Imagine being this RIGHTOID

1  2018-12-11 by AlohaWarrior34


If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


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no u.

When did all of these Boomers migrate to Reddit? These memes are fucking sloppy.

My conspiracy theory is places like /r/the_donald kept getting promoted to the Fox News audience and after the 2016 election they swarmed the place.

It went from /pol/-tier memes that occasionally elicited a chuckle to Boomer central in the span of a couple months.

What I heard is something a man never wants to hear - the screams of his own blood born son, shrieking as an enraged gator ripped off his testicles and ate them whole. The poor boy had no chance, cowering over as the floor covered in crotch blood, his entire life purpose made null and void by the liberal marxist neighbors in our complex.

That's some good shit 👌

My favourite part is

This thing had clearly been trained in the art of testicle removal by the sickening homosexuals in the apartment next door, ready to destroy a patriotic Christian family from within.

Jesus, that's fucking retarded.

The right can't meme.

what the fuck

lol well i guess you need something to offset all the leftist subs

Me and the other grandmas in my Thursday knitting circle have been talking about this. We agree we should be hanging them high as a warning to the Muslim hoards and other degenerate queer liberals hellbent on destroying our god given rights to American freedom.

My fucking sides this cant be real

It isn't

How fucking dare you make me look at these trash tier memes with my own eyes.

Lol it's one sad old guy

The title of this submission is: "LOL comedy GOLD <3 <3"

Kill me.