Fem whales surprised that skinny humans aren't a compatible mating match.

1  2018-12-11 by Die_Bart_Die_


Have you posted bussy yet?


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‘Wow, he shouldn’t body shame! It’s probably because his dick is small!’

Yeah, very up front with their double standards on that post.

Needs more drama.

"Am I obese? No, it is the benis that is too short"

Thing is, even assuming that is the problem - It's not, 5" is way enough for any normal woman - he's not gonna grow a bigger d#ck, is he ?

On the other hand, I'm pretty damn sure the girl can afford to lose some damn weight.

You literally don't even have to do anything. Just STOP eating so fucking much.

Someone tried to tell me it was too expensive to lose weight. Motherfucker. How retarded do you have to be to think you're going to spend more money on food by eating less food.

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Obesity Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Go For A Walk Like Nigga Close Your Mouth Haha

Yup. You can lose weight even when going to mcdonalds 3x a day.

he can easily grow a bigger dick. He just won't be the same person anymore.

5" is way enough for any normal woman


I meant to be able to penetrate someone without an actual physical problem doing it. Don't get your hopes up.

Yeah because that's all it takes to have a good time.

I mean, no, but according to this post's namesakes, it's still somehow not a given.

For you maybe


It's over for below-10-inch-cels



Piss him off and his furious thrusts will go so deep he'll be smacking that cervix.

These women are p wise.

Do they think that shit works?

I mean fuck man, last time that happened I just told the truth about why we broke up, and the entire thing backfired on her face.

Yes, I think TwoXChromosomes has unironically good ideas ever.

Ow, hitting the cervix isn't fun for either party

Speak for yourself. Punchin wombs is my kink.

I don’t think women of 2x have figured out calling someone an incel or making fun of their dick size has absolutely no effect when the person isn’t an incel and has a normal sized dick

Whatever makes them feel better I guess

Why would an athletic guy be okay with fucking such a gross, mayo whale who also looks 40+? Men are disgusting.

Chubby chasers 🤢🤢🤮🤮

men are fucking* disgusting


Because this whole post is fake and gay as r/dramas mods

As untrue and not heteronormative as /r/drama's janitors

Athletic probably means he's skinny and shows his abs.

No, it means he's black.

He's probably a black manlet.

I always did love my body, but he's made me start to second guess my self esteem and I've started noticing like how much slimmer other girls are, how chubby I look in some outfits

Well, duh! I mean look at those photos? Those arms and that neck! Jesus, talk about self delusion. And all these slimy people actually telling her she's "just" fat or simply "curvy",lmao. That's morbid obesity through and through.

But, but it's totally healthy and empowering to call obese chicks curvy.

Also her arms are GOALS 😍😍😍

K-dog is all over that. K-dog likes his women extra thicc.

Kdog is one of the many obese man who has more or less successfully conditioned himself into believing that obese chicks are actually attractive

I'm about 300lbs

I've started noticing like how much slimmer other girls are

Just now ? Like, I know I'm a bit thin, but I'm also 6'1 so it probably evens out, but i'm literally less than half her weight.

How do you not notice you are twice as big as other women ? Seriously, I think she might be becoming blind because of diabetes.

It's not that unbelievable.

The trope about the big Bassett hound being afraid of the Pomeranian has some truth to it.

What's that trope? Also, Bassett hounds are not that large of dogs.

That big dogs who grow up around small dogs think they're the same size or smaller.

Sure, basset hounds aren't the biggest, but they're way bigger than pomeranians. Stop trying so hard.

I was genuinely confused.


Are you American? When most of the people around you are obese you perceive it as normal and being a reasonable weight as the exception. Also they lie to themselves a lot, e.g. telling themselves they're not actually that big.

Are you American?


When most of the people around you are obese you perceive it as normal and being a reasonable weight as the exception.

Just how fat are you, America ?

Fat enough that this lady probably does have a chance at guys because shes not just round and still at least looks like a woman. Granted one whos morbidly obese and disgusting but one who still fits in a standard bath or shower.

Just now ? Like, I know I'm a bit thin, but I'm also 6'1 so it probably evens out, but i'm literally less than half her weight.

I'm (a) a bloke (albeit stereotypical manlet at 5'10), and (b) play rugby, yet she still has over 115lbs on me. I could definitely do with getting a bit leaner too.

four hunned pounds

who would fuck that?


I’m 100lbs heavier!

Thats what I want

Absolute unit 🤣🤣

Dear lord, I've hit 300lbs once in my life and I'm a man with massive shoulders and chest and stand 5' 11" and I was still horribly fat. Difference is, I wasn't deluded about it.

Holy shit I bet that gussy reeks.

"Hourglass" lol. More like a pint-glass.

She's slim for someone who posts in TwoX tbh

K-Dog13 4 points 2 hours ago

Might not be popular to say, but I have been with many bigger women, and well I find doggy to be the best/easiest position with bigger women.

Who would have thought that a poster on TwoX has actually go something legit to say about having sex with fat chicks?

This whale immune to harpoons wtf


I've never boned a girl within 150 pounds of her but I've been with some black girls with big butts. It's honestly is about angles.

The amount of sad creeps trying to white knight for that hambeast is disturbing. She's fucking morbidly obese. What kind of man can even maintain or even get an erection about her fat, greasy stench trench?

As a Norwegian whaler with over a hundred notches on my harpoon, I’d like to say I found that post very frustrating.

Your sex life and life in general would be far better at a healthy weight. Time to start counting calories. r/loseit


I don’t think any man would be big enough to successfully ride her from behind.

Holy shit, is this what twox became? Literally telling a morbidly obese person she's completely fine, and how dare her boyfriend attack her personally by pointing out her obesity is causing issues?

What the fuck is even going on anymore.

Goddamn how could you think you are not fat when you look like you have eaten half of somalia population.

Shout-outs to the obligatory thirsty dude whose username is literally about masturbating to peoples photos.. "IGiveTribute".

I’m twice as big, probably bigger too, but doggy works for me. I have to arch my back and make sure my booty is popping out completely though or else they can’t get past the cheeks lol

I’ve been with some bigger women, i can’t imagine how bad the smell is when hitting a 400lb women from behind.

>not wanting a 400 lb braphog

Lmao at your life.

I’ve graduated from drunken shady’s free drink lays

Behead all brap-lovers

Not surprised @ u for being a fentylman and a chubby chaser

Omg that’s a whale!

I'm a fat chick and if a dude can't fuck me doggystle, it is because he's a dicklet, y'all dickcels need to BTFO

Men are fucking disgusting

300 fucking pounds isn't a "little chubby".

Men are fucking disgusting

It's over for brap-lover-cels

Nice larp