The president of Iran (pbuh) reveals that he's literally a chapotard

1  2018-12-11 by Sea_Safe


Are you black or something? Why do you think fathers don't exist?


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I would honestly, with all my heart, love for all the mayos that compose chapo to move to Iran.

Nothing would make me more happy.

Excellent point.Roof rides are far cheaper and greener than helicopter fuel.

Iran doesn’t throw gays off roofs.

Just ostracize them until they cut their dicks off.

In iran, homosexuality is illegal.

Transexuality, however, is not, and the Iranian government recognizes the trans person to be the gender they say they are.

Thus, in Iran, if a man who transitions to a woman has sex with a man, then it's not considered homosexuality since the state considers the trans person to be a woman.

And what does this mean?

According to Iran, traps arent gay.

I remember reading about this like 10 years ago, is it even true?

Yeah, they've been okay with trans people since Khomeini's time.

Wait really?

I have a shirt that just became relevant again!

It makes sense given how pro drama Iran is.

They still jail, torture and silently murder them commie-style and when they really wanna publicly execute them they fabricate a rape case.

i was winding up my iranian father once and asked him what he would do if i was gay; he said he would hang me from the tallest tree in the garden

so i suppose they might technically not throw them off roofs

I remember when I was a kid seeing my crazy Iranian father ready to kill himself because he saw two men kissing in the parking lot of the grocery store.

Where the fuck are all these Persians coming from

Nashnedi? Apparently we get paid to be here now!


Inshallah Amen

People are reading Revelations....

I would honestly, with all my heart, love for all the European nationalists in America to move to Europe

I would honestly, with all my heart, love for all thinly veiled chapocel alt accounts to go back and stay there. Or at least show us your bussy

begone fbt

It's over for Pahlavi-cels. No point in Ayatollah-maxing.

Didn't he literally said that Holocaust didn't happen or needed further studies.

He said

"They have created a myth today that they call the massacre of Jews and they consider it a principle above God, religions and the prophets,"

And when leaving office he said one of his biggest achievements was that

“That [Holocaust denial] was a taboo topic that no one in the West allowed to be heard… We put it forward at the global level. That broke the spine of the Western capitalist regime.”

He also said there were no gay people in Iran and strengthened the religious police .

And American progressives are delighted by his endorsed. JFL.

Oy vey

That's ok, he takes gaycations.

As do all straight men.

That broke the spine of the Western capitalist regime

he said as he bent over backwards and signed his nations sovereignty over to a western coalition and the IAEA

They have created a myth today that they call the massacre of Jews and they consider it a principle above God, religions and the prophets

where's the lie tho

Mahmoud dropping truth bombs.

Religious Authoritarian Police state

Executes blasphemers

Women considered second class citizens

Quasi Communism mixed with religious oligarchy

chapocel paradise

Don't forget

mandatory sex change

Don't forget

constantly shi(i)tting on israel

Oh fuck yes.


You mean: in Israhell

Wtf I love Iran now

You forgot to mention he's an actual Holocaust denier.

Oy vey, how could he 😢

The 6 trillion?????

Holy shit this dude is chapo's wet dream.


I think this account has potential.

this is like the new why_trump_won account, but only seething chapocels will reeee about it.

The Iranian revolution was *very* weird in mixing in some elements of leftist and revolutionary thought with reactionary fundamentalism. This is because it originated from an awkward union of democrats, leftists, and fundamentalists. The fundamentalists pretty much entirely won the resulting peace, and most of the democrats and leftsits wound up fleeing abroad or on the gallows. But still some of that thought made its way into Khomeini's weird, ideosyncratic ideology.

There seems to be in general a weird synergy between leftism and fundamentalist Shi'a. In Iraq for instance Al-Sadr's movement became the largest party in the last election, in an electoral alliance with the literal *Iraqi Communist party*.

There seems to be in general a weird synergy between leftism and fundamentalist Shi'a.

Certainly the motifs of martyrdom in each tendency tend to jive together. Conversely, there's the perceived association between Sunnis and western imperialism:,_The_British_Spy_to_the_Middle_East

Yeah. This weirdly makes the Sunnis much better western allies usually. Even though fundamentalist Sunnis can be *much* worse than even the worst fundamentalist Shia. Fundamentalist Sunnism is where the whole Al Qaeda and ISIS ideology of total terrorist war against the western world came from, with heavy use of suicide attacks. While Shia basically don't use suicide attacks at all. Like Hezbollah definitely does scummy attacks against civilians in Israel in its conflict with them, but there have been pretty much exactly 0 Shia terrorist attacks against the larger western world, and no suicide attacks at all basically.

Not like it hasnt happen literally everytime a communist revolution has happened. The bolsheviks either exiled or straight up killed all the socialists and labor leaders in their revolution once they assumed power of Russia.

Twitter haram.

wtf i love reactionary theocracies now!

They always have lol. In their mind being anti-US makes you a leftist.

Everyone knows the left has a trademark on hating the country. That's why radical centrists are so salty.

I'm pro-US because without their influence the Iranian revolution never would have happened.

Galaxy-brain IQ right here.

not hating the US to own the left

wtf i love imperial japan now

The Ayatollah and his brave Hizbollah warriors will drive you to the sea Zio-shill


Aryans BTFO

Husband, Dad, Grandfather, University Professor, President, Mayor, Governor, Soccer Player, Proud Iranian

Lmao I guess Persians really are white after all. This is the most mayo shit to put in your twitter profile.

I knew a Persian girl who was the palest person I'd ever seen. Honorary mayos if you ask me.

persian gussy is most underrated gussy

Yeah 😢

It's over for Sunni-cels


West Asian

Stop right there mayoid

That's what some call themselves. The broad I knew did so.

I knew an Iranian family who called themselves “Persian”

I’m guessing it’s because they’re pre-Iranian Rev immigrants who don’t wanna be associated with modern Iran

the rare sunni iranian tho

Literally Aryan.

Yeah I really wish I could've spread my seed into her womb, but you can't win em all.

I dont have the study on hand, but of all the non-Europeans, Persians are the closest related to Europeans.

I would expect Turks, there were a lot of Anatolian Greeks that got Turkified. I am suspicious of claims that Iranians are like super white because it ties into a bunch of really weird Nazi Aryan bs. Where the Proto-Indo-Europeans (who were the source of the entire Indo-European language group, from Europe to northern India and Iran) were supposedly some sort of super race, and also like 100% the only source ever of white skin in human history, so the whiter you are the more super racey you are. Cue a montage of really white Iranians and Brahmins, throw in a picture of literally the blackest Dravidian in the world for contrast, voila, the master race relatives.

When we don't even really know how white the indo-europeans were, the indo-european migrations were not the sole source of either European, Iranian, or northern Indian DNA, and skin color is largely just an adaptation to sunlight.

I'm 90% sure you've seen a *lot* of montages of this sort browsing totally not racist or Nazi videos on far right youtube. Whatever. Just know that when you hear people obsessing over how white Iranians supposedly are, there is an ideological source to the discussion, it is not an unprompted reaction to seeing a lot of really white Iranians. There are a lot of white looking Arabs too ([King and Queen of Jordan for instance](, nobody gaf for some reason.


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you literally don't know about anything you're spouting off.

the reason white phenotype exists in the mideast is because during the times of the roman empire (and both before and after) there was a lot of migration of Mediterranean and there is a lot of east mid ethnicity in the mid east. that's why you see European looking syrians, iraqis, lebanese and druze. the "arab" people you claim look "white" are in fact east meds. actual bedouin arabs look nothing like that. berbers are in fact white. they are part of the Mediterranean race, and share ancestry with meds.

Race isn’t a social construct but many racial categories and the significance with which they’re imbued are - eg. 18th century racialists like Ben Franklin considering Scandinavians swarthy, barbaric and unacceptable to civilized Anglos, while 19th century ones grouped them with (and sometimes above) Anglos as a ‘Nordic’ white subgroup above the Alpines and Mediterraneans. Or the US census considering Turks, Moroccans and other MENA peoples legally white from the beginning, even in the early 1800s, for legal/marriage/naturalization purposes.

Also, from your reply to that other post yesterday can I assume you’ve taken the Hibernian pill?

north african (tunisian, libyan, alegrian, moroccan) berbers are in fact white. they are part of the Mediterranean race, and share ancestry with meds.

No, Berbers are descendant of the people who lived in the Sahara when it was fertile. Those people already were pretty light-skinned.

I would expect Turks, there were a lot of Anatolian Greeks that got Turkified

as the token turk i gotta say majority of anatolia were hellenized anatolians, not anatolian greeks. they had their own branch of language and shit, but alas their identity was lost (long before turks even came 4 the byzantian booty)

Why honorary? That's what they've always been.

Honorary mayos if you ask me.

Stop it, I married a white chick specifically to further mayocide.


> literally Aryan

Look at who he follows, its a mixture of dictators, American athletes, iranian politicians, but most importantly; David Duke, Jesse Ventura, Ron Paul and Ralph Nader.

Oh yeah and ESPN and CollegeGameDay

This is like amazing centrism.

I wonder if he has a Reddit account. We could mod him over at r/radicalcentrism.

Ask on Twitter and wait a month.

Only way we do that is if we simultaneously mod Bibi

Try telling a Persian that they have nicely tanned skin lmao, you'll start WW3

Big nose is a good second

Big nose


Roosh V

The V stands for "vindicated"

He also is a fan of Michigan football, if you needed another reason to hate them.

It's over for maize-and-blue-cels

34-32 baby

Yeah but you're not in the playoff so who cares

37-0 lmao

The ultimate Walmart Wolverine

It’s not actually ran by him

The site is banned in Iran and the twitter account is operated in Pakistan And it’s not a VPN

ay fuck u


What is the farsi translation for “fuck the big 10”

Holy shit, mod this man NOW.

Embracing an Islamic disctator to own the bootlickers ☪️🕌😎🕌☪️

haha wow its over for capitalistcels 😎😎😎

So then which middle Eastern leader is the cumtown equivalent

Gadaffi was very Cum

This is the correct answer.

That was my thought as well


what is it's an amazonian guard and it's just for the ladies

Because Islamic theocracy is really left wing.

Nothing says left wing like theocracy and nationalism!

This fucking timeline...

Give me a break.

Dude bussy lmao

Dude headasplodes lmao


Im out of loop so hard. Wtf is this chapo thing I see all over reddit?

leftist podcast.

Failed bourgeoisie larping as Russian peasants.

that's a pretty redundant way of saying western socialist

This is legit the best one sentence description of that den of retards I have seen yet.

I've always been partial to "CTH is what would happen if drama and latestagecapitalism had a baby and that baby was kicked in the head."

Because bourgeoisie = real super manly construction worker manly white man


That's the real working class


Let's just pretend that it's not about capital and somehow exclude 99% of occupations besides menial labor so that the proletariat is ridiculously narrowly defined and almost meaningless

Failed bourgeoisie larping as African slaves*

How much of your income needs to be from investments to become a bourgeoisie? If you and I are both lawyers earning $200k, I end up saving $400k and investing it, getting $30k per year in dividends each year while you spend that $400k on a new Lamborghini, do I become the bourgeoisie while you're a proletariat being oppressed by me?


communist podcast

Brocialist podcast by trust fund kids for trust fund kids

for trust fund kids

It's free. How do you know who listens to it

Fox News it‘s also free, but the demographics of its watchers can be quite easily inferred.

How? Other than old people what can you infer

Other than the inference, you can't infer anything!

Old people are rich?

What inferences can you make about chapo's audience anyway and what proof is there for them

I meant the audience is trust fund kids. Try reading comprehension sometime, it makes life easier

I know what you meant. How is the audience trust fund kids? It's a free and easily accessible. The hosts are rich but how do u know the audience is

only one of them really has a trust-fund type background, a couple were even actual filthy poors before the patreon bux

Chapo can't be brocialist because they're progressive and intersectional as fuck.

Podcast for mayos and Jews who don't think they're mayos.

consider yourself lucky

It's like MDE but with communist autism.

edgy leftist podcast from twitter people that has been extremely redditized

When MDE was banned from Reddit, Chapo filled the retarded vacuum it left behind. The day of the rope is coming for them as well.

It has the verified icon but I can't believe this is real.

Smug commie retards, that's all you need to know.

MDEfugees out.

Not even hiding they hate Juice

Satire is dead. Reality keeps finding ways to top it.

Reality is satire now. The simulation hypothesis is looking more and more likely by the day, an ancestor simulation that just keeps ramping up the absurdity so that they can find the breaking point of the simulation where we can't believe in base reality anymore.


What compels someone to see 20 shitty reaction gifs and decide to contribute to the cumulative smegma?

The guy is still in charge? I remember him sperging out vs the US over a decade ago.


No. In true theocratic dictator fashion, he left office at the end of his term.

Based authoritarian

Iran is quite literally a paradise for them

They would get stoned for there degeneracy which feeds there masochistic fetish

They would get free sex changes which would fulfill there’s life long goal

He denies the Holocaust. Please have him on CTH denying the Holocaust.

Anthony Burch go on Chapo

ok that's it deus deceptor PULL THE FUCKING PLUG YOU PUSSY

What the fuck is happening to politics, the most powerful man in the world shitposts from his toilet and apparently a world leader watches fucking chapo trap house.

Are you guys retarded or something? Ahmadineschād hasn't been president since 2013.

are you guys retarded


He dislikes jews too.

Firmer presidents are called presidents. Although some people are stupid and don't know that he isn't president rn

It's not a call out or anything. Just a link for the lazy to follow.

Wasn't this guy like enemy of America or something like 10 years ago. Wtf is happening

<3 Ahmajinedad

wait holy shit what

How the fuck does the former president of Iran even find out about that shit? LMAO. This is fucking hilarious. From that thread he actually seems like a chill dude, would totally vote for him.