Mumkey Jones update: Mumkey has gotten two strikes on two of his channels. Currently privated and using the gaming channel for updates.

1  2018-12-11 by wazzupnerds

IMO looks like Jackie or a Jackie fedora tipper is going full nuclear.


Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


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My god Snappy she had a family

Literally who?

I feel bad for Mumkey. He seems like a pretty nice guy that got caught up in a lot of drama he didn't deserve.

I don't think he was hit for copyright infringement, but hate speech/harassment. There's a different process for that strike.

It's probably just as stupid of a process.

The only way to make it easier would mean hiring actual people and that won't happen because it'll cost $$$.

The one thing youtube doesn't have.

i mean, yeah

Youtubers get the bullet too

am I supposed to know these names.

Mumkey is a guy who's claim to fame is making videos of himself wearing a monkey mask and yelling about anime and Elliot Rodger. He's actually pretty funny. His friend (who also makes videos I never saw) went crazy and beat the shit out of his girlfriend Jackie. Jackie then called Mumkey for some reason, and he and his girlfriend called the cops on the friend and he got arrested. Jackie then decided this is all Mumkey's fault because she's a crazy battered woman and told her followers (who she has for some reason despite being the girlfriend of a minor Youtuber) a bullshit version of the story. This led to said followers false flagging Mumkey's videos in retaliation for calling the cops.

The Jackie white knights aren't responsible. More likely that it's an automated process scrubbing Elliott Rodger mentions.

Strange, because Elliot Rodger's Youtube channel is still up.


On one hand, Youtube sucks for letting people make false reports. On the other hand, you can get a real job, dude.