter drop their tendies by getting Pewds to endorse him by making an otherwise top notch video (or the Swede didnt watch the video and made an oopsie).

He mentioned in his Last Jedi review that he was not actually racist and it was a gimmick more than anything.

The thing is I dont have the autism to connect the dots and decipher this mystery. I am glad you picked up my slack.

I was merely pretending

He must be really committed to the act since he spends his time on gab discussing the JQ

If you have to say I'm not racist, you're racist.

Caught you, racist.

Oh shit.

Like naming a YouTube channel after nationalists who dunked on the Armenians?

I'm starting a YouTube talk show called the Waffen SS, no relation to the group though.

Chenky Yogurt: It's just a prank bro!

Dude come on he's clearly racist

Pewdiepie mentioned him enjoying E;R's content before too. E;R even mentions it in one of his videos. Strange that one didn't blow up when this one did.

#>someone who works for an agency named after the people who invented industrialized genocide calling others a nazi

They say they're named after something else. But that's like waving a swastika flag in the West and saying that you're a Buddhist, not a Nazi.

/My boy/ E;R getting the recognition he deserves!

gems at it again

E;R's a scumfuck? Not sure how I didn't notice.

E;R is a god-tier youtuber

14 year olds are reading the culture of critique