*** Mayo Gamer Gets Arrested For Beating Up His Wife On Livestream After She Started Throwing Objects At Him *** Gamers Rise Up, Protesting His Innocence

1  2018-12-10 by Shark_life


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It's Okay To Beat Wife

I'm over here reading the Koran and growing an epic beard, biding my time for when the intersectional feminists are finally triumphant.

So she attacks him by throwing things repeatedly at him, harasses him as he tells her to leave him alone all for a good full minute, but she is the victim. Everyone needs to keep their hands to themselves. If she didn't start then he wouldn't have responded.

She may have been wrong to nag and harass the guy but when you snap so hard you beat the shit out of your wife to the sound of her and your kids screams your moral high ground just went out the window.

She didn't just nag or harass and he didn't just snap, she physically assaulted him with objects she threw at him and he repeatedly told her to leave him alone. How many times should he have to tell her to be left alone? No one called the cops on her.


Pregnant and kid screaming doesn't matter. Is it legal for a pregnant woman to assault someone now cause I missed hearing that.

Is this your hill to die on?

Im sorry I believe in equality. She started it then got the consequences. From the video she's an annoying cunt. He gave her every chance she resorted to violence he met in kind. Ancient Tibetan philosophy states "Don't start none, won't be none"

Welp of you ever have a significant other I hope they have shelters on speed dial.

I never hit first cause I can take it and I call the police when I am hit first and know it'll be a problem. These days you gotta be first to even be believed. The problem is everyone siding with her because she is a woman. Switch the sexes or make it two men and the guy throwing stuff is in the wrong first here.

If your fear of this shit is more than passing theres an issue mate

It's not a "fear" but you never know what other people will do. Also my mother works probation she has told me many stories about the girl slapping a guy over clothing all he does is push her to get away and leave then he gets arrested cause she calls the cops on him then she lies about the hitting cause there are no marks on him. Sometimes they get acquitted but that's after. Being arrested and spending money


I really hate to say but everyyyyone I know that was in that situation they saw happening miles away. Very rarely is your girl going to go ape shit and then call the po on your ass out of fucking nowhere. I get that people have bad days and might even get physical but if she playing you dirty like that you missed BIG red flags in their personality up to that point, likely purposely.

A lot of people seem to miss this when they get hysterical over the potential that they'll get physically abused or falsely accused of physical abuse by any given rando that they start dating. Somebody with any semblance of social skills will be able to see the warning signs once they start dating a person regularly, if not on the first date. Usually it takes time for abuse to escalate to physical violence or false accusations in a relationship, but the partner either decides to ignore the signs for whatever reason, has a background where abuse is normal, or is abusive as well and feeds off of their partner's dysfunction. It's unlikely for somebody who's aware of the red flags of abuse and has some shreds of self-esteem to wind up in situations like these.

Whoa getting deep here but yeah you hit nail on head. It's fucking anxiety of what they hear about but without the life experience to temper it. But there is a bit of themselves seeing how they would not control their actions because they know deep down they're pos's. But that won't stop them from believing they can change the other...

Some chase the highs and put up through the lows (normal), some seek out trouble, some instigate. It's not even a gender thing it's just a human thing if you're addicted to the bullshit really.

I suppose you believe the same about women whos partners beat them up?

I really hate to say but everyyyyone I know that was in that situation they saw happening miles away. Very rarely is your guy going to go ape shit and then beat your ass out of fucking nowhere. I get that people have bad days and might even get physical but if he playing you dirty like that you missed BIG red flags in their personality up to that point, likely purposely.

You sound like an absolute bitch. Man up.

That's just as toxic. That used to mean "handling his woman" which by traditional standards would have been really beating her and "putting her in her place". Sorry im not as much of a wife beater as you are.

Pretty sure “man up” never meant to beat your wife anytime either of us have been alive unless you hang out with some trash woman beaters. Wouldn’t be surprising the way your talking all down your chain.

You say "man up" as someone who has never actually dealt with a woman so i will assume you are some white knight virgin incel who will of course deny this later but we both know the truth. So I'll give you some free lessons. Sometimes women lie. i know shocking right. When they do lie you are fucked ( i know you've never actually been fucked you virgin) because people automatically believe them no matter what. So if you are ever assaulted by a woman (pretty much the only way one will ever touch you) make sure you get it on record she touched you first (you know after you celebrate a woman ever touching you outside of your family) because if she doesn't like you ( and how could she ever) if she decides to call the cops and blame you then you will go to jail where many men certainly will touch you and you will no longer be a virgin.

After the words “man up” are you writing about yourself here? The projection is super strong. Do you fantasize about hitting woman because they don’t want to be around you or what? Sound like some dudes should beat you before you can beat a woman tbqh.

Nah all you.

Aw you want just me to smack you? Gladly sweetie.

Then I get to call the cops. Like he should have when she started attacking him.

Lmao, you have to run to the cops to put the foid down. You're so fucking pathetic and won't even take the beating into your own hands.

I speak english so I don't know what a foid is. When was it made legal to "take a beating"? By your logic he took the beating into his own hands and then got arrested for it. Sorry but I'm not the stupid cunt you are to get abused then hit back 1 time and then get arrested for it.

His mistake was in not beating the foid earlier. He should have kept her in line so she wouldn't be chimping out during his gamer sesh.

So you're calling me pathetic for calling the cops when you're answer was to this is to beat her into submission before it got that far so she never would have called the cops. I hope you are being sarcastic because I never said he was right just that she was wrong.

I said he was right and that she was wrong.

I don't see where we're disagreeing.

You're post states he should have beaten her earlier to keep her in line. I never said he was right in beating her just that she was to blame for this. There is a huge difference.

You're post states he should have beaten her earlier to keep her in line.

I never said this.

I never said he was right in beating her just that she was to blame for this.

She was definitely to blame, why do you think I'm not getting this?

You literally say

Lmao, you have to run to the cops to put the foid down. You're so fucking pathetic and won't even take the beating into your own hands.

Yeah i disagree because an incel like you thinks you are owed something. As i have stated I don't think he should have hit her however she is in the wrong for starting shit.

You literally say

Lmao, you have to run to the cops to put the foid down. You're so fucking pathetic and won't even take the beating into your own hands.

I never said that.

Yeah i disagree because an incel like you thinks you are owed something. As i have stated I don't think he should have hit her however she is in the wrong for starting shit.

You're assuming I like disgusting gussy 🤢🤮

my mother works probation

Judging from your very loose grasp of the law and probation, the test determined that was a lie.

I know exactly bow the law works when a man is accused by a woman. Guilty until proven innocent.

Example 2 mens lives ruined simply because a woman called the police and lied and no matter what when you google their names a rape case will always be there.


So not only are you a degenerate egalitarian, you're also a snitch? Shameful.

Im sorry isn't that what women wanted equal right? Don't attack someone if you can't face the consequences. Which now she can with a red hand print on one side.

Men and women aren't the same, retard. Don't hit women.

Never said they are the same. However they do want equal rights. So it's ok for a woman to attack a man and he can't do anything about it.


  1. Good God are Brits ugly.

  2. Yes. Women are inherently weak, both physically and morally, and should be treated the same way you would a child. Children say they want lots of things that are bad for them. It's your job to be the adult in the room.

So you treat women as children. Sexist and misogynistic. You're a catch.

Only sexist. Misogyny is a hatred of women. Also, you're sounding an awful lot like a male feminist at the moment.

Not a feminist i just hold people accountable for their actions.

But serious people are only outraged because 1 of them is a woman and pregnant. If you make it 2 males or 2 pregnant women it wouldn't have the same result. I have an arbitrary person A did this Person B did this and place blame on the true wrong party.

Im not defending him but I am saying she is at fault and is receiving no punishment for it.

I mean if i threw stuff at you and you punched me because of it people would say i deserved it for throwing the stuff at you first. It's 100% the same here. She started something physical he slaps her she cries and we all run to her forgetting what she did first.

First, "if things were different, people would react differently" isn't compelling. More importantly, you realize this is r/Drama, and that I'm probably drunk as shit, right?

I did not notice r/drama. Still she started it and should be punished. He wasn't right in hitting her but not necessarily at fault.

Men aren't the same as other men. At what point is one allowed to defend himself? And at what point does someone deserve to be punched? Fuck that cunt. She deserved a broken face.

Got a little bit over excited, didn't you?

And you are men's libber who puts pussy on a pedestal.

What kind of trashy life do you lead where you're even in danger of being hit to the point where you have a plan for what to do in that scenario?

To be fair, if someone gets born into a trashy family where domestic violence happens all the time, they're going to have this mindset. In those situations it's a popularity contest where whoever can get witnesses to testify in their favor is the only thing that matters, so it breeds extreme paranoia.

I asked a woman the same question once, apparently that's sexist tho...

Lol you'd never hit second either. You'd be such a whipped little bitch put in your place by your 300lb mustached 'wife"

Ahh another white Knight incel. Never hit at all once I call the cops just secretly record and let them dig their graves. But you believe what you want.

Don't make me call your wife

Sorry it's too late to call the prison she is in for attacking me first because you know this crazy thing called the law.

I'm picking up the phoooooooone

If you throw a tissue box at someone it isn't an invatation to beat the shit out of someone in front of their children. This isn't an equality thing, if genders were reversed the wife should be locked up.

So you can see what was thrown in the video because I couldn't I just know he blocked a few of the things with his hand again she started the assault.

And he finished it without mercy.

Next time he can call the cops let her give birth in jail.

Well, yeah, that's what a normal person would do instead of beating the shit out of them in front of their own children.

A single slap isn't beating the shit out of someone now you're just exaggerating. Also since it happened off screen we don't know if the kid(s) saw it or not.

You would make a great lawyer for hell.

Well isn't that where all lawyers go to? But serious people are only outraged because 1 of them is a woman and pregnant. If you make it 2 males or 2 pregnant women it wouldn't have the same result. I have an arbitrary person A did this Person B did this and place blame on the true wrong party.

Im not defending him but I am saying she is at fault and is receiving no punishment for it.

I mean if i threw stuff at you and you punched me because of it people would say i deserved it for throwing the stuff at you first. It's 100% the same here. She started something physical he slaps her she cries and we all run to her forgetting what she did first.

Throwing a tissue box at someone wouldn't get anyone charged with anything.

Keep pumping up the sperg though.

As i have said before we can't see what is being thrown but it is more than 1 item you can hear that. Also there are plenty of lower level versions of crimes that can be charged but may only include fines, counselling, community service etc.

Then he should press charges on the bitch. Shut the fuck up already.

I never said he was "innocent" i am saying she is at fault tho. Also you can hear a single slap in the video. You keep insinuating things that are false only a tissue box being thrown or more than 1 slap. Stop replying and wont have to keep talking.

He's a men's libber, so he possesses not one shred of intention toward intellectual consistency.

she dead

This is not the case of "she threw down first so it's a fair fight" lmao.

No she threw down first and repeatedly he responded with 1 hit and somehow it's all his fault. Female privilege at its finest.

Watch the full video, he goes over to physically attack her three times: https://youtu.be/7yHy0gcZ11Y

By the way, it’s a big difference between throwing small objects at someone and physically assaulting someone. My roommate and I used to throw tennis balls and tissue boxes at each other for fun. We never slapped each other in the face for fun.

You did it fully knowing it's for fun. What if someone else just started stuff out of nowhere throwing tennis balls and tissue boxes at you? He obviously from the video wasn't expecting it nor was it for fun as after he clearly stated to her "leave me alone" so how many times does someone have to say that before it counts as assault? Shouldn't once be enough?

We never slapped each other hard in the face for fun.

Why not?

I should clarify: we never slapped each other hard in the face with our hands. We slapped each other in the face with our cocks all the time.

She is fucking PREGNANT.

There was a small CHILD in the room.

If she is pregnant she shouldn't start shit. where was her concern for the unborn child when she was throwing things at him?

There was a child somewhere in the house not necessarily the same room.

the ethics of why foid beating should be legal?


You are a fucking faggot. I'd love to beat the cuntstain apologism out of you.

i don't think i agree with you but i like how you say it

It was fucking cardboard she threw at him you god damn mongoloid

i know you're a virgin because you think it's not normal for girls to be more forceful against their stronger partners. A mature person can gauge that, like how you don't stand over shorter people, and you don't crush your frail grandmother.

Or how you don't hit your pregnant wife that's under the effect of hormonal imbalances, and probably pissed at her loser husband playing Fortnite instead of caring for his family?

he "beat the shit out of" her?

did she survive?

Considering her and the kids screams I have a hard time believing he was just tickling her really hard

his biggest mistake was not crying like a baby off-screen. then everyone would think she broke his skull.

Well that and the fact that he recorded the whole thing on stream. Not to mention that the kids saw the whole thing while saying "daddy nooo". But yeah it could have totally been her apart from all that

idk being a pussy and beating the shit out of your pregnant wife no matter what she's doing is bad praxis.

So she can start all the violence she wants and its ok because she is pregnant cause i missed that new law. She threw object at him and he took it and no one called the cops.


que? mind the context. this isn't some chest-beating, if-you-give-an-inch-they'll-take-a-mile shit. he's in no fucking danger, the outcome of anything physical isn't even in question. his response is objectively pathetic. the law doesn't even come into the question.

She did not cease attacking him physically and verbally until he defended himself with a single slap. So if he didn't hit her how long was she gonna go on cause it was literally over a full minute. Let me throw things at you and scream at you for a full 60 seconds.

So can i follow you around throwing things at you all day and be within the law or do i have to get a pregnant woman to do it?

Any reasonable person would have stopped playing their video game and left the room, hopefully with the children. There was no reason to respond to a relatively harmless meltdown with violence, especially in front of kids who are likely already traumatized. I thought that people grow out of the 'well he hit me first!' logic by the time they hit puberty

I agree SHE should have left the room harmlessly without starting HER meltdown of throwing things and yelling especially when he responded he will be there.

He should have given her a de-escalation muff dive.

Hey if that's what's needed before things got thrown then fine and on camera even better

One of the things you have to learn as you become an adult is to let other people be wrong sometimes and not viciously beat them for it.

A single slap is viciously beating? One thing you have to learn as an adult is the true meanings of the words you use and how to use them.

As mister "physically assaulted him with objects she threw at him" would know.

Physically: in a manner relating to the body as opposed to the mind.

Assaulted: attack or bombard (someone or the senses) with something undesirable or unpleasant.

My statement is accurate.

Yeah it's from rage, not fear.

They act like both children and mother and son. It's so fucking weird.

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This is one of many examples of why women won't talk to you.

I'm less disturbed by him hitting than acting like it's no big deal. You can infer that happens all the time in that house. He should at least be a gentleman wifebeater who asks if she's okay after he punches her.

What else do you expect from a supposedly grown "man" and father who plays fortnite, and thinks that any sort of video gaming is any kind of an adult pursuit?

He streams for money as he says he is the only one paying the bills. Granted i hate Fortnite too but let him stop and wheres the coming from.

If video games are his sole income then he's even more retarded. How are you gonna have kids and not develop a marketable skill to take care of them?

How he earns a living is a whole separate issue. I'm not saying he is Einstein but at that point he is working making money now enter her who should know that's how he supports all of them throwing things at him and screaming making him stop. So imagine your SO coming to your job and just standing there throwing things at you yelling to come home and eat dinner while others watch. Now try and tell me she isn't the problem. I am not defending him hitting her but she is definitely in the wrong for this.

What in the fuck are you talking about? Streamers love fucking drama, especially organic drama because it brings in views. He barely brings in shit for views depite being on for 6 hours a day and only became known due to this. This guy is just a gussy beating cunt who did it in front of his crying children.

Dude's fucked up.

It's called the Duluth Model and there are many men's libbers here who subscribe to it.

What are your hobbies

t. jealous incel

You are fantasizing dropping the soap after being jailed for domestic violence aren't you?

It's over for wifecels.

Gamers can never catch a break


Imagine marrying a gaymer.

A fucking Fortnite streamer too lol.

I'm sure you'd take much better care of m'lady

Lmao chill out dude, you're always so fucking mad

No need to be so triggered, snowflake.

🤣 You're the one angry but I'm triggered 🤣

Your forced used of emojis has completely convinced me of how incredibly seething you aren't, snowflake.

Would never touch anything that ever touched a gamer. That shit is tainted.

It's over wife-hitting-cels

You can take the gamer out of the basement but you can't take the mommy issues out of a gamer.

husband: alpha retard

wife: beta retard

That’s what happens when gaming is a widely accepted hobby and career choice nowadays. Every other loser is “a gamer” recording themselves these days.

Is he identical to his fellow lolcow Onision or are Anglo's Spawn starting to look all the same to me?

Here's more proofs that all gamers are based + redpilled as fuck.





Isn't that the thing that teen girls use and pedos beat off to?

gamer gets the bullet for playing fortnite but the foid deserved it

That doesn't look like a married man, that looks like a twenty year old being bothered by his mum.

Poor guy didn't even get a tendie tray to flip so he had to use his bare hands.