srdines sperg out at utuber

1  2018-12-11 by ioiidnsksi


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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snappy fucking boomed me

NSFL? Yikes!

Eye Bleach!

I am a robit.


Eyy, there it is!

srdines sperg out

What's new? 🤣🤣🤣

The anime video essay used the word "niglet" in its description.


Following video game streamers so you can get outraged at things all the damn time. I honestly can't imagine living life like that, you could never bring that up in a normal conversation. I'm just laughing thinking of these NEETs talking some drunk guys ear off at the bar, bringing up all these countless usernames that you can't tell how to pronounce without hearing it first.

Pewdiepie is the only one openly fighting the jews and they're using everything they can go ruin him

Srdines and gcj should just make 1 big sub sinve theyre all the same maybe then people will give a shit about them

Ooopsie doopsie poopsie SRDines are Big Gay.