Mister Metocuck and Carl of Swindon fans argue in KiA.

1  2018-12-11 by POST_BUSSY


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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Damn, I was hoping for 'They targeted gamers. Gamers.'

I click on that every single time

I try to evolve it with the times to keep it interesting bb 😻

I too like to watch retards fight.

Who and who





Internet windowlicker playing kick the autist vs. youtube political pundit.

Brought to you by the same subreddit that wants to legalize child porn.

Day of the VAC Ban when?

/u/david-me did nothing wrong

Internet e-celeb famboy wars is why I support ISIS's crusade against Western Civilization.

My internet celebrity could be up your internet celebrity.

None of this is going to matter cause their channels probably won't last another 1 or 2 years.

Jim is playing the real housewives of youtube

I like Jim’s videos but this is true. He’s gone full sperg recently.

All the furry stuff recently has been good content for him, but this feud with le skeptics is dumb.

He's entertaining and funny but you could always tell he was a giant lolcow.